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Author Topic: Question about wet testing  (Read 5435 times)


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Question about wet testing
« on: September 15, 2004, 08:25:47 pm »
We would like to wet test the Marquis and the Hot Spring.  At the Marquis place they have the tub with a curtain around it so you can have some privacy.  At the Hot Springs place it is in the open with nothing around it.  Are you supposed to go in there with swim suits on and have everyone watching you try out the tub?  I think I would feel very uncomfortable in that situation.  What is the usual situation for wet testing?

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Question about wet testing
« on: September 15, 2004, 08:25:47 pm »


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Re: Question about wet testing
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2004, 08:41:18 pm »
Yep, I hear ya.  Some dealers here have a "side room" with a couple tubs filled - very nice.  Others are out in the middle of the sales floor.  I found it a little intimidating too.  We (spouse & I) went with our 3 kids (13 - 18) and that worked great.  We were all focused on each other and not so much on other shoppers.  I also noticed as soon as we started climbing in tubs, other shoppers drifted off to the other side of the store.  

If taking the family is not an option, consider asking a couple friends to join you.  You can also ask the dealer if they will schedule before/after regular hours.   Once you are there, try each seat for several minutes.  Try closing your eyes and imagine you are in your back yard.  That can help you focus on how the seat/jets really feel.  finally, make notes on your impressions while you are there.  An hour later it starts to fade and "blur together."

If it comes down to worse case scenario and you can't do "after hours" and your out in the middle of the store, just think about the size of the purchase.  Pick the right tub and you will enjoy if daily for years to come.  I can't stress enough, the way the tub sits "dry" has very little bearing on how they fit & feel with water in them.   Natural buyancy and action of the jets changes the fit & feel.

There's another advantage to the wet test - schedule both dealers the same day and make sure they each know you are wet testing the other brand too.  They will treat you like a serious shopper vs. casual browser.  Good luck and have fun with it
« Last Edit: September 15, 2004, 08:42:15 pm by UnderTheStars »


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Re: Question about wet testing
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2004, 09:53:28 pm »
I'm always up for staying after closing to accomadate a wet test.

I make the offer regularly for three reasons

1) Customer is more likely to make the right decision
2) It greatly increases my chances of the sale
3) Chances are they are not going to take me up on the offer. I wish this was not true but I am sure others will agree that less than 5% actually wet test.
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Re: Question about wet testing
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2004, 10:03:12 pm »
I wish this was not true but I am sure others will agree that less than 5% actually wet test.

I am still amazed every time I read this...  I wonder how many people on this board have bought without wet testing.  Maybe this is a trend and people will start buying cars without test driving them...  :o
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Re: Question about wet testing
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2004, 10:11:10 pm »
Thinking back, When we started shopping it never even occured to us that wet test was an option.  (Our first tub.)  Nobody in the first couple dealerships offered and we didn't notice the "side rooms."  I happened onto this board and got the message loud & clear.

Man, am I glad  I found out in time.  We had pretty much decided what we wanted to buy (dry.)  The first wet test completely changed our decision.  I've learned so much from you folks on this forum!


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Re: Question about wet testing
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2004, 11:25:31 pm »
Shopping here in NJ, I have found only one dealer who would let me wet test. Unfortunately for me, it wasn't a brand I wanted. I have been able to dry test almost all the tubs I looked at.

But with that said, there is something about being half naked jumping into water at a "store" that would stop most people, myself included. I also have to say that I question the water quality of the spas at the dealer to begin with (one dealer I went to I wouldn't even stick my hand in - it was gross).

Also, my opinion is - I don't have a tub, so any tub would be better than no tub and yes all tubs probably do feel different.  But will I go wrong with a quality brand tub - again my opinion is no. I would think that if you dry tested a tub and fit (I did sit in one tub with neck jets and didn't fit in one seat), the tub is going to be good.

I've spent months looking at various brands, but I have friends who went out and bought a tub - will they enjoy theirs any less than I will when I finally get mine - probably not.

As for test driving a car, that's a joke. The dealer's I've been to take you around the block on a nicely paved street and don't dare mention a highway to see if the car can accelerate to 60 to flow into traffic.


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Re: Question about wet testing
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2004, 11:32:28 pm »

        If you live anywhere close to bergen county NJ there is a Hot springs dealer and a Sundance dealer not too far from each other and i wet tested a couple of tubs at each location.
Both dealers were very acomodating and as a matter of fact the Hot Springs dealer is having an yearly tent sale.Let me know if you need any further info.


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Re: Question about wet testing
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2004, 11:59:08 pm »
I agree with you Vinny on the water quality.  It looked fine but we went home and took showers!  But I still say if you can find a place that will let you, go for the wettest.  Even if you have to drive to a neighboring city/town.  It really really does make a difference.

Can you go wrong with a quality brand tub?  No.  You'll have a quality tub.  But after spending a lot of cash you may end up with a quality tub that well, the jets just don't hit quite right.  And that's how the jets will hit every night for years to come - not quite right.  I'm telling you, I didn't want to "go naked in the store" but it makes a huge difference and completely changed which tub we bought.  Trust us on this one and find a place that will schedule it.


