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Author Topic: Sundance vs. Hot Springs / features & filtration  (Read 3708 times)

Uncle Freddy

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Sundance vs. Hot Springs / features & filtration
« on: March 09, 2022, 12:10:47 pm »
hello from Whidbey Island WA ....my wife & I are in our final process of selection & elimination for our hot tub purchase .....we are looking 5 to 6 person, but there must be 1 lounge position only, and that position has to hit back, backs of calfs and bottoms of feet .....for Sundance, we are looking at Montclair (780 series) .......for Hot Springs, we are looking at Pace (Hot Spot series) .....we understand no UV sterilization on Hot Springs, only Sundance .....but if anyone can pass along other pros & cons of each company's tub's filtration, as well as any compares between these 2 tubs directly we may not be aware of, we'd highly appreciate ....we also understand the Pace can be 120 direct plugged in, but we'd convert to 240 for the extra power that would provide to the jetting system ....thank you kindly for the help & education !

Hot Tub Forum

Sundance vs. Hot Springs / features & filtration
« on: March 09, 2022, 12:10:47 pm »


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Re: Sundance vs. Hot Springs / features & filtration
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2022, 06:17:08 pm »
The filtration should be pretty equal really and I wouldn't put too much stock in that UV system (you can always add a UV ozonator to the other spa to call it even though I'd skip the extra cost altogether personally). You would be wise to go 240V but it seems you realize that already, well worth it!

Assuming the features are similar and you like the spas/deals equally you really want to lean to the dealer who seems like they'll be there for you after the sale, that can definitely vary!
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Sundance vs. Hot Springs / features & filtration
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2022, 06:31:33 pm »
hello from Whidbey Island WA ....my wife & I are in our final process of selection & elimination for our hot tub purchase .....we are looking 5 to 6 person, but there must be 1 lounge position only, and that position has to hit back, backs of calfs and bottoms of feet .....for Sundance, we are looking at Montclair (780 series) .......for Hot Springs, we are looking at Pace (Hot Spot series) .....we understand no UV sterilization on Hot Springs, only Sundance .....but if anyone can pass along other pros & cons of each company's tub's filtration, as well as any compares between these 2 tubs directly we may not be aware of, we'd highly appreciate ....we also understand the Pace can be 120 direct plugged in, but we'd convert to 240 for the extra power that would provide to the jetting system ....thank you kindly for the help & education !

Converting to 240 would not really make a difference in jet power but would make a difference in heating and allow the pump to run on high and also have the heater on at the same time. You also go from a 1KW @ 120V heating capability up to a 4KW or 5.5KW heater @ 240V. This is the main reason to hard wire 240V.

Sundance is made by Jacuzzi. Basically the same spas with minor differences in the molds. Spend as much time vetting the dealer as price and brand. Any spa is only as good as the dealer supporting it and not all dealers live up to expectations.

Uncle Freddy

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Re: Sundance vs. Hot Springs / features & filtration
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2022, 04:28:10 pm »
thank you both very much

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Sundance vs. Hot Springs / features & filtration
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2022, 04:28:10 pm »


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