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Author Topic: Looking to buy either a Sundance 680 Peyton or Jacuzzi J-235.  (Read 2563 times)


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We're looking to buy either the Sundance 680 Peyton ($9200 including all accessories + tax) or Jacuzzi J-235 ($8500 including all accessories + tax). I've done lots of research on hottubuniversity and other websites but am unsure which to choose. These both are slightly above my price range but am willing to get them.

I've dry tested the J-235 and it's comfortable. The control panel seems a bit outdated. The Sundance dealer did not have the Peyton in stock but seems very similar. I have not been able to find a direct comparison. The only other company in town in Vita Spa (looked at the Vita 500 Salon $10,095 + tax) but reviews for this hot tub were not as great.dd

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I feel I've done research but am having difficulty still. I do realize these prices are elevated (some blogs show these hot tubs selling for mid 6000 a few years ago but I assume this is the norm for COVID times?) Thanks!

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Re: Looking to buy either a Sundance 680 Peyton or Jacuzzi J-235.
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2022, 07:09:22 pm »
To the best of my knowledge, the Sundance and Jacuzzi are identical in quality, though it does appear the lounges are a bit different.  With regards to cost, disregard anything you can find from prior to 2021.  Prices have increased 15%-25% since then due to rising manufacturing costs and shipping costs. 

While I don't know specific costs on either of those models as I'm not a Sundance or Jacuzzi dealer, I would expect those to both be pretty good prices.  Assuming the price difference isn't a deciding factor, I would base my decision on if either model offers a specific therapy need (Sundance has wrist/hand jets on lounge, etc) or whichever dealer you were more comfortable doing business with.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Looking to buy either a Sundance 680 Peyton or Jacuzzi J-235.
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2022, 07:09:22 pm »


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