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Author Topic: Chemical burn in throat & lungs  (Read 2126 times)


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Chemical burn in throat & lungs
« on: May 11, 2021, 01:56:04 pm »
Hi Everyone, We got our new Lifesmart Coronado DS600 DX that has an ozone generator, in October. It is located outside. Didn't use it much due to winter temps. We were talked into getting BaquaSpa by our local pool chemical shop. We told them that I have asthma and very sensitive skin, so they advised BaquaSpa. Fast forward to this Spring; used the tub once, no problem, 2 weeks later and 2 days after hubby tested water and put in weekly chemicals (cover was off most of the day before we got in), we got in for about 90 minutes. After a while, I noticed my skin being irritated and by the end of the soak, my throat burning. I showered, and noticed my throat burning and lungs feeling tight. The next morning, I could barely swallow, speak and having trouble breathing. I went to my pulmonologist that day, he said I had chemical burns to my throat, sinuses and lungs and a big bag of new medications. It's over a week now, and still can barely speak and still coughing. He said he's seen this happen before with hot tubs and pools causing reactions.
I called the pool shop and they never heard of this type of reaction to BaquaSpa-of course. :-\. BTW, hubby only got some minor skin irritation.

NOW WHAT!? In researching this, the peroxide based sanitizer can be the problem. Should someone with my issues switch to Chlorine/Dichlor or what? We are going to drain it and start over with a different chemical, but undecided about which one and how to completely get rid of the old chemicals after we drain it. I don't want some complicated system that you need to be a chemical engineer to figure out. I'd appreciate advice. Thanks.

Hot Tub Forum

Chemical burn in throat & lungs
« on: May 11, 2021, 01:56:04 pm »

The Wizard of Spas

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Re: Chemical burn in throat & lungs
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2021, 02:30:39 pm »
It is important to understand what is and is not allowable in terms of water chemistry sanitizers when understanding the warranty of your spa. Most major brands note that Tri-Chlor tablets and Biguanide products (such as BaquaSpa) void warranties for a myriad of reasons.   

That aside, the issues you have may not be a single issue but several issues all wrapped in one so try to think on this as a multi-faceted issue. 

When you're in for prolonged uses (90 mins, for example) the sanitizer will eventually run out.  That can cause skin irritation / red bumps (the sanitizer runs out, bacterial gets in the pores, and the irritation ensues).  Just like if you sit around the dinner table for a while eating, eventually food will run out.  Then multiply it by the number of people and it can make it even tougher.

You may also not be aware of any allergies you might have to a certain product until you encounter it.  Thus you may have simply had an allergic reaction as well. 

And then there is always the "newness" factor - did you apply the chemicals correctly?  Was the wait time correct?  etc. etc. These are issues that newer spa owners encounter.  This happens to virtually everyone who is new to hot tubs and not an indictment on you.   

I'll leave it to others to comment on what is preferred in terms of other options.  Just wanted to try and help flesh out the root of the issue.  I hope this helps.  Good luck moving forward.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Chemical burn in throat & lungs
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2021, 02:30:39 pm »


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