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Author Topic: Mr. Happy Is Important  (Read 10370 times)


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Mr. Happy Is Important
« on: October 15, 2004, 10:14:30 am »
Please do not ban Mr. Happy from this forum.  Please, also, do not ignore him and hope he will go away.

Why??  Because:

- Many people who have researched spas, and who sell spas truly believe that James Arjuna makes an inferior product for an inflated price.

- Many people who have research spas and who sell spas believe that James Arjuna uses deceptive marketing practices to keep existing customers and to influence new customers.

- Many people believe "Mr. Happy" is either James Arjuna or an associate coming in to provide this deceptive marketing, since he himself is banned from this and other forums.

Obviously Mr. Happy wants James Arjuna and/or his products to get attention from people on this board. Which is *great*.  

Every time Mr. Happy posts, on-topic or not, follow that post with the links to bad stories and complaints about those spas.  

Continue to link to the court judgements and debt.

Without Mr. Happy, I would *never* had read about these things, and I'm betting others will not, either.  We should *thank* Mr. Happy for continuing to keep these issues at the forefront of the bulletin board because new lurkers and shoppers come in here every day.

So, I propose, each time Mr. Happy posts, someone or some group of us, reply not in hatred, but with the links and facts needed to truly inform others of the problems with that particular spa refurbisher.

As such, Mr. Happy himself will get the *real* word out about James and his products.  Remember, deceptionists and charlatans prefer private, protected messaging and shun the light of day.  

Don't allow angry and hateful posts jade those who have not yet done the research to understand where such frustration comes from.


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Mr. Happy Is Important
« on: October 15, 2004, 10:14:30 am »


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Re: Mr. Happy Is Important
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2004, 10:25:07 am »
But I'm already sick of the political references, this is one place I can get away from that.

Oh, well, 18 more days.
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Re: Mr. Happy Is Important
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2004, 10:52:37 am »
Right on, Ed.

I'd like a legitimate Haven spa owner to participate in this forum.  I've got to believe that someone out there who owns a Haven and can discuss their spa objectively.  Mr. Happy doesn't cut it, since he's just Arjuna or one of his loyal followers posing as a Haven customer.  



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Re: Mr. Happy Is Important
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2004, 11:34:15 am »
There is a few problem with the logic being used here IMO. Jim and/or his followers posting here will bring more people to his website of deceit regardless of whether its good press or bad. While his history will hurt him and we can alert people to his disgruntled customers not all will conclude he’s a nutcase. If 98 out of 100 visitors conclude he's a charlatan that still means 2 more people going to his site and leaving interested because they've tasted the Kool-Aid. Some people simply tend to believe in conspiracy theories and will believe he’s being silenced because he has the “truth”. He would be better off banned and not discussed, as it would be one less link to his little shop of horrors.
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Re: Mr. Happy Is Important
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2004, 11:38:29 am »
Hi All,

  My two cents here. I don't blame the senior members of this forum for being sick of all this. However, it is by reading "Larry's" posts and responses that I learned of what had gone on. It is from reading the good and bad experiences that I have been able to compile my shortlist to choose a spa from (all long time reputable manufacturers). I am sure though that Hottubman, Steve, Spatec etc are sick and tired of this dance after so long. If My Happy/Larry/Jim etc would just stick to spa related topics and justify what he/they say that would be fine. However, when the posts get silly and waste bandwidth space talking about politics and elections I think that it does this forum a diservice.

       My two cents...



