I was going to stay out of this and the other Mr. Happy threaad but now find that I need to say my own piece.
I found that reading the posts of Mr. Happy and the web site of the Spa Specialist somewhat entertaining. But quite frankly your comment above about the 'liberals' and taking their money is very much out of line and unprofessional.
I have sent a complaint to the moderator asking that you be barred. I found this web site (of all the spa forum's) to be the most informative and neutral in spite of the many dealers. They all offer the same level of professionalism (although at times they too do get a little hot headed). But you sir, quite frankly, not only went but seemingly continously go above and beyond the acceptable line.
Much like Thermospas I also do not recommend Haven Spas. If you are an owner that is happy with your purchase, good for you.
And like others here, you want to take me on, no problem. But do it outside this forum.