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Author Topic: Reasonable Deal??  (Read 6659 times)


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Reasonable Deal??
« on: October 05, 2004, 07:00:00 pm »
Hi! I'm new hear and have been lurking here for the past couple of days. I've read a lot of messages and have really got some good advice. However, I just broke all the advice and put a deposit on a tub today after only really looking for a couple of days. Hell, I just got the idea on Friday night when I stumbled in a FIM store and they showed us a Dynasty Poseidon tub. I then went to one Hot Springs dealer Monday and today I went to another HS dealer that is close to my work. Sealed a deal I though was pretty decent and wanted to get a little feedback to see if this a fair deal.

Hot Springs Grandee - Pearl
Cover Lift II
Hand Rail
Silver ION package & some other filtration package??
GE 50 Amp Electric Box for the outside
Chlorine chemical supply kit (supposedly $250+ worth)


This is in the Chicagoland Area


Also, I was quoted $1800 for the Spaudio at the 1st dealer, but this guy said $1500 originally but went to $1200 and is still checking to see if he can sell it to me lower (if I want it) - Still debating on the Spaudio,.

Hot Tub Forum

Reasonable Deal??
« on: October 05, 2004, 07:00:00 pm »


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Re: Reasonable Deal??
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2004, 07:39:46 pm »
The price sounds more than reasonable for the spa,esp since you live in/near a big city. In Sarasota FL,if I recall,2 years ago it was priced at 8400 bucks. That was prior to negotiating.

My opinion,the spa-audio is a bells and whistles attachment. If you have surplus money,I would buy it. If you're budget minded,I would suggest going with some deck speakers.

Hot-Springs is very customer orientated,and you can't go wrong with purchasing from them. GL


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Re: Reasonable Deal??
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2004, 07:59:24 pm »
hmmm, sounds too good to be true.

Just paid 7799 for the vanguard

Hot Springs Vanguard- Pearl
Cover Lift II (add for +150)
Hand Rail (added for +119)
Ozonator (not included)
Silver ION package & some other filtration package??  (not included)
GE 50 Amp Electric Box for the outside
Chlorine chemical supply kit (supposedly $250+ worth) (BaquaSpa)

You inked a great deal!


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Re: Reasonable Deal??
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2004, 08:02:19 pm »
Based on what I paid for a Vista, that sounds like a great deal.    I think it is clearance time so the prices are coming down a bit.

Lucky you!



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Re: Reasonable Deal??
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2004, 08:25:52 pm »
That's a great deal!  Slightly more than I paid for the HS Envoy with a similar package.


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Re: Reasonable Deal??
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2004, 09:47:03 pm »
My opinion,the spa-audio is a bells and whistles attachment. If you have surplus money,I would buy it. If you're budget minded,I would suggest going with some deck speakers.

Hot-Springs is very customer orientated,and you can't go wrong with purchasing from them. GL

I"m thinking about getting it if he comes in at $1000. (As ridiculous as that sounds!) I watched the video on Hot Springs website about Spaudio as well as heard it at the 1st dealer I went to and really think it it is cool except for the price. However, I have to admit that having some music in the spa would only add to the relaxtion experience. Sure I could buy a little mini-shelf system or boom box a hell of lot cheaper (or even wire an outdoor system), but I would have to design it to deal with snow, rain, wind, and etc. Also, I'm curious as to know how the music "feels" in the spa.

Anyone here have Spaudio??




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Re: Reasonable Deal??
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2004, 09:56:43 pm »
hmmm, sounds too good to be true.

Just paid 7799 for the vanguard

Hot Springs Vanguard- Pearl
Cover Lift II (add for +150)
Hand Rail (added for +119)
Ozonator (not included)
Silver ION package & some other filtration package??  (not included)
GE 50 Amp Electric Box for the outside
Chlorine chemical supply kit (supposedly $250+ worth) (BaquaSpa)

You inked a great deal!

My co-worker went with me a lunch and helped me strike a deal. (even though I was just going to look again) He has a Grandee he bought from the same company (different location) about 5 years ago. So actually they gave him a $50 referral bonus and me too for a grand total of $7949.

Funny thing is, we were there for about 30-40 minutes and there was only one salesman working the floor at the time. He was talking with a couple who were looking at a lot of different Spas ( they sold Artesian Spas also) and never had any time for us. My co-worker was giving me a full demo on a Vista, Grandee, and Envoy. Finally a new salesman showed up and it took all of 5 minutes to strike a deal. Hope the other guy was able to make a deal with the couple as those guys work on commission.

