Brand Specific Forums > Bullfrog Spas

Frog @ease


I have a Bullfrog A7 and am currently using the Frog @ease system with the triangular smartchlor and mineral cartridges.  I'm curious, is there any chemical difference between the triangular containers used for Bullfrog hot tubs vs the inline cartridges for other hot tubs?  The reason I ask is my friend uses the inline cartridges for his hot tub. For giggles I took one of his empty SmartChlor cartridges and was able to use my existing blue Bullfrog triangle holder to hold the inline cartridge in place. It's not perfect but it does hold the inline cartridge.  I'm curious if anyone else has tried using the inline cartridges in their bullfrog hot tub in the filter compartment? 

Seems there are only a select few places that sell the triangle Bullfrog cartridges, but there are tons of shops, including Amazon/Ebay that sell the inline cartridges (and cheaper).  If they theoretically work the same, I would much rather get the inline ones. 

Just curious if anyone has experience.  Thanks!

There is no difference in the actual chemicals, just the shape.


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