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Re: Question about wet testing
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2004, 12:30:53 am »
My daughter and I wet tested with others in the store.  It was on a Tuesday afternoon and there were just a few people in the store.  The next test I did alone and the dealer had a private room.

Try and go on a slow day in the afternoon.  If you are uncomfortable with that each of the dealers I have contacted would WT after store hours.

Like the others, I was shocked at the difference between wet and dry!  It is ABSOLUTELY critical how the seats with water engulf each member of your family and the jets feel.  So far the tubs I've tested have been vastly different.

TAKE NOTES on everything..from rapport with sales people to look of tub.  To me evrything is important when making the final decision.


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Re: Question about wet testing
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2004, 01:13:06 am »
I'm always up for staying after closing to accomadate a wet test.


I think this is the answer for the spa out in the middle of the showroom. Any dealer who wants your business will do this in a heartbeat.
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Re: Question about wet testing
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2004, 08:00:40 am »
As for test driving a car, that's a joke. The dealer's I've been to take you around the block on a nicely paved street and don't dare mention a highway to see if the car can accelerate to 60 to flow into traffic.

Thats a sore subject with me.  We recently test drove a Saturn and they wanted to tell me where to test drive. I just smiled at the lady as she told me to turn right and I kept going straight. I don't do preprogrammed test drives. It was a good think my wife and daughter were with me, or I would have probably been arrested for kidnapping.    This Saturn dealer is the only one in town that does that.
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Re: Question about wet testing
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2004, 08:51:21 am »
We thought it fun to be in the tub in the middle of the store as people came and went! :)

But I completely understand, and many people just are not comfortable in public in a swimsuit at all, much less in a place of business.  You are *not* unique or alone in this feeling and a good dealer *will* accomodate you.  Think of it as a test of how responsive the dealer is to his customers. Let him or her know that how they respond to you affects your purchasing decision (as it should).

As for the tub being icky, it may be, but remember, dirty water is ugly water.  While clear water doesn't necessarily mean sanitized water, it does help.  There is *nothing* wrong with asking the dealer to dip a test strip in the water before you wet test and then you will know in 3 seconds if there is a proper amount of sanitizer in the tub.

If the sanitizer levels are appropriate you may be sitting in someone elses germs, but they will be *dead* someone elses germs.  ;D

When we wet tested the only problem we ran into was with our local Jacuzzi dealer whose "new intern" (whatever that meant) had put way too many chemicals in the tub we wanted to wet test.  The smell was so overpowering with the jets on I almost passed out and the dealer wouldn't let me wet test until the water balance had evened out.  Too many or too few chemicals can ruin a wet test.  Bad odors can ruin a wet test. Itchy, rashy skin can ruin a wet test.  Since the wet test is part of the sales pitch a reputable dealer checks these things beforehand.  If a mistake is made, a reputable dealer will let you know and reschedule.

Also, when you wet test, don't be pressured out of the tub.  Stay in for 10 - 15 minutes.  Try all the seats. Try and have 2 extra people with you to sit on either side of you. MANY tubs look like they are big inside but when you have someone on your left and someone on your right you'd be surprised how quickly you feel cramped with some tub layouts.

Best of luck!




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Re: Question about wet testing
« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2004, 09:47:03 am »
During my Hot Springs wet tests, the customers that walked in looked very envious when they saw me relaxed, soaking.  A couple even asked me questions about how things felt to me.  I enjoyed the exchange.  Also be aware that the jet/air action in the tubs will prevent anyone seeing you from the waterline down so you are not exposed when in the tub....only when entering/exiting.  I wet tested the Vista, Envoy, Vanguard and Grandee and it was wonderful feeling the differences between them in one session.  Please, please wet test......a dry test doesn't come close.
Good luck!
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Re: Question about wet testing
« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2004, 03:14:46 pm »
I wet tested knowing that I would most likely never see any of the customers in that store again. That way I was sort of able to tune them out. I don't think I have seen any of the customers again, just the salesman and who cares about him ;). My wife was really reluctant, so I arranged dips after hours. Every salesman I talked to was willing to do it. The dealers were reputable and I didn't really worry about the water...just took a shower afterward. I really like the idea of putting a curtain around the tub. A dealer who's willing to do that would leave an impression that he cares about me.

Sol is right on the money with taking lots of notes. I compared answers to the same questions asked of different dealers, features, personalities, convenience, sales pressure, price, warranties, likes, dislikes, and most of all the wet test. As soon as I left the dealer, I sat in the car and wrote down every thing I liked and disliked during the wet test. I know everyone has preached wet test and I am an advocate. Our decision was made by taking and comparing notes on each experience with most emphasis on the wet test. As embarassing as wet testing might seem, I am convinced that it got us the tub that best fits us. It definitely swayed our decision. As long as you stay with top brands, you will end up with a good tub. But without wet testing, you will never know if the tub you bought is the best fit for you. IMHO


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Re: Question about wet testing
« Reply #14 on: September 16, 2004, 04:56:15 pm »
Thanks for all the feedback.  We realize that we need to wet test before making a decision.  I'm not worried about the Marquis since it is in a corner with a curtain across the front.  I will call the Hot Springs place and see if we can come in after hours.  

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Re: Question about wet testing
« Reply #14 on: September 16, 2004, 04:56:15 pm »


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