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Author Topic: Single Speed Vs Two Speed Pumps...  (Read 3582 times)


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Single Speed Vs Two Speed Pumps...
« on: October 11, 2004, 12:34:56 pm »
Hi All,

 Its me again looking for more imput from everyone! My question today has to do with one speed versus two or multiple speed pumps. Does having a "high" speed on a two speed pump really make a difference? When you are in your spas do you spend more time soaking with maybe a bit of jet action or do you find that you are in there with a lot of swirling jets working on you?
 Kind of a weird question. However, is more always more? Is there a point where 40 jets vs 25 doesn't really make much sense? Do a lot of you soak and enjoy the heat more than try to get the ultimate massage. Hottubman made an interesting comment in one of his earlier posts when he commented that 10 plus years ago 9-11 jets was considered good. Now it seems that on a mid sized tub 20 jets is minimum.
 I realize that wet-testing is the only way to find out what works for me. Just wondering what you folks thought about all this.


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Single Speed Vs Two Speed Pumps...
« on: October 11, 2004, 12:34:56 pm »


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Re: Single Speed Vs Two Speed Pumps...
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2004, 12:50:59 pm »
Hey Zoo:

I think that to an extent, 2-speed pumps are hold-overs from the days before circ pumps.  My 1999 Piper Glen has a 2-speed on one circuit, but I never use the lower setting.  On top of that, the lower speed setting is REALLY low, not like half power or anything like that. For the most part, it’s useless (at least for me).

As far as using all the jets, it's all up to personal preference.  Some days I like a hard massage with lots of water action.  Other times, I just sit in hot water and talk on the phone.  The advantage of having a lot of features is the OPTION of choice on the days you want it.  A low-power tub without numerous jets won't give you the same experience. Some "custom" jet features particular to certain manufacturers also add value.  You should try them and see if they "do it" for you.

One thing that was important to me when I bought a tub was that I could sit 4 people comfortably with each person enjoying hydrotherapy at the SAME time.  If this is important to you, be careful when "wet testing" smaller, lower power tubs.  Make certain that each seat can offer a good experience SIMULTANEOUSLY, instead of the diverter valve being used to direct all water to one seat at one time.

Good luck!


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Re: Single Speed Vs Two Speed Pumps...
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2004, 03:19:56 pm »
On a 3 speed pump the low speed is typically 1/8th the high speed and designed to move just enough water to activate the heater.

« Last Edit: October 11, 2004, 03:20:23 pm by lets »
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Re: Single Speed Vs Two Speed Pumps...
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2004, 11:49:46 pm »
We never use the lower speed pumps on our Beachcomber. For us it's all or nothing. But I must say we spend more time with the pumps off than on. Having said that, for us the best pump is the air only turbo pump. Problem is it cools the water down.  ;D



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Re: Single Speed Vs Two Speed Pumps...
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2004, 11:12:19 am »
One way I use the low speed on my LSX pumps is to lie in the lounger with the lounger pump off but with either one or both of the other pumps on low.  This gives the feeling of water currents wafting over your body and is very relaxing.  And, as others have said, a soak in complete quiet and stillness (except for the small amount of current generated by the circ pump) will relax me to sleep under the stars......
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Hot Tub Forum

Re: Single Speed Vs Two Speed Pumps...
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2004, 11:12:19 am »


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