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Author Topic: Frog Ease + Spa Marvel?  (Read 2848 times)


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Frog Ease + Spa Marvel?
« on: August 23, 2022, 12:50:31 pm »
Finally got my tub in. The dealer gave me the chlorine cartridges and Spa Marvel to start with. I asked about the mineral cartridges and he said unless I had bad water (well, very poor city water) that you do not need the Mineral portion if you're using Spa Marvel.

Is it correct that you only need the chlorine part if using Spa Marvel? Does using the mineral cartridge harm anything if using Spa Marvel (I have one I bought that incudes it, not sure if I should just leave it out or use it anyway.)


Hot Tub Forum

Frog Ease + Spa Marvel?
« on: August 23, 2022, 12:50:31 pm »


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Re: Frog Ease + Spa Marvel?
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2022, 09:04:47 pm »
I maintain two spas. My favorite is my salt water spa. That being said in my other spa I use Spa Marvel and a bromine floater. Could easily switch that to a chlorine floater but have always used bromine in it. The only thing I have to monitor is ph and alkalinity every few uses (I monitor all levels with test strips but only have to adjust those two). No different than my salt water spa. What I like is I don't have to add chemicals after each use. Get out and close the cover. Granted with the floater it is already adding the bromine. The salt water I test once a week when using it heavily and every couple weeks when only used a couple times a week, aka, hot summers.


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Re: Frog Ease + Spa Marvel?
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2022, 01:02:55 pm »
Thanks for the info!


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Re: Frog Ease + Spa Marvel?
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2022, 03:00:46 pm »
Finally got my tub in. The dealer gave me the chlorine cartridges and Spa Marvel to start with. I asked about the mineral cartridges and he said unless I had bad water (well, very poor city water) that you do not need the Mineral portion if you're using Spa Marvel.

Is it correct that you only need the chlorine part if using Spa Marvel? Does using the mineral cartridge harm anything if using Spa Marvel (I have one I bought that incudes it, not sure if I should just leave it out or use it anyway.)


With Frog Ease it provides both the mineral and chlorine and they should both be used together. Not sure about doubling up with both Frog and marvel, probably overkill.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Frog Ease + Spa Marvel?
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2022, 03:00:46 pm »


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