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Author Topic: 2004 MArquis question  (Read 6460 times)


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2004 MArquis question
« on: October 26, 2004, 12:40:40 pm »
Anyone that has a 2004 Marquis with the built in Spafrog bromine/mineral feeder....how is it working for you?  Do you find it easy to balance your water?  What has been your experience?  My tub (Euphoria) will be delivered next week, and I'm very anxious about water chemistry.  I want to get it right.

Thanks in advance,


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2004 MArquis question
« on: October 26, 2004, 12:40:40 pm »


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Re: 2004 MArquis question
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2004, 01:27:16 pm »
Hi Elle -

We have the built in spafrog on our Marquis spa.  We are new owners-- just about a month now.  We've had trouble with our water, but I think it is more of a factor of us being new owners vs. the spafrog!  We'll have a couple of days in a row where our water looks great and the levels seem just fine, and then BAM, the water is cloudy, bromine is undetectable on our test strips....

We still use dichlor after each use, as is recommended, but we might not be using enough.  

I guess what I'm trying to say is that the spafrog isn't going to make the tub carefree (not that you implied or thought that)!  I do however, think its a great alternative to having a floating bromine dispenser since it stays out of the way.

Again, I'm sure our water issues are more because we're newbie's!  


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Re: 2004 MArquis question
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2004, 01:30:33 pm »
I have found that by shocking twice a week with the frog seems to take care of the cloudy water....also....I would suggest that you run the filter on the 4 hour settings twice a day...they come set to run for 2 hours from Marquis....


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Re: 2004 MArquis question
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2004, 01:44:02 pm »
Hi Elle -

We still use dichlor after each use, as is recommended, but we might not be using enough.  


I'm surprised you use dichlor with the bromine.  I thought you couldn't/shouldn't use the two together.  From what I read, you need to drain and refill if you switch to dichlor from bromine.  Color me confused.



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Re: 2004 MArquis question
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2004, 02:04:15 pm »
We have the built in spafrog on our Marquis spa.  We are new owners-- just about a month now.  We've had trouble with our water, but I think it is more of a factor of us being new owners vs. the spafrog!  We'll have a couple of days in a row where our water looks great and the levels seem just fine, and then BAM, the water is cloudy, bromine is undetectable on our test strips....

We still use dichlor after each use, as is recommended, but we might not be using enough.  

I guess what I'm trying to say is that the spafrog isn't going to make the tub carefree (not that you implied or thought that)!  I do however, think its a great alternative to having a floating bromine dispenser since it stays out of the way.

Again, I'm sure our water issues are more because we're newbie's!  

Why not dispense with the spafrogs/floating dispensers and bromine, use dichlor after soaking for sanitation, shock once a week with either dichlor or MPS and enjoy crystal water?
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Re: 2004 MArquis question
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2004, 02:21:17 pm »
Here is the secret formula to making spa frog very easy at startup;

Take your cartridges both out until the spa is up to temp, if you leave them in your spa is running constant to reach temp and you will dump more than needed into it. Add your sequestering agent, i.e. protect plus or stain and scale so that the oxidizers don't rust the metal particles in the water. Add 2 oz of shock or enhanced shock wait 24 hours, set the bromine cartridge to 5 and install it, add another oz of shock. After another 24 hours turn the cartridge down to 2 or 3 and it should be fine from there on out. I recommend a shock once or twice a week dependant on your use. Don't be surprised if you have to clean the filters in the first few days and drain the water in the first month, you will be using the spa a lot and after long soaks you will release oils from your skin that you have been carrying for awhile. Enjoy 8)


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Re: 2004 MArquis question
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2004, 03:49:55 pm »

I have the inline Frog with my current tub. I hadn't used a bromine system before but wanted to give it a try since it was built-in. For the most part I have been very pleased. It took about a week to figure out the setting I needed for my tub but after that it was smooth sailing.

The negatives I've found with it are:

- once you have the system down it's easy to forget about it then oneday you find that you have no bromine in the tub because the cartridge is empty. I recommend always having a cartridge on hand and consider having something to get your bromine level up quick, like granular/liquid bromine, for when the cartridge runs out

- you will find that you will be disposing of a hazardous spent bromine cartridge every few weeks depending on your tub and use specifics.


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Re: 2004 MArquis question
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2004, 07:23:05 pm »

I'm surprised you use dichlor with the bromine.  I thought you couldn't/shouldn't use the two together.  From what I read, you need to drain and refill if you switch to dichlor from bromine.  Color me confused.


