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Author Topic: Gullible Guy is Gullible (or How I Deluded Myself on an On-Time HT Delivery)  (Read 10552 times)


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I'll bet, in February, that was the latest data the dealer had.

This is very much on point. 

Supplier giving ETA --> Manufacturer planning for said ETA, gives dealer ETA  -->  Dealer gets ETA on shipment, tells customer  -->  Customer plans for said ETA. 

Customer relies on dealer, who relies on manufacturer, who relies on supplier(s) for ETAs.  Couple that with the fact that there are only 2 acrylic manufacturers, like 3 pump suppliers, jet suppliers, so on, so forth, and that compounds the issue.  You can begin to understand why the entire industry is in a "hurry up and wait" mindset.  *Then* couple that with unprecedented demand.

There is zero upside for someone like me, for instance, to not get a spa out ASAP.  No good comes for false expectations.  However, it is also incredibly difficult to give continuous updates as there are thousands of spas on order and our parts situation changes daily to weekly (consider - by the time we send out one communique, that information could be already outdated!). 

I am not at all picking on the original poster and I hope that this comes off as genuine.  Just want to give a peek behind the curtain to explain why a benign question similar to "I can wait but I would like an update" is so hard to execute. There are so many links in the chain with so many variables that you're set up to fail in terms of setting up correct expectations. 

I hope this helps.  Good luck moving forward.

I wish every single customer could see this.  It really is this simple as to why we cannot continuously update people.  We have thousands of hot tubs on order and there is just no way to cross reference projections with reality for every single customer.  They are all angry and can't understand why we don't communicate in the manner that they would like.  I really wish we could.  We strive so hard to provide a good experience and this last year has made it virtually impossible.  I promise you that we are just as frustrated as you are.  More actually.  Every single day I'm dealing with angry customers and I want nothing more for them to have their hot tub.  Morale is taking a major hit.  I get a sinking feeling in my stomach every time the phone rings, lol.

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I'll bet, in February, that was the latest data the dealer had.

This is very much on point. 

Supplier giving ETA --> Manufacturer planning for said ETA, gives dealer ETA  -->  Dealer gets ETA on shipment, tells customer  -->  Customer plans for said ETA. 

Customer relies on dealer, who relies on manufacturer, who relies on supplier(s) for ETAs.  Couple that with the fact that there are only 2 acrylic manufacturers, like 3 pump suppliers, jet suppliers, so on, so forth, and that compounds the issue.  You can begin to understand why the entire industry is in a "hurry up and wait" mindset.  *Then* couple that with unprecedented demand.

There is zero upside for someone like me, for instance, to not get a spa out ASAP.  No good comes for false expectations.  However, it is also incredibly difficult to give continuous updates as there are thousands of spas on order and our parts situation changes daily to weekly (consider - by the time we send out one communique, that information could be already outdated!). 

I am not at all picking on the original poster and I hope that this comes off as genuine.  Just want to give a peek behind the curtain to explain why a benign question similar to "I can wait but I would like an update" is so hard to execute. There are so many links in the chain with so many variables that you're set up to fail in terms of setting up correct expectations. 

I hope this helps.  Good luck moving forward.

I wish every single customer could see this.  It really is this simple as to why we cannot continuously update people.  We have thousands of hot tubs on order and there is just no way to cross reference projections with reality for every single customer.  They are all angry and can't understand why we don't communicate in the manner that they would like.  I really wish we could.  We strive so hard to provide a good experience and this last year has made it virtually impossible.  I promise you that we are just as frustrated as you are.  More actually.  Every single day I'm dealing with angry customers and I want nothing more for them to have their hot tub.  Morale is taking a major hit.  I get a sinking feeling in my stomach every time the phone rings, lol.

ya it is unfortunate, right now we're letting customers know they have (2) options, 1. you can wait until we call to schedule delivery or 2. we can refund your deposit in full....all this calling manufacturers and checking status, quoting 'approximate' dates, etc. is all a waste of time, NOBODY knows when raw goods will land therefore nobody knows when spas will ship, it's really as simple as that right now.  Not the ideal way to do business but there's really no other options at this point.


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Guess I should have clarified, as I come off as a bit of a whiner maybe? I'm not upset by the delays, I totally get it.  And I absolutely don't expect the dealer to be reaching out to me personally to update on every development with my order (trust me, as someone whose clients complain all the time about my poor response time, I get that!). 

What I would have liked was some transparency when I checked in with them.  I called twice (because calling on a weekly or monthly basis seemed silly and an unnecessary nuisance for them), and both times, the tenor that was reflected back at me was "yes, of course your delivery is still scheduled for that date" and the second time, more explicitly, "I wouldn't expect a delay this late in the process."  I think dealers would be well served, at least with some customers, with the approach I noted:  "We have you scheduled for x, 2021/2.  We have no reason to believe that won't be the date, but there have been serious disruptions throughout the supply chain, so we cannot guaranty anything.  What I can tell you is that our oldest orders still waiting as of today are from y, 2020/21, and our most recent deliveries were for orders placed in z, 2020/21."   I would have totally appreciated the expectation check if that information was provided on each contact with my dealer, and I would have still moved forward with the order. 

Call me a cynic but I suspect that dealers fear that that information (especially the last bit about open orders and recent deliveries) will lead to lost deposits.  I just know it wouldn't have with me, and instead would have built up some valuable good will when its needed most.   


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Just got the call I have been waiting for. My Artesian Nevis just arrived at my dealer and will be installed next Friday.

