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Author Topic: IQ2020 No Power  (Read 3406 times)


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IQ2020 No Power
« on: December 07, 2021, 06:13:17 pm »
Helping a friend out so, I'll provide all the details that I currently know:
PN: 1302501-3 REV. H
Getting power (220V) to the Heater Relay Control board.
Getting Power via the 3 (Red, Black, White) wires from the HRC board but, wasn't sure how I could ultimately tell what could be the issue.
I "believe" I was getting 120 to the mainboard but, there was NOTHING. No flashy-flashy, blinky-blink of any sort. NOTTA!!
Are there any online troubleshooting steps or some guidance someone can provide? I tried to find someone to do a service call and it's like no one needs/wants the work (go figure) PLUS, my friend doesn't speak much English, has no history on the spa so, I don't want someone to take advantage of her. Any assistance is greatly appreicated.
Not sure how to attach a pic?
« Last Edit: December 07, 2021, 06:16:56 pm by Freezer32 »

Hot Tub Forum

IQ2020 No Power
« on: December 07, 2021, 06:13:17 pm »


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