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If you live in a cold weather area, field mice, more than rats, have a knack of getting through the smallest of openings. The equipment compartment of a spa is a perfect winter home. I keep moth balls and decon there for preventative measures.
My new HS Prodigy is being delivered on Saturday. A few years ago I had to replace my pool heater because of rats getting in for the warmth and eating the wires. Any good suggestions on preventing this happening to my new spa?
I have a "mouse call", made by the same people that make the "duck call", and I just shoot them when they stick their heads out. But that's me.
LMAO, I can picture it now - NASCAR hat on backwards, beer in hand and 6 pack nearby, Hank Williams Jr. playing in the background, little mouse hides tacked to the wall.....
"Beer in hand"? that would throw off my shootin' hand. I have one of those hats with 2 cans on top and straws comin around.