You know, I was just following the instruction sheet from our dealer.  After I read your reply, I thought I better look at it again and see if I was doing something wrong!  It appears, that the sheet they gave us is not specific to a spa that has the spafrog system!  So while it says to add chlorine after each use, it very well may not apply.  Now I'm totally confused!!!!!

Maybe Stuart, Mendocino or empolgation can help?  I would like to know if our adding dichlor is making matters worse, or even dangerous!!!  Zoinks!!!


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Re: 2004 MArquis question
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2004, 07:37:53 pm »
I have a 2004 Marquis Euphoria with the Frog and have never used it. I use Soft Soak since day one May, 04.

I have only had a problem with my first batch of water. I am convinced it was my error 100%. The dealer came back to my home after I changed the water and went through everything with me again. Last water change was July 3rd, 04. I add 4 oz Shock, 1 oz waterline control, 3/4 oz stain and scale, once per week and that's it period. Other than just rinsing off the filters.

I bring in a water sample for a free test once a month and they say my water is perfect. I have no need for the FROG.


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Re: 2004 MArquis question
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2004, 07:37:54 pm »
Hi there,

we have had our euphoria since the 24th of sept. I am still learning but do like the inline system. Be sure and remove the bromine at least on fill up, especially if you have hard water and are adding the metal gon stuff at fillup. I only shock once a week or so, I don't put in anything everytime we use it. I have had pretty good luck with the water, only one fiasco cuz of our hard water. You will tend to want to overdose your spa if things are a little off but be conservative and give it time to work each time you do something. I have an extra set of filters which is great and always have an extra bromine cartrdige on hand. We always shower before use so i know it helps with not having so much introduced into the tub, but your needs may be different. Have a great time with your tub and good luck. This is a great website for us newbies, seeya



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Re: 2004 MArquis question
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2004, 10:26:48 am »

If you have the inline spa frog system with bromine, you do not need to add dichlor after use.  Follow stuarts instructions and you should be fine.  Adding dichlor is not a problem nor is it dangerous.  You can add chlorine to a bromine tub...you cannot add bromine to a chlorine tub.

If you use a spa frog without bromine, then adding dichlor after use and shocking weekly is appropriate.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2004, 10:27:34 am by tony »


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Re: 2004 MArquis question
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2004, 10:59:13 am »

I'm surprised you use dichlor with the bromine.  I thought you couldn't/shouldn't use the two together.  From what I read, you need to drain and refill if you switch to dichlor from bromine.  Color me confused.


Bromine is made from Di-chlor so I don't know where your gettting this from? I will tell you that Marquis also does Nature II in their spas without frog systems and recommend not to use Brominein that system....
« Last Edit: October 27, 2004, 11:26:48 am by stuart »


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Re: 2004 MArquis question
« Reply #12 on: October 27, 2004, 11:13:11 am »

I'm surprised you use dichlor with the bromine.  I thought you couldn't/shouldn't use the two together.  From what I read, you need to drain and refill if you switch to dichlor from bromine.  Color me confused.


Chlorine and Bromine CAN be dangerous if mixed under CERTAIN CONDITIONS.

Stuart is on the money, again, bromine does contain chlorine.

Here is where its volatile. I purchase a house with a pool. The previous owner purchased a chlorinator and used Tri-clhor pucks in it. I did read the label and I put bromine pucks in this chlorinator that contained chlorine. KA-BOOM. Although a true story, this did not happen to me.

It is perfectly safe to add chlorine to bromine, just not the reverse. The chlorine, once added, will combine with Bromides in the water to make hyperbromus acid (aka bromine).

Although not likely explosive, if you wish to switch over to bromine from a chlorine tub it is recommended that you drain completely.

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Re: 2004 MArquis question
« Reply #13 on: October 27, 2004, 12:10:20 pm »
thanks everyone for clearing that up for me!  It sounds like my addition of a 1/8 tsp of dichlor after use is unnecessary, but glad to hear its not harmful!


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Re: 2004 Marquis question
« Reply #14 on: October 27, 2004, 03:34:58 pm »
I have a 2004 Marquis Euphoria with the Frog and have never used it. I use Soft Soak since day one May, 04.

I have only had a problem with my first batch of water. I am convinced it was my error 100%. The dealer came back to my home after I changed the water and went through everything with me again. Last water change was July 3rd, 04. I add 4 oz Shock, 1 oz waterline control, 3/4 oz stain and scale, once per week and that's it period. Other than just rinsing off the filters.

I bring in a water sample for a free test once a month and they say my water is perfect. I have no need for the FROG.

Does Marquis recommend Soft Soak?
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Re: 2004 Marquis question
« Reply #14 on: October 27, 2004, 03:34:58 pm »


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