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Author Topic: Low pumps coming on in between filtration cycles  (Read 2128 times)


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Low pumps coming on in between filtration cycles
« on: October 03, 2021, 09:31:35 am »
Hi all, my hot tub is coming on in between economy filter cycles on low jet and displays “O3”  on the panel when it does. (My tub only heats during the two filter cycles so its not that the heater is kicking in, its just a low jet thats coming on by itself)

Would anyone know why this is? I have a general (not model specific ) manual which says OZONE GENERATOR
Ozone is injected into the spa water during the filtration cycle. The ozone generator (if equipped) operates in conjunction with low speed pump operation and ozone injector. and the manufacturer doesnt exist anymore.

But this doesnt explain why the low pump is coming on by itself in between filtration cycles?

Hot Tub Forum

Low pumps coming on in between filtration cycles
« on: October 03, 2021, 09:31:35 am »


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Re: Low pumps coming on in between filtration cycles
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2021, 11:30:00 am »
The low speed pump will come on while the heater is active. I'll bet that's what is happening, the tub is calling for heat to maintain set temperature.


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Re: Low pumps coming on in between filtration cycles
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2021, 11:19:12 pm »
Hi all, my hot tub is coming on in between economy filter cycles on low jet and displays “O3”  on the panel when it does. (My tub only heats during the two filter cycles so its not that the heater is kicking in, its just a low jet thats coming on by itself)

Would anyone know why this is? I have a general (not model specific ) manual which says OZONE GENERATOR
Ozone is injected into the spa water during the filtration cycle. The ozone generator (if equipped) operates in conjunction with low speed pump operation and ozone injector. and the manufacturer doesnt exist anymore.

But this doesnt explain why the low pump is coming on by itself in between filtration cycles?

O3 is ozone, I wonder if it's running to inject ozone?

The Wizard of Spas

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Re: Low pumps coming on in between filtration cycles
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2021, 12:12:13 pm »
Several layers to this answer.

1.  Economy Mode generally means that it will run w/o the heater, or it will run to maintain a heat within 30F of the desired temp (ex - you set the tub at 90F and the tub will only kick on to heat when the tub gets below 60F).

2.  Virtually all spa pack manufacturers recommend at least 8 hours of filtration per day.  That usually is broken into (2) 4 hour cycles

3.  The onset of these cycles are typically kicked off with each motor turning on full blast for up to 1 minute.

The reasoning behind this is to clear out the plumbing lines, enact proper filtration, enact proper ozonation, and to allow chemicals to be dispersed.  Thus you could have the spa kicking on for any of the above reasons or for the aggregate of the above reasons. 

I would suspect that any time the low speed pump is on, the ozone is on.

This is all in generalities so there could be specifics to your situation that are not addressed.  I hope this helps.  Good luck moving forward.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Low pumps coming on in between filtration cycles
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2021, 12:12:13 pm »


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