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Author Topic: Intakes in the Optima footwell  (Read 13403 times)


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Re: Intakes in the Optima footwell
« Reply #15 on: October 16, 2004, 10:05:19 pm »
The three intakes in the footwell are for pump two.  Pump one draws from the pleated filter.  The circ pump draws from the micro clean filter.  If there is an obstruction through the pleated filter it will bypass to the footwell intakes.

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Re: Intakes in the Optima footwell
« Reply #15 on: October 16, 2004, 10:05:19 pm »


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Re: Intakes in the Optima footwell
« Reply #16 on: October 18, 2004, 01:09:17 am »
After reading this post I decided to check the intakes in my Optima footwell tonight.  I had never really thought about it before.  I've had my tub for about 5 weeks now.  I found that the intake across from the light doesn't seem to be drawing any water either.  The other 2 intakes seem to be fine.  I will call my dealer and see what he has to say.  Anybody else found out anything from their dealer concerning this problem?  


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Re: Intakes in the Optima footwell
« Reply #17 on: October 18, 2004, 08:27:53 am »

I'm glad my spa doesn't need condoms!!

Why do Sundance, Jacuzzi and other spa brands even need them?

They are for the sand that gets into the tub.  Sand + Ball Bearings don't mix.  That is why Sundance has gone to a sand resistant divertver valve and bearingless jets.


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Re: Intakes in the Optima footwell
« Reply #18 on: October 19, 2004, 02:45:06 pm »
I called the dealership and was told that I should not be concerned about this.  He said that it has something to do with the proximity of the intake to the pump.  First he told me I might need to clean the filter socks (which I told him I had already done).  After that he told me that the suction couldn't be felt even through the plastic cover for that particular intake.  Anyone else experience this problem?


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Re: Intakes in the Optima footwell
« Reply #19 on: October 19, 2004, 03:18:33 pm »
Maybe mine is different because it is an older model, but I get equal suction from all three intakes.


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Re: Intakes in the Optima footwell
« Reply #20 on: October 19, 2004, 03:19:13 pm »
We have a call into our dealer but haven't heard back from them yet.  We did notice last night that there was 'some' suction through the intake across from the light.  It was very little compared to the other 2 intakes though.  Hopefully we'll hear back from the dealer and see what they have to say.
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Re: Intakes in the Optima footwell
« Reply #21 on: October 19, 2004, 04:35:45 pm »
I don't own this brand tub, BUT, wouldn't the circ pump inlet have less suction, especially if it's the SECOND inlet to meet the UL testing requirement?

Why not unbutton the spa and see where the hose goes (assuming it's not in foam)?

Just a thought...

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Re: Intakes in the Optima footwell
« Reply #22 on: October 19, 2004, 04:58:41 pm »
Unless the design has changed dramatically in the last two years, which I do not believe has, the circ pump draws through the micro clean filter which is a low flow design filter in the filter compartment.  The three intakes in question are in the footwell of the spa.  These three intakes are for the high flow pump two which handles the therapy seat and the foot dome jets.  These intakes also handle the bypass for pump one (and maybe circ pump?) only when needed.  There does not seem to be any bypass unless there is some flow restriction.  Now we have two owners with the same symptoms, so maybe this is normal for the 2004 models.  My model drains through these intakes where the new models have a main drain, so it seems there are some plumbing modifications.


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Re: Intakes in the Optima footwell
« Reply #23 on: October 19, 2004, 10:16:20 pm »
We got our call back from the service tech today and kind of got a similar story.  Basically he said don't worry about it.  He suggested that the 'sock' was likely dirty and full of sand or something (we just cleaned them 2 weeks ago when we put in the new water).

As for draining, yes ours is a bit different.  I'm pretty sure it actually drains from where the circ pump / ozone release is.

Next time I'm in I might try taking the 'sock' off and see if it feels any different.  I hesitate to do that as they are a royal pain to get back on.  (and I've only done it when the tub is empty...)

So, guess I won't worry about it.
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Re: Intakes in the Optima footwell
« Reply #24 on: October 19, 2004, 11:36:49 pm »
Just came in from a good soak and have some more info!!

