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Author Topic: HELP! Sundance Cameo Circulation Question  (Read 2194 times)


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HELP! Sundance Cameo Circulation Question
« on: March 21, 2022, 02:42:07 pm »
I have a 2005 Sundance Cameo. I'm having a FLO error and have researched (and tried everything) to try and resolve it...upon my research I stumbled across a video that showed the tub in circulation...and its jets were on kind of a low speed. Here's my question-are there supposed to be jets that fire when in circulation mode? Upon filling my tub and starting it, it flashed cool with the temp of the water. It ran the circulation pump but NO jets, showed heating for about 5 minutes then shut off and now flashes flo, cool, and the temp. It has continued this cycle now (circulation pump and heater turning on for around 5 minutes) and has actually raised the temp of the water (albeit very slowly...days). All jets work fine when I press the button on the control panel to turn them on. I can see the bubbles when the circulation pump is on and the waterfall works great. I've filled it correctly and bled all the lines, in all the ways, for air-just in case.

Upon reading the manual online it seems that the jets are supposed to operate with the circulation pump when in this "cool" mode automatically?

This got me thinking that perhaps my Jet Pump #1 has a lower speed that isn't working with circulation and that could be causing the FLO error? Does anybody know if this tub is supposed to have a 2-speed pump? I'm getting conflicting information from my own research and can't trust what's in the tub currently bc I have no history of repairs or replacements.

For a little history, when I got the tub one of the jet pumps was not working and the circulation pump was on its way out but it ran! When it stopped working I replaced the circulation pump and figured I would go ahead and replace the jet pump that never worked either. Ever since I replaced those two pumps and turned it on, I've had this FLO error that I can't seem to fix.

Here's what's been replaced in total so far:

Circuit Board, Topside Control, Circulation Pump, Flow Switch, and Jet Pump #2.

Here's a recap of my questions:

  • Does a Sundance Cameo, 880 series, from 2005, have 2 single-speed pumps, or 1 double speed and 1 single speed?
    Are any jets supposed to be on when in circulation?
    Can a 2 speed pump work on one speed but not on the other?

Please help!

Hot Tub Forum

HELP! Sundance Cameo Circulation Question
« on: March 21, 2022, 02:42:07 pm »


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Re: HELP! Sundance Cameo Circulation Question
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2022, 08:54:18 am »
An 880 Cameo has 2 single speed pumps

The 2 single speed pumps have no bearing on the flashing FLO issue

When the heater shuts off and you get the flashing FLO error, does the circulation pump stay running?

If so, check the flow switch to make sure it is making good contact.  If it is, make sure the pins are pushed all the way into the plug that goes into the circuit board.  If those are fine, and you are still getting the flashing FLO error, you may have a defective flow switch.

If the circulation pump shuts off when you get the flashing FLO error, you will need to get a meter and see if the circulation pump is getting the correct voltage.  If the circulation pump is getting the correct voltage, and it is off, there is an issue with the circulation pump.

I assume you installed a 230v circulation pump?

Hot Tub Forum

Re: HELP! Sundance Cameo Circulation Question
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2022, 08:54:18 am »


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