Selling our 2003 Jacuzzi J-370 along with the home. It's been SOLID. Replaced the Ozone unit once or twice. Replaced a thermostat once. Replaced the Waterfall lighting once under warranty. Not bad for 20 years of service. The home buyer has asked for it in the sale of the home so I am in search of it's replacement.
Considering major brands only (Jacuzzi, Sundance, Hot Springs, Beachcomber, Bullfrog, etc). Ideally seeking a similar 91'x91" sized unit but willing to step down as far as a 84"x84" sized tub due to how much these have gone up in price. I was considering becoming a Jacuzzi dealer 20 years ago when I bought this one so I basically was able to buy it for costs. The dealership did become available but my VOIP business also caught fire around that time and I could not do both so had to let someone else pick up that dealership on the cheap. Open to other products but trying to keep the budget around the $10K-$12K mark this time