I can post the store/company if anyone has interest.  They also had some deals on floor models, but I bought new in box since I am delivering next year.


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Re: Reasonable Deal??
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2004, 10:21:38 pm »
Sundance Altamar -

Cover -
EZ Lift Cover
Chemical Start Up Kit
220 Electrical Hookup

6700 total price out the door.  



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Re: Reasonable Deal??
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2004, 11:48:08 am »
Hi! ... Sealed a deal I though was pretty decent and wanted to get a little feedback to see if this a fair deal.

Hot Springs Grandee - Pearl
Cover Lift II
Hand Rail
Silver ION package & some other filtration package??
GE 50 Amp Electric Box for the outside
Chlorine chemical supply kit (supposedly $250+ worth)


This is in the Chicagoland Area

Yes, this seems like a good price. I don't know what your local dealers are selling for, but that would be a great price here in SoCal.

Also, I was quoted $1800 for the Spaudio at the 1st dealer, but this guy said $1500 originally but went to $1200 and is still checking to see if he can sell it to me lower (if I want it) - Still debating on the Spaudio,.
I sell it for $1495, and will take off a couple hundred if we put together a group of accessory items. We sell quite a few of them - I have one on my Vista at home.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Reasonable Deal??
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2004, 12:55:44 pm »
I have a question, does the HotSpring Spa Audio system include a stereo for that price or is it similar to the Marquis transducer system with floating remote and repeater? My guess would be for $1200 to $1500 you got a stereo in that also…..


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Re: Reasonable Deal??
« Reply #10 on: October 06, 2004, 01:30:21 pm »
I have a question, does the HotSpring Spa Audio system include a stereo for that price or is it similar to the Marquis transducer system with floating remote and repeater? My guess would be for $1200 to $1500 you got a stereo in that also…..

Spaudio comes with two transducers which mount to the backside of the shell. It also includes a huge power amp, capable of over 300 watts per channel - this amp is specifically designed for this particular job, and has all the sealed components and oversized cooling fins that are needed to live a long life in the motor compartment of a HotSpring spa.

Finally, it comes with a CD/MP3 player (with AM/FM stereo receiver built in) which goes into a water resistant box that plugs into a recepticle on the outside of the tub. This box is large enough to accomodate most any CD/MP3 player that you may have - or you can use any device with a line output -  such as an Ipod, Napster, Palm Pilot, even a cassette play if you still have one of those. You can also leave off the black box and direct-wire a line-level  input from your home system or other system.

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Reasonable Deal??
« Reply #11 on: October 06, 2004, 02:19:35 pm »
Now that sounds a whole lot more reasonable than I was thinking for the price! I was thinking that the Marquis system with 2 transducers, cable, floating remote and repeater in the $800 to $900 range was similar for the same price but it does sound like your including some extra components.

Thanks Chas


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Re: Reasonable Deal??
« Reply #12 on: October 09, 2004, 05:49:55 pm »
Great deal on that spa!

My Vista was $8399
Copper Color
Everwood Steps
Illuminessance Lighting
Delivery setup and tax

Simply an outstanding spa!!


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Re: Reasonable Deal??
« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2004, 07:17:18 pm »
You got a great deal and I know the dealer in the Chicago area, he'll take of you when needs arise.


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Re: Reasonable Deal??
« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2004, 12:33:53 pm »

Spaudio comes with two transducers which mount to the backside of the shell. It also includes a huge power amp, capable of over 300 watts per channel - this amp is specifically designed for this particular job, and has all the sealed components and oversized cooling fins that are needed to live a long life in the motor compartment of a HotSpring spa.

Finally, it comes with a CD/MP3 player (with AM/FM stereo receiver built in) which goes into a water resistant box that plugs into a recepticle on the outside of the tub. This box is large enough to accomodate most any CD/MP3 player that you may have - or you can use any device with a line output -  such as an Ipod, Napster, Palm Pilot, even a cassette play if you still have one of those. You can also leave off the black box and direct-wire a line-level  input from your home system or other system.

Took another trip to the HS dealer so that I could show the wife the tub. This time I asked the sales guy to crank the spaudio up and go through the different tone settings. I don't know if we got it turned up all the way before I told him it was loud enough. It definitely cranks. I only stuck my arm in the water to feels the water and the side of the tub and you could definitely feel it.

One question I forgot to ask him was what powers the CD/MP3 player that goes in the little box on side. I don't see any AC type connection. Is it only batteries?

Also, I forgot to ask him to tune in some FM stations, so I don't even know where and how that is done.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Reasonable Deal??
« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2004, 12:33:53 pm »


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