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Re: Mr. Happy Is Important
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2004, 11:51:06 am »
Your points are well made but we've been down this road on this site and on the poolandspa.com site. Jim/Larry/HotTubHank/Mr.Happy/WaterWeasel or whatever name they're using cannot stick to spa talk because there are always varying opinions and to Jim you are stupid and unworthy if you do not agree with his "facts" so in the end it morphs into a huge mess. Once I've seen a movie I have little interest in watching it again cause I know how it ends. This can ONLY turn to chaos if Jim is involved as he is simply a social degenerate who wouldn't recognize the truth even if a judge dictated it to him.
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Re: Mr. Happy Is Important
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2004, 12:44:34 pm »
The very first site I went to when I started gathering info for a possible hot tub purchase was "The Spa Specialist" site. I don't know what criteria I entered in Google to have that one appear near the top. I haven't been able to replicate it since. I thought then, this is interesting, he seems to know a lot about these things. I didn't stop there, however. I found my way here, to Doc's site, "the phorum", Êand a few others. There I found posts relating to the "specialist"/JimA/Larry/etc. I then found my way to the links dealing with people's dissatisfaction with his product or their purchase/service experience. There were (what I found anyway) maybe three or four highly documented, highly negative reviews. In particular there was an email exchange between a customer and "the specialist" that made me want to look for my spa elsewhere. I don't really know what the answer is here. We can get into all kinds of "what is truth?" philosophical debates. Even if a "satisfied Haven owner" posts here, I doubt most will believe it to be legit. There's seemingly a grayer area here with Cal Spa's. The majority belief seems to be one could do much better, but if I'm not mistaken, I've seen a few posts from people who are pleased with their purchase. Have I been duped by a troll with muliple identities? Or are these real people genuinly happy with their purchase? At the same time, banning someone who stays on topic, (which he hasn't been lately) bothers me a bit. I don't think we can protect all people from what many here feel are deceptive and unethical business practices. Maybe there should be a FAQ section here that deals with this subject, especially if he is PMing members here. In the end, I decided to trust the concensus here -wet tested- and ended up with a HotSpring Vista. So far, I'm thrilled with my purchase. Ê:)
« Last Edit: October 16, 2004, 01:46:41 am by Warkovision »


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Re: Mr. Happy Is Important
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2004, 01:35:46 pm »
WTG Warky :)  I too was/am impressed visually with the Hot-Springs Vista. As I own a 2003 Caldera,I imagine I won't be wet-testing again till the year 2010.

As far as Con-Arjuna,I'm in the group that feels it's best to inform the public about his business,and his general personality traits. I feel the webmaster/sysop should let Mr.Happy dribble his batch of kool-aid.......as long as it's done PROFESSIONALLY,and without adding links to his masters website of deception.

Debates are fine,and serve a constructive purpose for the consumer to judge. Con_Arjuna has abused that privledge repeatedly,along with using false accounts in the past(habours trust/mistrust). I'm a firm believer in living with the choices/decisions one makes,so in that respect,Con_Arjuna is living with his actions. To read his life history,it tells me he has had a tough time in his life with people in a position of power over him.....and people who are superior to him.  I doubt he can even objectively see that.

I'm all for the best in things,and a big promoter of technology.

Anyways,I'm a firm believer in freedom of speech,and as long as it isn't abused,freedom of speech is a positive for all. Con_Arjunas site is edited,and dissorts the TRUTH. He can run his board any way he chooses,more power to him. Guess what I'm saying is,he wants to play on both sides of the street,but serves his watered down koolaid on his side of the street,hoping someone will fall prey to the poison he adds to his vat. Till he learns to act like a professional,and treat all his brothers with respect,he will never garnish the respect that 99.9% of the professionals have EARNED.

Lastly,Mr.Happy.....if you are a true salesman,you will go to Iraq and push your masters spa there. I dare ya!


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Re: Mr. Happy Is Important
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2004, 10:57:00 pm »
But I'm already sick of the political references, this is one place I can get away from that.

Oh, well, 18 more days.

Fightin' liberals is a 24/7/365 job. The world is a dangerous place and liberals are just wrong and can't be trusted. World peace and freedom we enjoy today is in peril. The war on terrorism needs to be handled by the U.S.M.C. not some world court. God Bless the American Soldier! God Bless America!........

