Friday, last day of the trip. We were given a free day to explore on our own. After breakfast, we went down to the Quay to catch a ferry over to Darling Harbour and visit the Sydney Aquarium. Tickets were $10 apiece to ride the ferry and I could have just ridden around the harbor all day and been happy. If you look really close at the top of the bridge, there is a group of people on one of the climbing tours:

I was told the flags were at half-mast because they knew I was leaving the next day and it was a sign of respect.
A pirate ship. I wanted to join up but they said I was too well thought-of in the community:

The harbor was full of box jellyfish, very dangerous. I couldn't get any good pics of them.
Once at the aquarium, I had the opportunity to pet a Great White Shark, something I've always wanted to try. DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS unless you are a trained spa selling prufeshnal:

I LOVED the platypussies. They are the strangest little beasts on earth but very entertaining. The males have venomous spurs on their hind legs so you don't want to fondle one:

Sweetie Pie would not go through the shark tunnel, the big sheila:

Giant cuttlefish, about 30" long, scariest looking critter on the planet. Imagine how impressive the giant squids are!

These lobsters were huge, about 24" long. They looked mighty tasty:

Great Barrier Reef exhibit:

WARNING: DO NOT ATTEMPT unless you are a trained spa selling prufeshnul:

Mr. Quackers was a dangerous beast, but after years of watching Steve Irwin masterfully handle venomous critters, it was a piece of cake for an adventurer like myself.
After the aquarium, went to the mall and got some KFC. It was the only meal we had that cost under $50. Of the original "11 herbs and spices", the Aussies only use about 4 of them. Blecchhh!
Got some gellato Italian ice cream. Fantastic! Dang near almost as good as Texas Blue Bell Ice Cream, best food on earth!
Went to the hotel and got ready for the big going away was awe-inspiring and it will be the big finale to this way overdrawn post....