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Author Topic: Hot tub in garden room?  (Read 1653 times)


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Hot tub in garden room?
« on: January 24, 2022, 10:54:16 am »
Our hot tub is currently sitting under our open garden gazebo.

In an attempt to cut heat losses I am considering converting the gazebo to a garden room around it.

Looking for information on condensation which I presume will occur with hot tub sitting at 38 degrees C overnight. If it occurs perhaps a humidity based extractor fan may be needed which would then extract the hot air and therefore bring in cold air which thus kind of defeats the object of an enclosed (warm) space for the tub.

Does anyone have a hot tub in a garden room in the UK and will be able to advise on this please?

This is driven by escalating ele tric costs. If anyone knows cheapest UK tariff (non electric vehicle) that will be great also.

Thanks all.

Hot Tub Forum

Hot tub in garden room?
« on: January 24, 2022, 10:54:16 am »


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Re: Hot tub in garden room?
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2022, 01:15:09 pm »
My tub sits just outside our house in a corner that gives protection on two of its four sides The one outside face has a wooden privacy wall that stops the wind it has a roof over it and the one side that is open for the view has a curtain that can be drawn as a wind block. Nonetheless it is an unheated space and we see temps well below Zero-F during our winters. Heat loss thru the tub and cover when not being used is very small. Snow will blow onto the cover and be unchanged just as if it was on the decking. Same for the outside surfaces of the tub.

Now when the tub is opened that’s a different story and a lot of moisture is lost as steam coming off and it will even warm the un-insulated area maybe 10 degrees.

In your case the small amount of time you will be in the tub I don’t see having much of an impact on your outside structure. If you want to close it in to stop wind when using the tub that’s a good idea. I don’t see doing that is going to save you that much on energy costs heating the tub.   


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Re: Hot tub in garden room?
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2022, 06:57:22 pm »
My tub sits in an enclosed sunroom. The enclosure is mostly double glass sliding doors. I have a bathroom fan mounted in the ceiling that runs all the time. The only time I get any condensation is after a soak on a cold night.

I do have a 1500W heater in the room but it doesn't run overnight and if it's really cold (sub 32 degrees F), it doesn't have a prayer of keeping the entire room much above 40 degrees F.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Hot tub in garden room?
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2022, 06:57:22 pm »


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