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Author Topic: Thinking about giving up!  (Read 6918 times)


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Thinking about giving up!
« on: September 22, 2004, 08:27:43 pm »
Wife and I have tried the Marquis Euphoria, Beachcomber (dry only), Dimension (dry only) and Sundance.  She likes the Optima, especially for the calf jets but I only fit (shoulders below the water) in one seat.  From what I can remember (kids were with us) I fit better in the Euphoira but she felt constricted with the contoured seating, it doesn't have calf jets that she liked and the dealer is smaller and far away.  I thought about just compromising and getting the Optima but then I think about the expense for this toy and I hate the fact that I only fit in one seat.  

I am 6'4 and wife is 5'8 (both weight proportionate) and if I am going to drop this type of cash, I want to be totally excited about it.  I didn't fit well in Jacuzzis, D1, or Beachcomber dry (I am long in the torso, head rests hit me in the mid-upper back.  The Serena or Lotus Bay from D1 looked like it may fit (was wet and I couldnt test) but it was $9400 plus tax which is out of my range.  Someone recommended the Grandee but the intial price quotes I got on that were in the $9000s so I won't even bother.   A few have recommended Dynasty but I am not thrilled about our dealer.  Should I quit??  I fell like I have exhausted options  

Hot Tub Forum

Thinking about giving up!
« on: September 22, 2004, 08:27:43 pm »


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Re: Thinking about giving up!
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2004, 09:02:25 pm »
I would reconsider the Marquis...have your wife try it again.....I am surprised that it did not fit her....as I own one and am 6/2 270 never a problem in any seat.....


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Re: Thinking about giving up!
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2004, 11:03:10 pm »
Please keep wet testing/looking.....you WILL find the tub that is best for both of you.  Don't be in a hurry.....taking a year or more to find the best tub that will hopefully last you many, many years is worth the investment of time.
The only tub I have experience with is the Master Spas LSX.  If you have an MS dealer close, I highly recommend wet testing it.  Check out the reviews here at the review pages.
Best of luck and DON'T GIVE UP......owning the right spa for you will affect your quality of life significantly.......
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Re: Thinking about giving up!
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2004, 01:56:22 am »
Someone on this forum said that you will use your tub differently once you have it at home than when you wet test.

That got me thinking about all potential ways of enjoying each tub that I wet tested. I spent a minumum of 20 minutes in each tub and made sure I understood how each tub worked (funny how most dealers didn't know the versitility of their tubs). You have to think a little out of the box which tends to be hard to do wet testing in a showroom. Move around the tub, slouch in the seats, adjust jets, turn in the seat, swing your legs across seats, turn around in the seats, etc...

Take Mendo's suggestion and try the Euphoria again. It would be hard to find calf jets as good (talkin' 'bout the regular Euphoria not the SA). Spend some time making use of the whirlpool jets and the post seat jets. Try the Optima again - look in you phonebook and see what other dealers are in your area.

Dry tests tell you practically nothing about a tub's comfort. Drive to out of area dealers to wet test if you must. Wet test a tub twice, thrice or more if need be but don't give up - every tub is different and there is at least one out there right for you and your wife!

Best of luck!


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Re: Thinking about giving up!
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2004, 07:37:45 am »
I am not a dealer, just curious which Beachcomber you tried. If you had any interest in them check out the 730. All the seats are deep and barrier free.


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Re: Thinking about giving up!
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2004, 08:24:54 am »
Give the Dynasty Excalibur a try. I'm 6'2 and every seat including the lounger is comfortable.  My 6'7 friend seemed to enjoy it too. (no restrictive seating) My wife is 5'5 and my daughter is 5'4 and they both love it. And yes, good calf jets in the lounger.

Is this the dealer you weren't thrilled with?

Country Stove Company Inc.
6669 Royalton Rd.
North Royalton
OH, 44133
Phone: (440) 582-0062
Fax: (440) 582-0781
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15 miles away

PS, when I saw your name and that you were giving up, I thought maybe you were talking about the Browns. 8)
« Last Edit: September 23, 2004, 08:30:12 am by wmccall »
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Re: Thinking about giving up!
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2004, 09:48:11 am »

If you like the Marquis then try other models! I have found many people that initially though of the Euphoria because of the seating loved the reward! Try it and you might just change your mind on lounger vs no lounger.

