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Author Topic: Need some help getting jets for an old H20 spas tub...anyone can help?  (Read 2594 times)


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I purchased an older 2005 Banff-2 H20 spas tub to fix up and quite frankly love the tub and its construction.

I am having a bit of a problem identifying what size jets I need, and more importantly where to get these waterway snap in jets that have been discontinued.

Calls to H20 themselves yielded no help whatsoever other than telling me, oddly, to go to my nearest Beachcomber dealer because 'they used similar jets back in the day'...request for an owners manual was met with  broken link..website was no help and had no old models listed, and requests from their service dept for an owners manual,service manual, or anything spec related to the tub being denied.

My request was reasonable and any company should have been willing to help a customer, albeit one buying on older tub.

For example, telling me what size of piping is in it so i could have 'some on hand' in case of leaks, rather than scrambling for it when a leak happened simply made sense, to me alone apparently.

Referring me to the competition while simultaneously NOT giving me any information on what sizes to inquire for jets is, in my mind, simply unacceptable from a customer service standpoint.

Why am I telling you all this ?

Well, the rationale is twofold.

Firstly, to let others know about this experience, as somewhat of a PSA.

Secondly to let everyone know I have tried to call the company to no avail.

Thus I am reaching out in the hope that some of the experts HERE, who from reading through the posts seem to be actually very helpful to those seeking help.

In fact..I joined THIS forum specifically because of the 'vibe' that is here...so helpful and welcoming.

As an aside, while I will say I am completely dismayed and disappointed in the lack of customer service from H20, I WILL say I am most happy with the build quality of the tub itself.

I really hope someone can tell me what I need and in what sizes.

(the company said i need this then said cant give sizing...sooo confusing.....also my top panel need new overlay..i sent a pic they sent me a link for a new sticker to a panel i dont have...just saying)

"You require :

4 Mini storm jets $25ea

1 Power massage jet $50

1 master swirl jet $90

Pillow $32.50

Keypad overlay $25

Delivery would be via Canada post and charged once package size was known.


You can find details of your s-spa computer and K19 keypad here"

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Re: Need some help getting jets for an old H20 spas tub...anyone can help?
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2022, 02:52:12 pm »
I would use spa depot for the jets, you can search by manufacturer, part #, or just by the bezel size of the jet itself, it's pretty convenient for finding older style jets, here is the link: https://www.spadepot.com/Jet-Inserts-C700.aspx

You could probably also find a topside overlay on that site as well, it won't be 'branded' so it will probably be generic or plain in color but who cares, the pillow will be very tough to get especially if the manufacturer doesn't have them available, you might have to go with an aftermarket type 'weighted' or 'suction cup' style pillow as an alternative. Good Luck!


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Re: Need some help getting jets for an old H20 spas tub...anyone can help?
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2022, 10:46:08 pm »
Thank you for the reply..i just tried that site and they have very little in respect to the old snap in waterway jets.

What I am looking for more specifically is a snap in waterway jet with a face diameter of 7-7 1/2 inches and a barrel of 4.5 inches.

They are discontinued and apparently very hard to find....someone must know where to get one to fill this hole in my tub..lol


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Re: Need some help getting jets for an old H20 spas tub...anyone can help?
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2022, 02:23:41 pm »
If you can't find it anywhere you could always just replace the entire jet assembly with something new.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Need some help getting jets for an old H20 spas tub...anyone can help?
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2022, 02:23:41 pm »


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