Hello everyone,
I have a Master Spas Getaway Ocho Rios SE hot tub:https://www.masterspas.com/getaway/ocho-rios-se-hot-tubIt was delivered in late August of 2021 and is plugged into an outlet in our shed in the backyard with the cord that it came with. Yesterday afternoon, I noticed that the screen was off even though I had noticed it working 2 hours earlier from putting chemicals in it. I found that the GFCI was tripped and each time that I hit the reset button, it would trip instantaneously.
I got under the cabinet to do some light troubleshooting and when unscrewing the tabs for the heater connection, one of the screws was snapped off. There was also some black residue around them and I'm not sure if that's normal or not. Even with the tabs disconnected, I tried plugging it in and it continued to trip. That's why I'm wondering if I found the issue or just created another issue in my troubleshooting.
I also tried plugging it in with the LED, Pump, and Ozone connections disconnected (one at a time and not all at once) and was unable to get it to reset without tripping. Here are some pictures below.
Left tab of heater connection came off fine:
Right tab of heater connection that appears to have snapped:
GFCI breaker that keeps tripping:
The entire circuit board:
Would love some troubleshooting help. It should still be under warranty unless I voided my warranty by doing some light troubleshooting. Would love to get this thing up and running again as soon as possible. I can't believe that it's already breaking down in less than half a year. Was the heater not the problem since it was still tripping with both tabs disconnected? Did I cause more damage by snapping the screw that connects the heater or was that likely already an issue?
Thank you!