Making attacks on fellow American's over spas is just plain wrong! :(


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Re: Mr. Happy Is Impotant
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2004, 12:43:13 am »

Fightin' liberals is a 24/7/365 job.  :(

That's what many have thought but Bill O'Rielly proved there's always time for fun even on the job.
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Re: Mr. Happy Is Important
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2004, 12:48:08 am »
I agree that everybody should be welcome on this forum to share their point of view and opinion about any and all aspects of the hot tub experience. However, I also believe that one of the best traits of this forum is that there seems to be an enjoyable, comfortable, respectful tone that permeates the discussion. It isn't as enjoyable or informative or productive when someone is intent on being provocative, simplistic and just plain ignorant to others in an attempt to spread their point of view as the only "correct" point of view. A bit of respect and understanding for others goes a long way.


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Re: Mr. Happy Is Important
« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2004, 01:46:10 am »
Well said Jordy. To elude to ebirrane's post, I once strongly believed that also. Steering people clear of the Spa Deceptionist is important but every post on him and his spas is a form of advertising and all it takes is one uneducated fool to slip by and believe the information contained in that pit of lies of a web site, and we've failed.

Jim relies on the www because he has no money for local, strategic advertising. These forums have potential for him and we all know that bad publicity is still publicity. We've seen the type of people that purchase his spas and then make it to other spa forums. They all have this similar personality of not having one... These are the ones that slip by and then spend the rest of the time (when not out fixing their own spa) trying to justify it. I say we let it go and never use the real name of the company or Jim's last name as well as not responding to the level of Jim and his followers.

The less people that even hear of this scam, the better. Being a member of these forums for a few years now and dealing with them a couple of times a year generally, I can tell you that once ignored, they disappear. They need attention to flourish and as long as no one provides it, the cool-aide is always flowing where he came from.

« Last Edit: October 16, 2004, 01:48:16 am by Steve »


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Re: Mr. Happy Is Important
« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2004, 11:58:04 am »

Fightin' liberals is a 24/7/365 job. The world is a dangerous place and liberals are just wrong and can't be trusted. World peace and freedom we enjoy today is in peril. The war on terrorism needs to be handled by the U.S.M.C. not some world court. God Bless the American Soldier! God Bless America!........

Making attacks on fellow American's over spas is just plain wrong! :(

As a Proud Canadian I have absolutely no problem with my American friends. And am not interested in examining political decisions between governments. This site is Hot tubs not political.  But whe I read comments like yours that preach a blind holyer than though mentality makes me go insane.

I'll stop here and not deal with you any longer 'cause if I do I would get banned from this site.

Suffice it to say -- A$$HOLE.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2004, 11:59:19 am by doodoo »


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Re: Mr. Happy Is Important
« Reply #13 on: October 16, 2004, 01:41:10 pm »

As a Proud Canadian I have absolutely no problem with my American friends. And am not interested in examining political decisions between governments. This site is Hot tubs not political.  But whe I read comments like yours that preach a blind holyer than though mentality makes me go insane.

I'll stop here and not deal with you any longer 'cause if I do I would get banned from this site.

Suffice it to say -- A$$HOLE.

I second that motion. Yes there are  some non hot tub discussions here. Yes I do like my neighbors to the south. Yes I am somewhat interested in the impending election.

If there are 5+ spa forums there must be political and religous forums too. I can understand if one of the members wishes to let us know where he/she is leaning in the election, great.

Repeatedly making left or right wing comments tells me that a member has a political agenda or simply wishes to stir the political pot. Either way I would prefer to keep politics and religion off of this forum.

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Re: Mr. Happy Is Important
« Reply #14 on: October 16, 2004, 05:30:31 pm »

I whole heartedly agree!  I love the United States of America!  I am like wmmcall, 18 more days!  For one, I am sick of the whole drama (and this coming from a true drama queen)!!!  I'm tired of everyone being so negative!  I have never been so bombarded by negative campaign adds.  Our senate race is a joke!  I don't even want to get started!

I love my tub!  I like coming here and reading and/or talking to the people here about tubs and the positive effects on our lives!  I don't need politics invading this board!

Just my thoughts!
Oklahoma Vanguard owner-don't hold that against me

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Re: Mr. Happy Is Important
« Reply #14 on: October 16, 2004, 05:30:31 pm »


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