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Author Topic: Fundamental Differences ?  (Read 3847 times)


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Fundamental Differences ?
« on: October 06, 2004, 06:29:32 pm »
I am looking at Caldera, Beachcomber, Arctic, and Hotsprings as my shortlist for a first time tub purchase.

I have started the research and visits to the showrooms, but would like some input on overall reputations of each brand.  Are they essentials all good tubs and therefore I can concentrate on comfort and price, or are there some red flags I should know about?



Ontario, Canada

Hot Tub Forum

Fundamental Differences ?
« on: October 06, 2004, 06:29:32 pm »


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Re: Fundamental Differences ?
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2004, 08:39:24 pm »
In my area, of your list, I only wet tested hotsprings (and own a HS grandee).  What I have heard onthis forum:

1) Hot springs is a *very* reputable brand, but you pay a premium for them. Once owned you don't have many worries, but you are paying for all that excellent warranty service, and, apparently, all of their advertising.  :)

2) Beachcomber has a very good reputation.  "Steve" on this list used to be a Beachcomber dealer.

3) Arctic, by many guests acounts, makes a decent tub but use a very pessimistic sales pitch, including saying things that are not true.  You see this so much from forum to forum you wonder if it is a sales attitude that comes straight from the company!

I don't know anything about Caldera.

I would rate which dealer you feel most comfortable with, and, most importantly, which tub gives you the best WET TEST and the best feature/price performance.

Beachcomber and Hotspring (and maybe arctic and maybe caldera) are all decent brands. No fradulent construction, etc...  It's like saying, do I buy a Lexus, a BMW, or a Mercedes? It comes down to price, maintenance, dealer, and features that fit you.

What I *would* avoid is the negative selling.  Any dealer from *any* manufacturer that tries to make *their* tub the *only* choice for the "informed" buyer is blowing so much hot air up your *ahem* that they might as well vent some of it back into their tubs.

Here are some myths, (all in my opinion)

- Jet pump HP.  You need to know gallons per minute, and, lacking that measurement, you need to wet test to determine how much pressure is too little, just right, or too much.

- Insulation methods.  Full foam is tried and true. Thermopane seems like it works well too. People are rabid about this, and 90% of it is sheer bunk.FF is not horrible.  Thermopane, done right, isn't either.

- Ozone? Jury is out here. Circ pump gives you 24/7 ozone. Pumps move more water about, but shut off ozone when on hi to avoid "off-gassing". No one can prove ozone does a darn thing. Of course, they can't prove it doesn't either. Ozone never replaces need for sanitizer.

- Circ pump or no? Some like 24/7 water movement. LEss water moved each day because of smaller pump. Pumps move more water, but less times per day, and puts more wear on the pump. Circ pumps will fail after many years, but are easy to replace.  Jury out on this.

- Don't get the tv or the stereo. Overpriced, often with a 1 year warranty.  Pend $100 on a good boom box and drop its remote control in a ziplock bag to use in the tub. 8)

WHat you might want to pay attention to:

- Monthly operational costs. People here have given estimates from $10/month up to $140/month (I beleive that's what someone said their Sundance maxus cost them??)

- Wet test comfort.

- Warranty and maintenance agreements.

- barrier or open seating (wet test with as many people as you can. You'd be amazed at what some manufacturers call "Seats").

- foot dome or no foot dome?  

- Diverters or no diverters?



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Re: Fundamental Differences ?
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2004, 09:40:48 pm »
Thanks Ed.

So far the Arctic dealer has not spoken ill of any other tub makers.


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Re: Fundamental Differences ?
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2004, 12:26:40 am »
to add to his post, caldera is made by the company that makes Hot Spring Spas - Watkins manufacturing.    the warranties on each brand are virtually the same.  Both are excelent hot tubs for what you get.


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Re: Fundamental Differences ?
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2004, 11:09:51 am »
Two words:
Wet test, wet test, wet test (hey, that's 6.....)
The only way you can truly make a meaningful decision for what is best for you is to wet test.
BTW, how did you arrive at your short list?  Seems like there are some other great manufacturers that are missing.  Are these the only dealers near you?  Good luck.
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Re: Fundamental Differences ?
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2004, 08:27:36 pm »
Yes, those are the dealers close enough to allow wet tests and family activities and jobs and.....man I am too busy...really need a tub.

There is a Coast dealer nearby but the reviews do not seem as favourable as the others.

Thanks for the info


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Re: Fundamental Differences ?
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2004, 09:11:52 pm »
Hi NeedaTub,

The best advice I can offer you is to make certain that you wet test any hot tub you are considering purchasing before you buy. You will never regret it. Wet testing allows you to not only experience the comfort and features of the tub, it also provides you with the opportunity to see how important service is to the dealer. How far is he willing to go for you to help you make the right decision? Any dealer who wants your business should be willing to make an after-hours appointment that is convenient for you to test the model you are interested in without the distraction of other customers coming and going.

Good luck and have fun with your hot tub shopping experience. P.S.- It's too bad there isn't a Jacuzzi Premium Dealer near you to visit.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Fundamental Differences ?
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2004, 09:11:52 pm »


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