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Author Topic: First time buyer - Caldera Cantabria, Bullfrog A9L, or Artesian Bimini?  (Read 4472 times)


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Hi, I have learned a lot from this forum over the last couple of years and my husband and I are finally ready to bite the bullet and buy our first spa!

We have 6 children so need a large tub.  We have narrowed it down to the Caldera Cantabria, the Bullfrog A9L, or the Artesian Bimini 72. 

We are unable to wet test the Cantabria or the Bimini 72. We can test a different Bullfrog, not the exact model.  A friend of mine has an A7L so I'm pretty familiar with them.

My question is - would it make any sense to get the Cantabria or the Bimini without wet testing it? I know everyone speaks very highly of the wet test. . .

Also, does anyone know which ones the foot jets are better on? That is an important feature to us.

Also, any comments about the warranty on the Artesian?  It seems to be a lot less comprehensive than Caldera and Bullfrog.

Thanks in advance for any help.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2021, 01:58:56 pm by laurelinds »

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Wet testing the specific models you're considering has always been the wise route but not so easy anymore so its not a surprise that you can't wet test any of the 3 models in question (testing another model from the same brand only tells you so much). Its doubly important when lounges are in play because lounges take up a good deal of space but not everyone fits in them well (and some float) and it can cut down on useful space for many of the entrants. The fact these are large spas mitigates that a lot since there is still a lot of space left outside the lounge except with the Bimini since it has 2 lounges which in that case I'd be more hesitant without specifically trying it. Also, unless those kids are adults you'll find the lounges don't do much for them though they won't exactly be sitting still much in any seats. Seems like the single lounge Pelican Bay might be a better comparison to the other 2 models and it should have similar warranties unless I'm missing something.
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Thank you for your insights, we will look into the Pelican Bay!


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These are some of the exact models we were looking at. Did you decide on one? Do you mind me asking the prices you were quoted?


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Hi, sorry for the delay. . . we have been postponing our decision because of the inability to wet test. :(

The prices quoted were $17,844 for the Bullfrog A9L, $15,499 for the Caldera Cantabria, and $14,272 for the Artesian Bimini 72.


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The Bimini is certainly a big tub, I can see why you are considering it. The dual loungers may work out well, depending on how big your kids are and how they want to use the tub. I probably would do it for me as loungers do take up a lot of space and you can float out of them with the jets on. Depending on what I was doing that day, I move around seats. Lots of yard work, the captains seat with the neck jets or the straight captains seat. Getting in just to relax and unwind, I'll be in the lounge. Body type can also determine comfort. I tend to float out of almost every seat i'm in and this was an issue with every manufacturers tub I tried. This can be overcome by using a weight belt across your lap, about 5 Lbs is right for me. My wife, on the other hand, doesn't float out of the seats. Go figure.

I bought an Island Nevis with one lounger and so far, i'm very happy with it. So far, it's been a great tub. Comfortable, been easy to maintain and has multiple seating options. I have no hesitation recommending anything from Artesian at this point.


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We actually just went with a Hot Springs Prism. . . at this point in time, which local dealers had good reputations and availability ended up playing a huge role in our decision.  We weren't able to wet test anything so hoping it's a good fit!

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