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Author Topic: Arctic spa choices...  (Read 2276 times)


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Arctic spa choices...
« on: February 27, 2021, 06:28:40 am »
Hi all, we are previous owners of an Arctic spa summit model which we really liked, and have a good dealer nearby.  Had to give up the tub due to a move, and now are looking to get another.
For our back deck, the summit at 93" length/width is pushing us for space, but not completely out of the question.
Wondering if others have experience with these other models we are considering in their line:

Summit Legend select (60 jets, 3 pumps) - about 23k tax in (Canadian).  93x93". - So again, familiar with this one, but pushing limits size wise, and by far most expensive.

McKinley (40 jets 2 pumps) - this is a classic model similar to their Tundra, still 93 x 93.  Think seats might be more upright compared to summit.  About 15k.  Size vs price is tempting, but seats aren't quite as nice as the summit and less pumps/jets.

Yukon (40 jets 2 pumps) - think seats similar to tundra, but smaller foot print at 85x85, 4 seats.  18k.

Totem (40 jets 2 pumps) - similar to yukon but a classic model and 3 large seats instead of 4.  14k.

I don't suppose some folks here have tried a few of these?  Am I right in assuming the models with 2 jets will be plenty powerful for the 40 jets they are powering?

In terms of size and seating, most often there prob won't be more than three of us in the tub.

Help me decide!  :)

Edit - Figured I should note - I am in Nova Scotia and don't have the large amount of choices that folks in the US have.  We have two main dealers here - Arctic, and Beachcomber.  The beachcomer place also sells 'Freestyle' brand which they had on the floor and I was not impressed with the quality.  There is a master spas dealer listed online, but I sent them two email inquiries for pricing and never heard back.  Not the type of service I am interested in having a long term relationship with!
« Last Edit: February 27, 2021, 06:34:34 am by Gibson00 »

Hot Tub Forum

Arctic spa choices...
« on: February 27, 2021, 06:28:40 am »


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Re: Arctic spa choices...
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2021, 07:41:12 am »
Hi all, we are previous owners of an Arctic spa summit model which we really liked, and have a good dealer nearby.  Had to give up the tub due to a move, and now are looking to get another.
For our back deck, the summit at 93" length/width is pushing us for space, but not completely out of the question.
Wondering if others have experience with these other models we are considering in their line:

Summit Legend select (60 jets, 3 pumps) - about 23k tax in (Canadian).  93x93". - So again, familiar with this one, but pushing limits size wise, and by far most expensive.

McKinley (40 jets 2 pumps) - this is a classic model similar to their Tundra, still 93 x 93.  Think seats might be more upright compared to summit.  About 15k.  Size vs price is tempting, but seats aren't quite as nice as the summit and less pumps/jets.

Yukon (40 jets 2 pumps) - think seats similar to tundra, but smaller foot print at 85x85, 4 seats.  18k.

Totem (40 jets 2 pumps) - similar to yukon but a classic model and 3 large seats instead of 4.  14k.

I don't suppose some folks here have tried a few of these?  Am I right in assuming the models with 2 jets will be plenty powerful for the 40 jets they are powering?

In terms of size and seating, most often there prob won't be more than three of us in the tub.

Help me decide!  :)

Edit - Figured I should note - I am in Nova Scotia and don't have the large amount of choices that folks in the US have.  We have two main dealers here - Arctic, and Beachcomber.  The beachcomer place also sells 'Freestyle' brand which they had on the floor and I was not impressed with the quality.  There is a master spas dealer listed online, but I sent them two email inquiries for pricing and never heard back.  Not the type of service I am interested in having a long term relationship with!

I like both Beach and Arctic, IMO they are as good as any of the other top tier brands listed here, better than some. Keep in mind that number of pumps and jets can't tell you how a tub feels.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Arctic spa choices...
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2021, 07:41:12 am »


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