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Author Topic: Tired of Foam and Bubbles  (Read 3663 times)


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Tired of Foam and Bubbles
« on: January 09, 2023, 10:06:46 pm »
Talk about frustrated...

Purchased a brand new Jacuzzi J-350 Oct 21.   Using "SerenaSpa" products dealer supplied and pushes... all bromine based.   A bit of this chemical here, a touch of this chemical there, add a bit of this one here... all to keep everything in check.  Felt like a mad scientist at times.   From Oct through July, had to do a full water change (in the Michigan winter alot of times mind you) 6 times due to excessive foaming and chemicals getting "out of wack".  Tried every combination that the "dealer" recommended with computerized water checks and chemical dozing.   They were more interested in getting me to go through chemicals and trial and errors.

Of course, all the people I know that HAVE hottubs, all have opinions as well.   Some say "brand of spa", some say "chemical manufacturer",  some say "test kits", some say "chlorine instead bromine", several say "use minerals".   Over the time, tried a variety of options, testing, chemical tweaking (ugh)... several different test strip manufacturers, even a electronic digital one.   Just when I thought it was ok... boom!!!   I went even to two other spa dealers (different brands) to get their opinions, and they want to push their products or bad mouth others.

In July, I decided to switch to Frog Products Serene Floating System for Bromine after a full drain, clean with warm water (no soap), and a fresh refill with a new filter.  Amazingly, the "chemicals" seem to be a lot better in check, testing weekly, and adding a weekly doze of bromine shock... no mad scientist work.   Then, not keeping a diligent eye on it, in Oct... chemicals out of wack again cause bromine got low, and FOAM!!!    Drained again, refilled, but forgot to purchase a new Frog STARTER packet.   Couple weeks later, FOAM again.  Bought a new starter pack, plus their weekly "maintain" packets to use instead of SerenaSpa shock.   Drained, wiped down, refilled.

Thought I had it finally licked...  things in check, clean, fresh, enjoyable.... ahhhhh.   

Last weekend, slight odor, but hadn't  used it in a week or so due to severe weather.   Next day, time to add "maintain" and test.   Ran spa... foam, foam FOAM!!.    Here we go again!!!

The attached pictures (if it will let me post them).... shows the foaming I get, just running spa for 10 minutes.   Looking at the chemical strip pictures, looks like EVERYTHING is in the OK ranges.


Now to rule out the other possibilities....
- I am the ONLY one that uses the spa
- Use it 2-3 times a week... average
- No "soapy" swimsuit... no suit <smile> in tub
- Test it weekly
- "Shock" it with MAINTAIN, once a week
- No one messes with it (it was suggested someone was using it or putting soap in it without my knowledge... cover is locked now).

I am so so frustrated.   Once it foams up, I can use a "foam away" product, but that never seems to do the trick completely, leaves a gross buildup on surfaces the bubbles touched and it comes right back.    I was attesting it to a chemical imbalance, but like I said, it appears all in check.   

This is definitely making me rethink my purchase... this is like work... and getting harder to enjoy.

I HATE refilling it every month or so and I shouldn't have to!!!   I have a friend down the block who bought one about the same time, his family uses it a lot more than me, and he has NEVER had a foam issue and only drained/refilled it once.


Hot Tub Forum

Tired of Foam and Bubbles
« on: January 09, 2023, 10:06:46 pm »


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Re: Tired of Foam and Bubbles
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2023, 02:20:58 pm »
Nothing wrong with a little foam. But I have definitely experienced the bubble buildup and the yuck they can leave. Just scoop out the bubbles when they build up till there is no more left. Also keep in mind soap on your skin/body, har products, skin lotion, can all cause this, not just a bathing suit.  Take a shower before entering the tub? Filter replaced? Probably should use maintain after each use too.

