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Author Topic: gecko spa pack 3 dot flashing error, heater blinking  (Read 9904 times)


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gecko spa pack 3 dot flashing error, heater blinking
« on: June 20, 2022, 03:29:49 pm »
Need help, I have a 2004 Dove Canyon tub.   Changed the topside board along with the main board last year.  Was having issues with the topside.   Got the Gecko spa pack and everything worked great for like 4 months. Then I noticed the spa would come to temperature and then I would get the 3 blinking lights. 
I removed the flow switch from the board and it re-sets and begins to heat again. I have been doing it for the past two weeks and it's annoying now.  I jumped out the flow switch to see if it was that.  Heater is working fine and and circ pump seems to have good steady flow.  It's a 24/7 pump and is always on.  Not sure what to do here. I keep hearing about a pressure switch but I don't see one on the tub.  Not sure what else to do. Could it be a jumper is wrong on the board causing it to  turn off when it hits temp?

Hot Tub Forum

gecko spa pack 3 dot flashing error, heater blinking
« on: June 20, 2022, 03:29:49 pm »


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