So, travel time from Las Vegas to Raleigh was 6 days and my tub ended up being delayed about 14 weeks from the first info given to my dealer. My dealer did set expectations for late March to mid April delivery though when we put the deposit on it.

This tub was ordered by my dealer last October as part of a stocking shipment. Just to give y'all an idea of current lead times.


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Next up... Chlorine tablet shortage. If you use it...stock up


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Just got the call I have been waiting for. My Artesian Nevis just arrived at my dealer and will be installed next Friday.

So, travel time from Las Vegas to Raleigh was 6 days and my tub ended up being delayed about 14 weeks from the first info given to my dealer. My dealer did set expectations for late March to mid April delivery though when we put the deposit on it.

This tub was ordered by my dealer last October as part of a stocking shipment. Just to give y'all an idea of current lead times.

See, this is the kind of information it would be helpful to get from dealers.


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Just got the call I have been waiting for. My Artesian Nevis just arrived at my dealer and will be installed next Friday.

So, travel time from Las Vegas to Raleigh was 6 days and my tub ended up being delayed about 14 weeks from the first info given to my dealer. My dealer did set expectations for late March to mid April delivery though when we put the deposit on it.

This tub was ordered by my dealer last October as part of a stocking shipment. Just to give y'all an idea of current lead times.

See, this is the kind of information it would be helpful to get from dealers.

No dealer is purposely keeping updates and/or information a secret from consumers, the problem is even some of the CEO's of these manufacturers don't know when raw goods will land in order to build these spas.  Trust me as a dealer I want the damn thing out of my warehouse and into your backyard more than you do, nobody gets paid until it's delivered and in your yard.


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Just got the call I have been waiting for. My Artesian Nevis just arrived at my dealer and will be installed next Friday.

So, travel time from Las Vegas to Raleigh was 6 days and my tub ended up being delayed about 14 weeks from the first info given to my dealer. My dealer did set expectations for late March to mid April delivery though when we put the deposit on it.

This tub was ordered by my dealer last October as part of a stocking shipment. Just to give y'all an idea of current lead times.

See, this is the kind of information it would be helpful to get from dealers.

No dealer is purposely keeping updates and/or information a secret from consumers, the problem is even some of the CEO's of these manufacturers don't know when raw goods will land in order to build these spas.  Trust me as a dealer I want the damn thing out of my warehouse and into your backyard more than you do, nobody gets paid until it's delivered and in your yard.

Right on and I’ve noticed some things change by The day. Also until the load is confirmed shipped we don’t always know if everything that was is supposed to be on the truck is actually on it. I’ve stopped giving timeframes all together. Giving like 120 day ranges. It’s real tough operating like this right now

The Wizard of Spas

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Next up... Chlorine tablet shortage. If you use it...stock up

I very much hope you're not using Tri-Chlor tablets. Most manufacturers I know do not warranty Tri-Chlor.  Just a heads-up.


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Just got the call I have been waiting for. My Artesian Nevis just arrived at my dealer and will be installed next Friday.

So, travel time from Las Vegas to Raleigh was 6 days and my tub ended up being delayed about 14 weeks from the first info given to my dealer. My dealer did set expectations for late March to mid April delivery though when we put the deposit on it.

This tub was ordered by my dealer last October as part of a stocking shipment. Just to give y'all an idea of current lead times.

See, this is the kind of information it would be helpful to get from dealers.

No dealer is purposely keeping updates and/or information a secret from consumers, the problem is even some of the CEO's of these manufacturers don't know when raw goods will land in order to build these spas.  Trust me as a dealer I want the damn thing out of my warehouse and into your backyard more than you do, nobody gets paid until it's delivered and in your yard.

Right on and I’ve noticed some things change by The day. Also until the load is confirmed shipped we don’t always know if everything that was is supposed to be on the truck is actually on it. I’ve stopped giving timeframes all together. Giving like 120 day ranges. It’s real tough operating like this right now

While my dealer did not call with continuous updates (which I did not ask for nor expect) They were always willing to check and give me the latest status when I called them. I also did not try to be a pest. When the initial delivery estimate came, I called for an update, They then gave me the best estimate they had, based on info from Artesian.  When that passed by 2 weeks, I called again and this latest info they got and passed on was accurate, but I was also expecting last minute changed based on supply chain issues.

I know that the dealer doesn't want to sit on customer inventory, They only got a 25% deposit, They want it delivered and paid for.


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Arrived yesterday, 2 months after originally scheduled delivery date and 5 months after ordered.  I guess that's not THAT bad in the current times!


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No, that's not bad at all. Mine was 14 weeks from original delivery date.

Congratulations and enjoy. Which model Artesian did you get and did it come with a Balboa or a Gecko spa pack? I heard that some Artesian's were coming with Gecko packs due to Balboa's shortage in parts.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2021, 09:35:11 am by cranbiz »


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No, that's not bad at all. Mine was 14 weeks from original delivery date.

Congratulations and enjoy. Which model Artesian did you get and did it come with a Balboa or a Gecko spa pack? I heard that some Artesian's were coming with Gecko packs due to Balboa's shortage in parts.

Balboa.  Does that mean I lost the spa pack lotto or won?


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No, thats the one you want.
From someone who took recent delivery on a South Seas spa, they got a Gecko spa pack. Looks like Artesian is saving their limited Balboa stock to their 2 top lines and using Gecko for the two entry level lines.
Supplies are tough to get now and this makes sense as opposed to not shipping tubs at all.


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Annnnnnd before I step foot in the tub I get a "Failed GFCI Test" error.  Don't know if its something with the spa or what the electrician did, but after 6 months of waiting, not loving more waiting!!!

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