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Author Topic: Calling all spa manufactures  (Read 3829 times)


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Calling all spa manufactures
« on: October 20, 2004, 12:21:00 am »
It's time to put an end to the constant wars.

full foam spas vs. thermal pane
24hr. circ pump vs. jet pump on low
ozone or not
wood vs. steel structure
2x4 pressure treated vs. abs or fiberglass bottom
yada yada yada

The pool and spa business generates millions of dollars.
Why can't the spa companies put down their differences, each toss some money in the pot, and  hire a independent testing firm with no bias to conduct a study.

The spa business is a exciting business full of passionate people defending the ideals and technology they have embraced as the best. This is one business where the consumers are as devoted to the differences as the sales people.

How would a unbiased study once made public affect the spa industry? With energy costs the way they are wouldn't every spa manufacturer want to make their spas more efficent. Would spa companies share information with each other, or patent every idea for themselves.

As devoted as this group of people are, the results might not make a difference anyway.

Spahappy ;)

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Calling all spa manufactures
« on: October 20, 2004, 12:21:00 am »


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Re: Calling all spa manufactures
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2004, 01:11:39 am »
Hi Spahappy,
I also wish there was some master bible spa checklist of what is best for everybody in every situation and circumstance. No such list exists. Until such a checklist exists, the best thing that knowledgable, experienced  hot tub industry professionals can do is provide helpful, informative and fair answers to consumers. Respect for other people in this industry who operate under the same motivating principles will attract like-minded consumers. I don't view the differences of opinion as a war, but rather as an opportunity to respectfully discuss and debate the various pro's and con's of the options available. More independant testing will always be welcome. And like you, I feel it can't happen soon enough!!!


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Re: Calling all spa manufactures
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2004, 01:40:16 am »
There are not many people in any area of life where all agree.... and if everyone made the exact same thing why have need for more than one manufacture.... competition is what drives others to excel and do better...TP as an example was an innovation a alternative to full foam.... I myself am a full foam believer...less to do with insulating and more to do with other benefits.... but that is beside the point.... I admire the passion of your conviction...but I think that debates and differences are good for industry.... the cream will always rise to the top as the consumer decides who is doing it right more often than not...


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Re: Calling all spa manufactures
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2004, 10:17:35 am »
As someone has already mentioned. There really is no 1 best way to do something. If you put 2 people in a room, you will get 2 best ways to do something. The spa industry is not the only one that is like this. I would say most industries are this way.

Let's do a little word substitution and see how it goes...

sort of a quote:

"The automobile business generates millions of dollars.
Why can't the automobile companies put down their differences, each toss some money in the pot, and  hire a independent testing firm with no bias to conduct a study.

The automobile business is a exciting business full of passionate people defending the ideals and technology they have embraced as the best. This is one business where the consumers are as devoted to the differences as the sales people.

How would a unbiased study once made public affect the automobile industry? With energy costs the way they are wouldn't every automobile manufacturer want to make their automobiles more efficent. Would automobile companies share information with each other, or patent every idea for themselves."

I think this adds some perspective to the argument.

just my 2 cents


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Re: Calling all spa manufactures
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2004, 07:07:01 pm »
Kinda like comparing a corvette to a esclade or a Jaguar to a Honda. Different strokes for different folks. Some cost more and others are "economical". Some are full featured while others are "affordable". Depends on the job and the budget. In any event I think to answer who has the best spa built we should just ask somebody unbiased and stable like our friend Jim A. over at haven. He seems to be the nice sort of rational thinking stable  individual that could effectively compare all spas against the "reference standard". (I speak of the glorious rebadged sun baked, plant fire dryed pheonix!) Ok let me have it! ;D I admit  I was just looking to increase my post stats!  ;D ;D ;D ;D
« Last Edit: October 20, 2004, 07:07:33 pm by Drifter »


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Re: Calling all spa manufactures
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2004, 05:14:48 am »
There are not many people in any area of life where all agree.... and if everyone made the exact same thing why have need for more than one manufacture.... competition is what drives others to excel and do better...TP as an example was an innovation a alternative to full foam.... I myself am a full foam believer...less to do with insulating and more to do with other benefits.... but that is beside the point.... I admire the passion of your conviction...but I think that debates and differences are good for industry.... the cream will always rise to the top as the consumer decides who is doing it right more often than not...

Mendicino very well said.

As the Hot tub continues to evolve the best ideas will always prevail.

New ideas and ways have to be tried to see if they are of true benefit.

One new product of interest is the plasma Uv Ozinator.

FF & TP have been debated to death.  Both Work, Some manufactures just do it better than others.

Just look at the number of different filtration systems available between various mfg.

Chemicals compete in the market place also.

There are different approaches to jet therapy, and tub design.  

Different strokes for different folks, some like loungers, others do not.

There is no right or wrong, just choices.

I vote for competition and choice.


Hot Tub Forum

Re: Calling all spa manufactures
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2004, 05:14:48 am »


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