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Author Topic: Thank You Arctic Spas  (Read 6168 times)


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Thank You Arctic Spas
« on: October 04, 2004, 01:40:50 pm »
I just wanted to say thank you to my local Arctic Dealer.  Because of their lying and poor customer service, I was able to save the day.  The customer had a C-20 set for delivery on Thursday.  Dealer cancled due to "We don't deliver spas in the rain"  They reset the delivery to Saturday.  Saturday came and the dealer called "We can't make the delivery today, one of our delivery guys slipped in the rain on the last delivery yesterday."  So the customer came in and asked what I had for his price, I found something he liked.  He then asked "could you deliver it today? (Saturday ~4:00)."  I made a phone call, got a trailer, a delivery guy and deliverd it myself!  They sat in it that night!  I love this business.  I love being the hero.

Just wanted to gloat.  Arctic is a fine product but the dealer can really make a difference.


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Thank You Arctic Spas
« on: October 04, 2004, 01:40:50 pm »


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Re:  Thank You Arctic Spas
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2004, 01:43:31 pm »
Bravo! Its amazing how some people don't understand what it takes to satisfy a customer.
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re:  Thank You Arctic Spas
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2004, 05:32:13 pm »
It's amazing, we did 13 spas this week 4 from Cal 3 from Arctic 1 from Vita the rest were new shoppers. All complained about the same thing - they felt like a piece of meat in a wolves den!

The one from Vita was dressed in dirty sweats and said they wouldn't even talk to him. Guess why he was dressed that way; he was staining his deck and decided to go buy a spa!


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Re:  Thank You Arctic Spas
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2004, 08:20:06 pm »
I have encountered millionaires, more often hundred-thousandaires who deliberately dress down for spa shopping. They are usually smart folk and easier to deal with than the rich person who pulls in wearing a three piece driving his BMW X5.

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Re:  Thank You Arctic Spas
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2004, 08:59:09 am »

Way to go, my man!  Not only are you a hero but you have another customer for life.......
We, the unwilling, led by the unqualified, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful...


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Re:  Thank You Arctic Spas
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2004, 10:25:02 am »
I have encountered millionaires, more often hundred-thousandaires who deliberately dress down for spa shopping. They are usually smart folk and easier to deal with than the rich person who pulls in wearing a three piece driving his BMW X5.

I had an experience when we bought our living room carpet some years back. We were just going to redo our living room and hall. I had the money in hand and was going to buy the best I could. My wife and I walked in our after work attire (blue collar office work) and the salesman took us right to teh cheapest stuff (we were only around 21-22 at the time.  As we got to the samples, a 50 something couple pulled up in a brand new mercedes and he dropped us like we were infectious. I noticed that couple was right out the door behind us, so he lost out totally.
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Re:  Thank You Arctic Spas
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2004, 10:58:14 am »
The power of the shopper is unbelievable.  

Ya know the one I'm talkin' 'bout don't ya!  THE ONE WITH THE MONEY! Perception is 9/10th of the law, and I love to play when it comes time to spend some serious money. Why? because it's my money and if you want it, you're going to have to sell me on the value of the item rather than letting who or what I am influence your perception of me.  Because it just rip's my shorts when I'm first judged and then treated according to that bias.

We just bought ourselves a new vehicle.  Had no preset idea what we wanted as far as manufacturer went, but knew that we wanted an SUV.  The second dealer I visited (Ford) really took me by surprise. I had really taken a fancy to the Excursion you see, but all he wanted to focus on was my financial capacity. I had just come out of the bush (vacation) after a successful deer hunt and well, still needed to shower, but driving by the dealership I thought to myself (hummm why not take a half hour to pit stop) no kids or wife and I could see my potential toy up close (you n=know the guy thing).  The sales rep had taken one look at me and made a judgement on what he could accomplish.  

30 Minutes later I was out the door with little snickers in the background between the sales reps. I again stopped a few days later (after showring and wearing a suit rather than filty hunting clothes) while returning from work and met with the same sales rep. He treated me very differently, went through the same drill of discussing a new vehicle, the excursion this time, and as I was leaving, someone (turns out the owner of the dealership) crossing my path, said to me good day and hope to see you soon about purchasing one of their cars.  I turned to him and said the following:

''Sir, the day I buy a car from or even recommend this dealership to someone is when hell freezes over''.  After a brief conversation, the owner felt compeled to apologise which I told him was not necessary, but then turned to the sales rep and told him ''Dont let the door hit your A$$ on the way out''

Now that is power.  Do I feel bad, not in the least. I have little patience for people who belittles others or pre-judges someone without even knowing who or what they are.

