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Jacuzzi - Is "Prolink" subscription required for basic remote control by app?
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Topic: Jacuzzi - Is "Prolink" subscription required for basic remote control by app? (Read 16131 times)
SoCal Monkey
Junior Member
Posts: 31
Jacuzzi - Is "Prolink" subscription required for basic remote control by app?
May 28, 2016, 02:45:55 pm »
I've got a Jacuzzi J-575 coming soon. One of the bells and whistle features I've been looking forward to (but was never a dealbreaker kind of feature) is the "ProLink" app that allows you to use your phone/device as a remote for temp control, filter schedule, etc. I never read much about it until today and was unpleasantly surprised to discover it's a subscription-based service. The first year comes free with the spa, then $60/year after that.
Apparently, part of the ProLink service besides basic remote control is some monitoring of the spa status, which emails you and a "preferred" dealer when stuff happens - system errors/faults, etc. Frankly, this aspect of the service doesn't appeal to me, since I don't really want a dealer calling me every time the countdown timer on the clearray bulb says it's time for a new one. I want service when I'm ready to call for it, not calling me and paying $60/year for that "perk". (I had to really dig to even find out the rate.)
So, my question for any Jacuzzi dealers out there, or owners if you know, is whether the ProLink features are all or nothing. If I can have basic remote control with the app without registering and paying to stay "connected" to a dealer, that's totally fine by me. If it's all or nothing, I guess I'll just make do with only being able to control things from the panels. That's a pretty 1st-world problem as problems go, but it would feel a bit bait-and-switchy to have all the marketing present a neat feature as "included" when it really costs extra and entails an ongoing service arrangement beyond remote control that you may not even want.
Hot Tub Forum
Jacuzzi - Is "Prolink" subscription required for basic remote control by app?
May 28, 2016, 02:45:55 pm »
Junior Member
Posts: 49
Re: Jacuzzi - Is "Prolink" subscription required for basic remote control by app?
Reply #1 on:
December 06, 2018, 12:20:56 pm »
Sorry to bump an old thread - but I'm curious about this as well. What all is configurable within ProLink?
Call me a cynic, but I don't like the idea of any connected devices in my home calling out to a salesman at every opportunity :-)
I really just want to be able to view/maintain temperature remotely, and to be able to control jets/lights/etc from a remote device. The NXT line of Hot Spring tubs have that nice floating water-proof remote, and it's a bummer that Jacuzzi does not have an answer for that, other than using a mobile phone.
SoCal Monkey
Junior Member
Posts: 31
Re: Jacuzzi - Is "Prolink" subscription required for basic remote control by app?
Reply #2 on:
April 03, 2022, 05:23:47 pm »
I'll re-bump this old thread, too, but only because I originated it.
I got my Jacuzzi J-575 in 2016 and 6 years later, I think I can accurately and safely say that the ProLink app for controlling it is garbage. The interface was always terrible, and they never improved it. Among my complaints:
For such a premium product, I think it's ridiculous to charge $60/yr. for full functionality, and even more so when that functionality sucks.
The app can still work over local wi-fi without continuing the subscription, BUT I get a nag screen every time I launch the app, and have to force close and re-open the app between each use. If I just switch back to the app after using it, it won't connect.
AWFUL interface. Every basic function you'd want is multiple taps away.
Can't set up any alerts to notify you when the spa has reached the desired temp.
Can't customize length of jet massage.
Can't save favorite light configurations, and lights by app don't have same flexibility as lights by main panel.
It always takes several attempts to set the new target temp in the app, because it only registers the button presses maybe 1/4 of the the attempts. E.g. tap up arrow 4 times to change from "90" to "94", and the numbers flick back to 90 without changing. Do this 3-4 more times and finally it registers the new target temp, with no rhyme or reason to anything you did different.
It's a garbage app even if it was included for no extra subscription, but even worse than the subscription charge Jacuzzi wants for it, they never bothered to continue developing the app to address its shortcomings. I have patience for a new app to get better, but when I checked the App Store recently, I was amazed to discover they appear to have abandoned ProLink altogether and re-named and re-skinned the "smart" version of their hot tubs as "SmartTub". It looks as bad or worse to me. The one screenshot looks a promising, but there's no indication any functionality has been improved.
I have not had an opportunity to use "SmartTub", but from what I can glean from the description and reviews in the App Store, it is still subscription-based, got a facelift but without better features, and eliminated the ability to connect by wi-fi. Apparently it can only work with a cellular connection. That might be nifty for people who get a strong cell signal where there tub will be, but would render the app features completely useless if you live in a cell signal dead spot like me, despite a robust wi-fi network.
6 years on, I still feel lucky to have a nice big hot tub to enjoy soaking in, but if I was starting over, I would go with a different manufacturer, and the app functionality is one of the reasons. It seems like such a nitpicky detail and I imagine many people wouldn't care about it, but since it's a detail I use and get frustrated with almost every time I decide to use the spa, it seems like a detail that should improve the experience, not make it harder. Now that I've seen they've replaced it, it confirms they've abandoned ProLink for good, which frustrates me even more. It's like upholstering a luxury car with sandpaper.
Hot Tub Forum
Re: Jacuzzi - Is "Prolink" subscription required for basic remote control by app?
Reply #2 on:
April 03, 2022, 05:23:47 pm »
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