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Right on, Ed.I'd like a legitimate Haven spa owner to participate in this forum. I've got to believe that someone out there who owns a Haven and can discuss their spa objectively. Mr. Happy doesn't cut it, since he's just Arjuna or one of his loyal followers posing as a Haven customer. Brewman
Your first three words say it all!
I would love to offer you debate. Unfortunately though you are too ignorant and unable to cite any fact on any argument you present.
Jim (or Jim wanna-be) - Put a sock in it!!!
I don't BELIEVE there are that many "happy" Craven owners that they would actually have any type of "pool" of objective users. Your are probably right, but there's got to be at least one out there somewhere. The problem is that "Cybil" has polluted so many spa boards with fake identities, that no real Cavein owner would stand a chance anyway. We'd all think it was another faker.At one time, we thought that this dog-walking guy called "Water Weasel" may have been an actual owner. Since he "claimed" it we initially took him at his word. Of course, it only took about a month before it became obvious that Weasel was just another one of Jim's mulitple personalities. I remember that Weasel crap. Wasn't he eventually ferreted out as that LP guy? Maybe we should start calling him Cybil. It DOES seem to fit him quite well. Great Idea!! Yes, an independent Craven owner would be an interesting charcater that I am certain would add a great deal of fun and merriment but alas, it's like trying to find a virgin on a college campus now-adays... It just ISN'T going to happen...IMHO
Keep in mind that the majority is quite often wrong. It's the minority that causes change and very often improvements in products and in general the quality of our too short lives.
Fascinating. Working for a researchy place, I can tell you that (with tangible products, not philosophy) the majority is stable, but not always perfectly efficient. However, for every 1 honest improvement there was often more than 1 failure or unintended side-effect. Honest innovators refine. Dishonest innovators get good enough then look for profit.There really are some people who sell the idea of innovation without the actual innovation. That's different than, say, those who sacrifice stability in favor of some desired optimization. Some people (we call them early adopters) enjoy the tradeoff. Others do not. Glad I didn't by a first generation LCD tv. Those who peddle in false (as opposed to incomplete) innovation paint the "majority" as complacent. The majority is not often wrong by simple definition of being the majority. That makes no sense. The implication is that the majority gets some sort of lock on the "genre" and gets complacent. Complacency *does* often miss valid innovation.With all of the debate going on amongst the majority in hot tubs (FF vs TP, ozone or no, jet or circ pump, to name a few) I don't think you can really accuse the majority of complacency. Those that do are most likely trying to sell you something. It is that belief that places the likes of Mr. Arjuna closer to a conspiracy theorist and hobbyist than a peer in the industry.-Ed