Brand Specific Forums > Bullfrog Spas
Delivery R7L in 2 days
I have R7L being delivered very soon.
Its brand new but was made in 2020 Oct and has been sitting in the store for over a year. 6 months ago it was actually sold but the buyer did not pick it up and now after along wait was sold to me.
The bullfrog manager mentioned there was nothing wrong with it and its not refurbished or anything.
He sold it for 10200 dollars.
My question is Was it wise to just order the new model(at the same price) but is a 4 month wait? I can still cancel my order but he said new models are exactly the same but I will have to wait longer if I want new model.
I don't mind going with 2020 model but I just wasn't sure if this was a bad idea. 2020 model still comes with the same factory warranty stuff.
I know I am asking at last minute and I apologize for that. What would you do?
Any suggestions will be truly appreciated.
Thank you again
A Rai:
As long as they are offering you the same warranty, and have told you its the same model/parts/etc, I would say there is no reason to wait and keep with what they've offered you. One for sure way to know if it is a refurb or not is to ask to see the tub wrapped up in its original packaging the manufacturer ships it in. Unless it's a floor model, which in that case the packaging would be removed but still have the same warranty, and the same equipment inside of it.
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