I wasy trying different pump / jet / divert settings and found something interesting.  When Pump 2 was off and pump 1 was on full speed and the diverter was set to only the whirlpool jets, the footwell intake across from the light was taking in huge amounts of water.  There was lots of suction there.  This is the one that didn't appear to be working.  When I put the diverter back to the seat jets the suction stopped.  Turned pump 1 off and pump 2 on there was again no suction from that footwell intake.

It appears that there is some truth to the footwell intakes also serving as some kind of overflow for pump 1.  When the whirlpool jets were on it likely couldn't draw enough water through the filter fast enough and any extra it needed it took from the footwell intake.  It very much appeared to only be that one.  I didn't feel any water being drawn into the other 2 footwell intakes.

So here's my theory.  Only 2 of the footwell intakes are used for pump 2.  The third (across from the light) is used for pump 1 when it can't draw enough through the filter.  I just cleaned my filter so when it was only on the seat jets pump 1 could draw pretty much everything it needed through the filter and didn't need anything from the footwell intake.  I guess the whirlpool jets use much more water and had to go to the footwell intake to get it.  If this is true and over time during regular usage if there is more and more water being drawn from the 3rd footwell intake, does this mean that your filter is getting dirtier and not as much water can pass through it.  I think I'll monitor this over time and see if it's actually the case and what happens when I clean the filter.

Yeah... I know I rambled a bit.    :D

Just thought this might interest some of you that either had theories or were experiencing the same thing as us.

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Re: Intakes in the Optima footwell
« Reply #25 on: October 19, 2004, 11:54:38 pm »
The water going into the bottom suction inlets does not pass thru any filtration on the way to the pump.
I have no idea what else, if anything, behing the inlets would stop sand or other small debris from being sucked in.  I figure the company that makes the spa is recommending their use for some reason, so I'll continue to use them.  Do they help or not?  I have no idea.

This is the reason for the socks. Sand and grit can be pulled in if you don't have them on there. This then gets pumped directly to the jets. Many particles are small enough that they will cause the jets to stop functioning. You can take them off but it's not the smartest move you can make IMHO. Needless to say, I keep mine on after having learned my lesson. Now for the real question.... How many of you that do not keep them on have problems with your jets "sticking"? BTW - I have the Jacuzzi J-370 and my jets may be more sensitive (i.e. Not as well designed) as those in your Optima units.
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Re: Intakes in the Optima footwell
« Reply #26 on: October 20, 2004, 12:13:53 am »

This is the reason for the socks. Sand and grit can be pulled in if you don't have them on there. This then gets pumped directly to the jets. Many particles are small enough that they will cause the jets to stop functioning. You can take them off but it's not the smartest move you can make IMHO. Needless to say, I keep mine on after having learned my lesson. Now for the real question.... How many of you that do not keep them on have problems with your jets "sticking"? BTW - I have the Jacuzzi J-370 and my jets may be more sensitive (i.e. Not as well designed) as those in your Optima units.

One of the nice thing about the Optima jets is that there are no moving parts so 'sticking' is not an issue. (This is the case on the current Optima anyway...  I think some of the older models had different jets)   I'm still gonna keep ours on as it still can't be good for any of that sand to go through the pumps and the jets.  I know they're doing their job too because when there is suction on those intakes I can feel sand stuck to the sock.
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Re: Intakes in the Optima footwell
« Reply #27 on: October 20, 2004, 08:52:21 am »
Thank you Bulmer4NC.  This is a logical explanation and I will test the theory tonight.  

I have to say, it is nice to get the benefit of other's investigation.  Would my dealer have known this, not sure but it will be a good test of their service knowledge.



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Re: Intakes in the Optima footwell
« Reply #28 on: October 20, 2004, 11:45:12 am »
I checked our intakes last nite.  It seems that the one across from the light serves pump one, and the other two serve pump 2.  The one across from the light did not have as much suction as the other two- when each pump is on high.  We have an 2004 spa - so maybe there has been some changes from Tony's 2002.

Also,  my dealer, as well as his service staff told me to toss the socks when they fall off.  I only have two on since the third tore.  Maybe people are calling for service because they can't get their socks on -


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Re: Intakes in the Optima footwell
« Reply #29 on: October 20, 2004, 12:11:24 pm »
Must be a model year thing, then.  Our 2003 model draws thru all three inlets when pump #2 is running.

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Re: Intakes in the Optima footwell
« Reply #29 on: October 20, 2004, 12:11:24 pm »


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