My Favorite shell layout of any spa is the Marquis 636 Try that also.


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Re: Thinking about giving up!
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2004, 09:53:03 am »
Browns giving up? I thought the did that in Dallas last weekend. Will see what so called "magic" they can do against the Giants on Sunday.

Clevelandguy, as Windsurfdog mentioned, you may want to look at Master Spa. They have a huge dealer on the east side of Cleveland, thats where I got my spa from, and have been very happy with them.


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Re: Thinking about giving up!
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2004, 10:26:14 am »

Buck UP brother!  Is that any way for a resident of the Rock and Roll Capitol of the world to act?

Did Cleveland give up when the Cuyahoga River caught fire and burned back in the 70's?  Did we give up after Kuncinich was elected mayor (I had the opportunity to heckle him during a stop on his presidential campaign, which I did gladly -- Browns fans NEVER give up on a grudge) and nearly ruined the city?

HECK no!

Head down to that GREAT Italian place on the Hill near University Circle (it's been 20 years, so I hope it's still there), order the spaghetti with meatballs AND sausage, along with a bottle of the "special" house red.  Have a good meal and reflect on your options.

You WILL find a tub!  Posters, please HELP THIS MAN OUT!

God Bless ya, friend.

Keep the faith...


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Re: Thinking about giving up!
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2004, 10:33:18 am »
The only tub I have experience with is the Master Spas LSX.  If you have an MS dealer close, I highly recommend wet testing it.

Being as tall as you are I would stay away from any tub that has the wrap around shoulder jets like the master spas.  You'd never be able to cram yourself in there.  I would have to imagine that tub designers shoot to mold their seating for the avarage adult human height in order to fit most people.  You my friend are quite a few inches above that ;).  I have to agree with the comment about moving around when you wet test, you'll find a tub that fits everyone in your family, I'm sure of that.


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Re: Thinking about giving up!
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2004, 10:55:58 am »
Dimension 1 has lots of deep seating. Nautilus, Californian, Chairman you may find one corner in the Chairman II a little restrictive. All cost less than the Sarena Bay.

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Re: Thinking about giving up!
« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2004, 11:12:57 am »
Dimension 1 has lots of deep seating. Nautilus, Californian, Chairman you may find one corner in the Chairman II a little restrictive. All cost less than the Sarena Bay.


Actually the Californian would be a great choice for the budget you've set. Or even the Nautilus!  One more idea, you might consider going a whole different direction and looking at the D1 Diplomat with 2 loungers. I have seen more people that wanted open seating buy the diplomat than you can imagine. The seats are so well contoured with a lounge molded for a tall person and one specifically designed for fit a woman’s frame that couples love it!


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Re: Thinking about giving up!
« Reply #12 on: September 23, 2004, 12:37:38 pm »

At 5'8" I think his wife may be a little tall for the smaller louger in the Diplomat, wouldn't you agree?

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Re: Thinking about giving up!
« Reply #13 on: September 23, 2004, 12:44:53 pm »
Being as tall as you are I would stay away from any tub that has the wrap around shoulder jets like the master spas.  You'd never be able to cram yourself in there.  I would have to imagine that tub designers shoot to mold their seating for the avarage adult human height in order to fit most people.  You my friend are quite a few inches above that ;).  I have to agree with the comment about moving around when you wet test, you'll find a tub that fits everyone in your family, I'm sure of that.

Until you've tried the shoulder seat, you shouldn't poo-poo it.  Many friends much larger than myself (5'11") use it with no problems.  That's why I suggested wet testing--only you can be the judge of what fits you best--not others at this site........
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Re: Thinking about giving up!
« Reply #14 on: September 23, 2004, 12:47:40 pm »
I have to side with the "dawg" here. I am 6'2"+ and there are seats in the Coleman I cant fit in. I have seen folks my height fit because he/she(usually he) s longer in the leg than I. At least dry test. WSD, you must agree although very rewarding the neck/shoulder jets can be constricting.

Homeworks Financing Representative

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Re: Thinking about giving up!
« Reply #14 on: September 23, 2004, 12:47:40 pm »


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