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1. Your web site is low rent. If you want to be thought of as a professional organization, present a professional image. Hire someone to do the website because whoever is doing it now isn't worth a dime. (probably self-done)2. From what I can understand, you think that taking the heat that is given off by the pump motors and such can warm the water and save on energy. If it's such a great idea, hire a patent attorney and start  manufacturing.
1. Be careful. Â One of our most helpfull members also uses this software on his site.2. Â He is not the only one using this technology. Â You will see it refered to as Thermal Pane (TP). Â Some of the larger manufacturers use this as well.It is always good to see what the public sees. Â As some one in the business, you tend to start to see only what you want to see, or have been taught to see. Â When we hire someone new, I love to pick their brain about their unbaised view on our company/advertising/product. Â As you work around the spa line you represent (especially us salesfolk) you get verry pasionate for your product. Â You will often overlook the negetives. Â That is why I love this site! You can get a good UnBiased opinion on not only your product but everyone elses. Â In the town I grew up in Cal Spas was all you ever heard about. Â They had a big store and huge sign off the main Interstate. Â If I was thinking about a hot tub, I was thinking about Calspa. Â After coming here I have learned that their are bigger and better companies out there. Â Which brands have you looked at/concidering? Â Where are you from?
Re: #1: I don't know what the underlying software is and really don't care as a consumer. I don't know what other site you are referring to, but the fact is that the haven/spa specialist site is an amateur looking site done by an amateur. (my opinion) It's not even in the league as the major players.Re: #2: I'm referring to DAIT, not TP. If I understand it right, Haven starts with a TP Spa and adds the "exclusive" DAIT technology.I have a deposit down on a Hot Springs Grandee. Of the tubs, I would consider I would say the list is something like Hot Springs/Caldera, Jacuzzi Premium/Sundance, and maybe 1 or 2 others.I'm in Chicagoland.
Before you Knew better, what kind of perseption did you have of Haven?
Didn't have any perception of Ha*** until I looked at the web site. Seen mention of it here and immediately checked out the site.
I bet you are a Cubs fan too!
How did I ever guess? Watch out Kreskin, Mr. Happy is takin' over!
While I prefer this method and the one at poolandspa.com versus the forum softwarre Jim and Dr Spa use, their forum site works well enough.