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Author Topic: Spa Enzyme Treatment  (Read 3756 times)


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Spa Enzyme Treatment
« on: February 04, 2022, 06:12:54 pm »
Curious what people think of enzymes?  Do you think they work?  Does it allow you to use less chlorine and shock?

I'm looking at Spa Marvel and it seems to have good reviews, but at $57 a bottle (16 oz) every 3 months, it's not exactly cheap. 

It also looks like Leisure Time has an Enzyme treatment as well, and seems to be a lot cheaper at $15 for a 32oz bottle.   They suggest 2 oz for a 500 gallon tub every time you use it.  So you could get 16 treatments out of 1 bottle.  If you use the tub every other day, that would mean the Leisure Time Enzyme bottle would last 1 month, so it would be $45 for a 3 month treatment using Leisure Time vs $57 every 3 months for Spa Marvel. 

So a few questions for everyone, the first, do enzymes really work and are they worth it?  And two, is Spa Marvel that much better than Leisure Time Enzymes?  I'm much rather pay $45 every three months for Leisure Time than $57 every three months for Spa Marvel is they're basically the same.  A quick look on Amazon has them both rated roughly the same. 

Thanks for any input on this!

Hot Tub Forum

Spa Enzyme Treatment
« on: February 04, 2022, 06:12:54 pm »


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Re: Spa Enzyme Treatment
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2022, 10:38:33 pm »
I run two spas. One salt water and one with Spa Marvel. I've also ran the tub without Spa Marvel for 3 months using the liquid chlorine method that has been posted here many times. I went back to Spa Marvel. I do use a bromine floater. I don't like having to add chemical after every use. I realize it's only 10 seconds of work but when I get out of the tub I'm relaxed and want to go inside. With Spa Marvel I just add some oxidizer after every 3rd - 5th use. My recommendation is do what ever you feel comfortable with that keeps your water clean and clear. For me my salt tub is super easy and absolutely love it. The other tub the Spa Marvel method is a close 2nd.


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Re: Spa Enzyme Treatment
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2022, 07:42:43 am »
Yeah, I've used about every gimmick and product out there over the years, went back to the straight chlorine method and haven't looked back. Way less things to buy and stock around here! I am contemplating doing the salt tub with a hangover SWG, well see.


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Re: Spa Enzyme Treatment
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2022, 08:40:49 am »
In years gone by when selling a new spa I would include a start up chemical kit ($) that had a bit of everything in it as part of the sale package price. Now I call it Initial Start up chemicals.. a bottle of Bromine or chlorine granule and a bottle of Spa Marvel or Spa Solution (same) and that's it. I leave it up to the customer to buy the rest and never had a complaint from customers about having to buy the rest. Cuts my cost down on what is usually a give away. I find the spa marvel makes balancing the water way easier for newb customers and it gets them on the right path quicker. It also eliminates the need for a Stain and Scale remover. 


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Re: Spa Enzyme Treatment
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2022, 12:10:39 pm »
We have one local dealer that recommends enzymes. I have a friend that bought his second tub from this place and decided to try the enzymes and he loves it after several years of using it. He tells me his wife goes out once a month and puts 32 drops of this stuff in the tub and that is it. He tells me his water gets changed once a year and I have seen his tub and it looks great smells good and all that.

I have even talked to the dealer at several shows and he tells me it is a well kept secret how well this stuff works.

For whatever reason I can’t force myself to spend the money and try it and even believe it works as I have been told. I don’t know the name of the product off hand and the bleach method is working perfect for me so that’s what I have stuck with. I’m also tempted to buy a Saltron Mini as I have another friend with one. I already add salt to my water just for the salt feel, so it would be easy to do. 

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Spa Enzyme Treatment
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2022, 12:10:39 pm »


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