visisted a marquis dealer today , looked at the WISH that was working last time i poked in just to say hi. now it has some ground fault problem and he was trying to push it onto me at a 1k reduction on price. maybe that would be nice if i knew what the base price was to begin with . do these people think all consumers are slow witted? i nicely countered with we don't think we want a white tub. believe it or not this fellow continued to push the tub until his wife stepped in and shut him down.
for pete's sake..... then as i inspected the equipment cabeint i noticed that the marquis wish comes with a blub o3 unit instead of the cd unit that i was hoping for.
then i was bombarded on how this IS the best o3 system and most reliable etc. etc after we had talked eariler on o3 systems and how bulb is old technology.
man! bad day in tub land.