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Author Topic: Baqua and Ozonator--What's the deal?  (Read 4100 times)

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Baqua and Ozonator--What's the deal?
« on: September 30, 2004, 09:56:20 am »
I'm a reltively new owner (Sweetwater installed in late July) I have a CD ozonator and use Baqua. We chose the ozonator because it should "cut down on chemical use"  and Baqua b/c of my sensitive skin.  

But is this a bad combo? Do these two not work together well?

From BaquaSpa's literature "If you are using an ozonator, we recommend that you test your BaquaSpa Sanitizer... level every four days instead of once a week (as recommended for spas without an ozonator).

This makes me think I will need MORE chems than I would without the ozonator.

BTW, we are happy with Baqua so far, but then we have nothing to compare it with (it's our first spa). We do need to add chems 2X week (we're heavy users), and we have problems with the trademark brown scum line.


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Baqua and Ozonator--What's the deal?
« on: September 30, 2004, 09:56:20 am »


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Re: Baqua and Ozonator--What's the deal?
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2004, 01:05:40 pm »
Fellow Baqua user here, about 18 months.

We had a brown scumline for the first few months.
Now we do not.  
Just use your surface cleaner and scrub pad to remove it.  Perhaps you will experience this going away gradually over the months as we did.

I don't have ozone, so I really don't know how it would change the Baqua routine, but I'd do what it says in the Baqua recommendations.  


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Re: Baqua and Ozonator--What's the deal?
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2004, 04:59:23 pm »
I'm pretty sure I read it here on a previous post that they are not compatible together. I'd do a search on the forums if I were you. I'm not 100% sure but I think there is a chemical reaction that occurs and could be dangerous to your health. Or I could be completely wrong and confusing Baqua with something else. Sorry I don't have more precise information but I'd rather be safe than sorry. Do a search on these forums and Google and you should find out the safety issues.

If not ask Chas (most knowledgable poster on these boards) for the real facts.

Good Luck!!!


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Re: Baqua and Ozonator--What's the deal?
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2004, 05:00:41 pm »
I've been trying to figure this out too.  Brewman was also kind enough to give me some advice on the subject a couple weeks ago.  I'm a couple weeks out from having our Optima delivered/installed.  My dealer recommends Baqua, but is kind of neutral on an ozonator with Baqua.  I think they recommend an ozonator when using chlorine though...  From reading up on Baqua's site, I'm pretty sure that an ozonator with Baqua will require more chems more frequently.  Perhaps the ozonator causes the water to get out of balance more quickly with Baqua?  Maybe it oxidizes some of the chemicals and causes the concentration to drop more quickly?

Anyway, I'm trying to decide if I'm gonna go Baqua with an ozonator, Baqua without an ozonator, or some other method with or without an ozonator.  We like the idea that we wouldn't smell like chlorine all the time using BaquaSpa, but I'm also wondering if it's a lot more expensive or difficult to maintain a Baqua-based spa, especially if I have an ozonator. I guess I'm gonna have to go the dealer this weekend and really pick their brains and try to make a decision.  Gotta make up my mind soon...


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Re: Baqua and Ozonator--What's the deal?
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2004, 05:30:35 pm »
I'm pretty sure I read it here on a previous post that they are not compatible together. I'd do a search on the forums if I were you. I'm not 100% sure but I think there is a chemical reaction that occurs and could be dangerous to your health. Or I could be completely wrong and confusing Baqua with something else. Sorry I don't have more precise information but I'd rather be safe than sorry. Do a search on these forums and Google and you should find out the safety issues.

If not ask Chas (most knowledgable poster on these boards) for the real facts.

Good Luck!!!


When you run Ozone and Baqua you must test every four days, as was pointed out above.

I have customers with ozone systems who test every four days for a month or so, but the tests showed they needed nothing. So they went back to testing once per week.

I have other customers who ended up adding chems every four days - till they shut off the ozone system. It seems to vary wildly from tub to tub and family to family. But there is not a health risk that I'm aware of in combining the two, and if your tub works with it, you will need fewer chems.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Baqua and Ozonator--What's the deal?
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2004, 07:25:39 pm »
Since Baqua mentions on their website that ozone can be used, I'd think they wouldn't make such a claim if they knew of any health hazzards.  
You could always email the Baqua people with your questions.  I emailed them a few weeks ago, and they answered my questions promptly.  


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Re: Baqua and Ozonator--What's the deal?
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2004, 10:06:18 am »
Thanks to everyone for this feedback.

Brewman--we Baqua users have to stick together!!

I'll call my dealer, and pick his brain (although I already know he is an anti-Baqua guy....), and email Baqua later today when my kids give me some peace (no school today!).

I'll let you all know what I hear.


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Re: Baqua and Ozonator--What's the deal?
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2004, 05:59:22 pm »
Brewman--we Baqua users have to stick together!!

It has been known to happen.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.

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Re: Baqua and Ozonator--What's the deal?
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2004, 05:59:22 pm »


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