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Author Topic: Advice sought regarding new, but non-functioning, Artesian Island Antigua tub  (Read 3837 times)


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I ordered my hot tub in October 2020 with an estimated delivery given of June 2021. Actual delivery was December 2021. However, the hot tub had a major leak (too big to be usable). My dealer came out and determined the leak was in the pump for the microsilk feature and that the pump would have to be replaced and that they would order one ASAP. After waiting another month and a half with no contact from them, I called them to check on status. They said the pumps were backordered and new estimate was April 2022. I told them that given that I had been waiting since October 2020, that an April 2022 estimated date (which of course could be late again) was not acceptable. I said the microsilk feature is not an essential part of the system so I would like them to reroute around that pump until the microsilk pump could be replaced. They talked to Artesian and said that Artesian's response was that it's not possible to reroute around the microsilk pump. I asked to speak to Artesian myself and my local dealer gave me the number. I spoke with a tech support person at Artesian. He had an indifferent attitude, not in slightest bit apologetic, and appeared to have no real interest in helping. He simply repeated that it can't be bypassed. I asked about just plugging the inlet and outlet to the pump since the other pumps are independent. He said that would create a stagnant water in the lines that would breed bacteria. That was plausible but I said there still must be some point in the system where the lines could be rerouted. He said there wasn't. I asked for a plumbing diagram. He said there wasn't one available. I asked him how can they sell a system and not have a plumbing diagram. He just repeated they don't have one available.

I'm not sure what to do. I have been waiting since Oct. 2020 and I have no confidence that they will even meet their now estimated April 2022 date. I'm wondering if anyone on this forum has suggestions on a course of action I might take. I considered small claims court, but there is a $5k limit. Hiring an attorney, where there is no real damage other than they have my money and I still don't have a working product, doesn't seem like a good gamble.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!

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Man that stinks!! But it sounds about par for the course for Artesian at least in my experience. I got one of their lemons that did not function properly from day one but I got lucky in that the dealer I got it from stood up and took it back and refunded my money!
Good luck and I hope you get it figured out.


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Where is it leaking at the pump? Can it not be rebuilt? Is it possible it is just a bad 0-ring or seal to could be replaced? If the motor runs they should be able to make it not leak. There are pumps available online (full retail) so I'm sure the MFG can get them but getting parts can be tricky absolutely. Could you bypass the pump and add a T valve or ball valve that you could open every other week to flow chemicals through it and not go stagnant. Not ideal but at least you are running. Do they have a floor model or another spa in stock they could scavenge the part from? I don't know the whole story but have to say if I sold you the spa I would not leave your house until it was running with or without a replacement pump. I would anonymously calling their (MFG) parts department and see if they will sell you one at their full retail price and see if they bite. If they say sure I've got one sitting on the shelf what's your CC number then you have them in a bind and can raise bloody H e double hockey sticks. If they say sorry out of stock then at least you know you are getting good information and can focus on bandaging it together until it comes in and IMO the dealer needs to step up and get it going stat but again JMO (just my opinion) without all the facts.

Unfortunate to hear several poor reviews. They have enjoyed very good reviews for a while now. Will have to keep an eye on them and see if it continues.   


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Man that stinks!! But it sounds about par for the course for Artesian at least in my experience. I got one of their lemons that did not function properly from day one but I got lucky in that the dealer I got it from stood up and took it back and refunded my money!
Good luck and I hope you get it figured out.
Thank you.


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Where is it leaking at the pump? Can it not be rebuilt? Is it possible it is just a bad 0-ring or seal to could be replaced? If the motor runs they should be able to make it not leak. There are pumps available online (full retail) so I'm sure the MFG can get them but getting parts can be tricky absolutely. Could you bypass the pump and add a T valve or ball valve that you could open every other week to flow chemicals through it and not go stagnant. Not ideal but at least you are running. Do they have a floor model or another spa in stock they could scavenge the part from? I don't know the whole story but have to say if I sold you the spa I would not leave your house until it was running with or without a replacement pump. I would anonymously calling their (MFG) parts department and see if they will sell you one at their full retail price and see if they bite. If they say sure I've got one sitting on the shelf what's your CC number then you have them in a bind and can raise bloody H e double hockey sticks. If they say sorry out of stock then at least you know you are getting good information and can focus on bandaging it together until it comes in and IMO the dealer needs to step up and get it going stat but again JMO (just my opinion) without all the facts.

Unfortunate to hear several poor reviews. They have enjoyed very good reviews for a while now. Will have to keep an eye on them and see if it continues.

I'm not sure where at the pump exactly it is leaking and I don't have the expertise to determine if it could be fixed. After the hot tub installed, it was easy to see it was leaking somewhere as the water level was dropping and there was water underneath and around the tub. The dealer tech came back and determined it was the pump for the microsilk function and said they would need to order a new one. It was only when I followed-up two weeks later that they said it wouldn't be available until April (which given their history of delays I'm not even confident in that). Good idea about looking for the part myself and then, if I can find it, raising hell with the dealer. Probably a long shot but worth checking.


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Good idea about looking for the part myself and then, if I can find it, raising hell with the dealer. Probably a long shot but worth checking.

The dealer is waiting to get the part from Artesian. Contact Artesian directly and see if they have one available. The pump might be available through online sellers but you need to find out if Artesian has them in stock


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Good idea about looking for the part myself and then, if I can find it, raising hell with the dealer. Probably a long shot but worth checking.

The dealer is waiting to get the part from Artesian. Contact Artesian directly and see if they have one available. The pump might be available through online sellers but you need to find out if Artesian has them in stock

I already spoke with Artesian tech support directly and they said they won't have the part until April (which is what they told the dealer also). But I can get the pump make and model off the label and look elsewhere. 


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I wonder if you could find a third party repair guy to come have a look, they might have an idea, yes it will cost you a couple bucks, but you might get your tub running.


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[ But I can get the pump make and model off the label and look elsewhere.

You would be in for over 1K and they would not reimburse you.
The pump could be bypassed with an hour or 2 of plumbing work at most and a couple of dollars ($25) in parts. It could easily be undone when the replacement pump is in.
The dealer tech is just taking the easy way out...JMO


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[The pump could be bypassed with an hour or 2 of plumbing work at most and a couple of dollars ($25) in parts. It could easily be undone when the replacement pump is in.
The dealer tech is just taking the easy way out...JMO

That's what I thought! But the local dealer is going by what Artesian tech support says. And Artesian tech support (I talked to them directly after talking to my local dealer) claims that it can be bypassed without leaving stagnant water in lines. That makes no sense to me which is why I asked for a plumbing diagram -- the line has to be started somewhere where it could be bypassed without leaving stagnant water. It's frustrating that Artesian claims can't be bypassed and will not provide a plumbing diagram.

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