And as Eleanor Rosevelt once said. No one can belittle you without your consent.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2004, 11:00:28 am by doodoo »


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Re:  Thank You Arctic Spas
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2004, 01:05:28 pm »
A number of years ago we remodeled and added 1200 sq ft to our home.  As in most remodels we UNDER budgeted.  One day I came to the logically conclusion--I need more money.

While I was helping the contractor one day I went to my bank dressed in VERY sloppy clothes.  The VP met with me and treated me like I was worth 1,000,000.  He had never laid eyes on me before that encounter.  I stuck with him as he moved from bank to bank through the years.

You just can't put a price on GREAT customer service!!!

Epilog:  Later that first summer I returned to the bank (sans scruffy beard and clothes and with my suit and tie.)  The VP looked at me with amazement and said, "Sol, what the heck happened to YOU?????)"


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Re:  Thank You Arctic Spas
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2004, 04:29:38 pm »
Kudos huh?!!

Strangley enough, I had the same situation today, older couple, dressed in jeans and sweats driving a Ford F150.  Drove 40 miles to Wilmington, NC from a NC barrier island.

They came in, she has severe fibro-maligia (sp?) and they were looking for a hot tub.  Spent time with them, educated them, helped get her in and out of the tubs so she could try out a lounger... spent a good hour answering questions...

Sold them a Niagara Utopia, cash, full price.

Told me they went to the local Maquis dealer and they said they felt shunned because the way they were dressed and didn't do half as much as I did and rushed them out the door.  They even thanked me for not being biased and educating them.  So I guess I owe a big thank you to the Marquis dealer!!!  :P

Treat every customer the same, educate, make them comfortable, and you should win everytime.

Good Selling!

Neil O'Donovan
Phoenix Park Outdoor Living
Wilmington, NC


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Re:  Thank You Arctic Spas
« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2004, 10:47:02 pm »
Chalk one up for the Good Guys!!! Great story "huh?", I hope all the hot tub salespeople and dealers have had a chance to read it. Nothing can replace the value of being willing to go the extra mile for your client.


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Re:  Thank You Arctic Spas
« Reply #10 on: October 06, 2004, 03:26:34 pm »
I know what you mean doodoo.  Years ago, I had a tax client who was an engineer who had invented a useful piece of equipment.  One in fact that was then used by nearly every nuke power plant in the free world, meaning Taiwan, all across the USA among others.  This fellow, Mr. Plain Jane himself prefered to live in jeans, a sweatshirt and docksider boat shoes by choice.  This gentleman told me that a local BMW dealership did essentially the same thing, although after he indicated the vehicle he wanted to test drive, he was left standing in the showroom alone.  At that time Lexus was a new comer, and my client went to the Lexus dealer, selected his vehicle and counted out the cash for it on the spot.  BTW< I have always preferred the Chevy Tahoe, as my understanding is that the Explorer, Expedidtion and Excursion do not take a plow due to frame design issues.  Good luck in your decision.  Is there a "Whats the Best for SUV's?


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Re:  Thank You Arctic Spas
« Reply #11 on: October 06, 2004, 09:49:57 pm »
As someone who used to be in the sales game many years ago I concur with the advice about not judging or pre-qualifying your customer.

However, as a consumer what utterly amazes me across all industries is the obvious lack of product knowledge. I can't tell you how many times I walked into the store after only a few hours looking at some web sites and could tell any salesman in the store more about their product than they knew.

If you're going to sell something, you better know it inside and out and you better know everything in the products brochures and manuals by heart. Also, you better know your competitors products pretty good too.
Also, if for some reason you don't know...don't make an answer up... just tell me you have to look it up or ask someone else

I don't have any problem with a salesman telling me something about his product as opposed to his competitor, but it better be accurate or his credibility takes a 50% nose dive. Some times I ask some "test" questions that I already know the answer just to see if they do. I think it is a real art form when a salesman accurately and legitimately sells his product over his competitors without truly bashing the other guy, but rather just outpoints him.

just my 2 cents


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Re:  Thank You Arctic Spas
« Reply #12 on: October 07, 2004, 10:26:18 pm »
Hello NightOne,
You're right on the money with your comments. Keep your 2 cents coming.

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Re:  Thank You Arctic Spas
« Reply #12 on: October 07, 2004, 10:26:18 pm »


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