It's been a very long day for this newbie...
After 4 months it was time to do my first drain & refill. Armed with my bottle of Swirlaway I dumped 250 ml into my Sundance Altamar (1/2 the bottle - erring on the side of caution) and turned on the pumps. Phone rang...went inside for 15 minutes...when I came outside I could hardly believe my eyes

Suds 3 feet tall above the rim of the tub.

As the suds poured over the sides of the tub all I could think about was the Brady Bunch episode where the kids were doing the laundry and put in too much detergent

I turned off the pumps as I tried to figure out what to do with the monstrous mass of foam. The sit-com continued as I tried scooping, bailing, blowing - anything to reduce it - all I got was covered in it! At that moment my mother walked into my backyard and saw me and my tub and she burst out laughing!! She laughed so hard she cried

I managed to get it under with 1/2 a bottle of Foam Down, but seriously folks...has this happened to anyone else?
What's with the foaming & Swirlaway? Is it supposed to foam THAT much? I'm glad I didn't put in the whole bottle. Did I do something wrong? Did it foam so much because my TDS was so high?
The rest of the drain & refill was quite uneventful. Changed the filter, wiped out the inside of the tub, added Metal Gon - the water looks great. Right now it's heating up.
I can laugh at it now, but I'd sure like some insight as to why it created that much foam?! Any thoughts?