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I finally caved and got some MPS for those quick shocks--been using dichlor exclusively to both shock and sanitize. I used 2 oz. (6 tbsp) in my 450 gal. spa yesterday and it seemed to work like a charm. How much do others here use when doing an MPS only shock? Was 2 oz. too much of a good thing? Thanks in advance for all commentary.....(Mr. Happy, don't bother).
I also know (from my younger days in the bar business) that 26 ml= 1 ounce (I know that equation all too well!!).
WSD, Are you using and ozonator and Silver Ion setup? I use 3 tblsp. weekly and alternate every other week with 1 or 2 tblsp of Dichlor. HotSprings says to shock the Vista (ca. 500gal.) with 3 tblsp of MPS weekly and to pre treat the tub with 2 tblsp. before each use.
I am using a generic brand now and their instuctions call for 1.5 oz per 500 gals for first time use to insure thorough oxidation and 3/4 oz weekly thereafter. I used to use Renew from LeisureTime which is buffered to give it a neutral pH. That called for 4 oz, so the amount you use could depend on the product. I have been shocking with one tblspn dichlor and two tblspn MPS with good results. It gets the chlorine level to about five ppm so I have short spa downtime.
BTW, I never thanked you for the Florida invite (THANKS!). Likewise if you make it up to Virginia Beach.