Why bromine and not chlorine?
« Last Edit: January 10, 2023, 04:59:09 pm by Ripper238 »


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Re: Tired of Foam and Bubbles
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2023, 06:33:52 pm »
Are you using softened water to fill spa?
Suggest using Ahh-Some plumbing line cleaner on next drain and fill.
Run spa on high and create foam and use wet dry shop vac to suck the foam of the top of the water. Due this several times until foam on longer persists. Non chlorine shock and clean filters a few hours later. Clean/rinse filters weekly... bi-weekly at most
Also there is a recall on Jacuzzi spas due to faulty temp sensors: https://www.cpsc.gov/Recalls/2023/Sundance-Spas-Recalls-Jacuzzi-and-Sundance-Spas-Brand-Hot-Tubs-Due-to-Injury-and-Thermal-Burn-Hazards


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Re: Tired of Foam and Bubbles
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2023, 09:09:29 pm »
Using Bromine because that is what the Jacuzzi dealer recommends and supplies for Spas.     From what I read when others questioned it, Bromine works better for hotter water temperatures... so never questioned bromine.     Is chlorine more "stable" and less likely to produce chemical swings, and in my case, foam?

All water refills are "city" water... not softened water.    Did not use any "soap" based chemicals to clean spa between.

As for body lotions, soaps, etc... not really.   Shower in the morning with regular soap, thorough rinse.   Usually use spa late before bed.   Never felt had a "soap" residue issue. 

Filter is really not dirty... almost looks new.    Replaced it once with a brand new one 6 months in.  Other than that, take to laundry tub, run water on it, scrub with a scrub brush... again, all looks clean and no foaming when "cleaning" it.

Using the "maintain" packet, every time I use it... will cost ALOT!!!!   Buying in bulk, its like $4-5 per packet.     Since using the packets though, the chemicals don't seem to fluctuate like they did.

A little foam, sure... a lot of foam..... mmmmm.    Those pics of foam, 12"+ ABOVE waterline is after 1-2 minutes of pumps and jets on full.   Tried scooping it out, just keeps coming back.    Ran spa through 20 minute cycles 5-6 times in a row this past weekend... constant foam.

CanadianSpaTech... thanks for the heads-up about the recall... will check into that, that is when I bought my spa.   Course, reading the article... "your dealer will contact you".   Hmmm, not yet!!


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Re: Tired of Foam and Bubbles
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2023, 07:32:52 am »
Again suggest running a line purge using Ahh-Some line cleaner to remove any bio film from inside the plumbing. I normally have new spa customers run a purge after the first month. First month spas get used a lot with new bathing suits and to remove anything left over from the manufacturing process. I find it gets customers on track with their chemical regime and understanding quicker.  I also include a bottle of Spa Marvel or Spa Solution 3 month water treatments with each sale. Not cheap but again I find it makes the learning process a little easier.
Don't rely on test strips and buy a good Taylor test kit.

 "your dealer will contact you" Ya Right...lol. Likely a money loser for dealers so I'm sure they are in no hurry.


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Re: Tired of Foam and Bubbles
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2023, 08:41:02 am »
Thanks for the info... will check into a line cleaner...

Sometimes, just don't know.... so... last night, first time since weekend, decided to "try" the hot tub.   Checked the chemicals... everything looks in check.  (Checked the temperature <smile>),  turned on pumps and blowers, hopped in.... low and behold NO foam... back to normal.    And all I really did was fix the low bromine issue with a new cartridge, shock it with MAINTAIN and run the crap out it.      So, I guess based on THAT, bromine levels DO affect foam?!?!?

So what is the general consensus of Bromine VS Chlorine debate about spas?


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Re: Tired of Foam and Bubbles
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2023, 03:11:38 pm »
if you have insufficient sanitizer levels you can definitely get funky foam.  Don't use the packets just use granular chlorine to supplement anytime you are low on sanitizer. 


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Re: Tired of Foam and Bubbles
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2023, 10:35:35 am »

Using the "maintain" packet, every time I use it... will cost ALOT!!!!   Buying in bulk, its like $4-5 per packet.     Since using the packets though, the chemicals don't seem to fluctuate like they did.

Don't use a packet, get a bottle of granular chlorine to supplement "maintain" and throw in a small cap full after every use.

I personally prefer chlorine.

« Last Edit: January 16, 2023, 02:36:05 pm by Ripper238 »

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Tired of Foam and Bubbles
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2023, 10:35:35 am »


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