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Author Topic: Hot Tub (chem/check frequency) at our vacation home?  (Read 5220 times)


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Re: Hot Tub (chem/check frequency) at our vacation home?
« Reply #15 on: February 08, 2021, 09:15:26 am »
Just heard back from the folks who I purchased the tub through (and service it) yesterday. Seems they've dumped the PDC brand (new orders now at a 53 week wait) in favor of Aqua Living (8-12 weeks). From what I've read on here, they've lowered the bar as far as the quality of tub they're selling. Not a big surprise to me.

Figures that they would dump a decent manufacturer for a crappy one. I guess one needs to do what one needs to do to stay in business. If the service dept sucks now, imagine how much more they will suck when they are out doing all the warranty calls for Aqua Living tubs.

You can't find another dealer to service your tub? You certainly are not getting the service you paid for.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Hot Tub (chem/check frequency) at our vacation home?
« Reply #15 on: February 08, 2021, 09:15:26 am »


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Re: Hot Tub (chem/check frequency) at our vacation home?
« Reply #16 on: February 09, 2021, 07:43:43 am »

Figures that they would dump a decent manufacturer for a crappy one. I guess one needs to do what one needs to do to stay in business. If the service dept sucks now, imagine how much more they will suck when they are out doing all the warranty calls for Aqua Living tubs.

You can't find another dealer to service your tub? You certainly are not getting the service you paid for.

Rock, meet hard place...

Prior to going with the current group for their annual "bi-weekly" service, I had contacted the broker of the agency we purchased this place through last year (they also handle rental management/property services). I was given a very weak excuse of why they could not offer service on our tub: "It's too difficult to get to properties up there in the winter". Yep, I'd bet a pile of $ that if I had this home in their rental program that somehow they'd manage. Frankly, a good portion of the properties around here have similar/occasional access issues.

I had reached out to another fellow a few weeks ago (when our "contracted" group was a multi-week no show). I got his name from a couple of other people (local Facebook groups). He seemed nice enough, and told me his rates ($30 for regular chem checks/filter rinses/etc... and $60 for water changes). I thought, ok - let's give this a go. He indicated he'd come have a look that following week.

He never showed...

Again, the only two hot tub stores in the region are about an hour away, and don't do regular water checks in this area (only repair service). That's why I didn't purchase a more popular brand (Hot Springs, Jacuzzi) which they both carried, and instead went "local" with a good mid-level tub (from what I could find research wise) dealer for the "service after the sale" aspect as well as their experience repairing the brand (which they said was an infrequent occurrence), and their purported ability to regularly take care of the water.

I might just end up seeing if one of our neighbors could come by every couple of weeks to pop bromine tabs in the floater during the 1-2-3 month periods when we're not here.


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Re: Hot Tub (chem/check frequency) at our vacation home?
« Reply #17 on: February 09, 2021, 08:02:31 am »
Rock, meet hard place...

Prior to going with the current group for their annual "bi-weekly" service, I had contacted the broker of the agency we purchased this place through last year (they also handle rental management/property services). I was given a very weak excuse of why they could not offer service on our tub: "It's too difficult to get to properties up there in the winter". Yep, I'd bet a pile of $ that if I had this home in their rental program that somehow they'd manage. Frankly, a good portion of the properties around here have similar/occasional access issues.

I had reached out to another fellow a few weeks ago (when our "contracted" group was a multi-week no show). I got his name from a couple of other people (local Facebook groups). He seemed nice enough, and told me his rates ($30 for regular chem checks/filter rinses/etc... and $60 for water changes). I thought, ok - let's give this a go. He indicated he'd come have a look that following week.

He never showed...

Again, the only two hot tub stores in the region are about an hour away, and don't do regular water checks in this area (only repair service). That's why I didn't purchase a more popular brand (Hot Springs, Jacuzzi) which they both carried, and instead went "local" with a good mid-level tub (from what I could find research wise) dealer for the "service after the sale" aspect as well as their experience repairing the brand (which they said was an infrequent occurrence), and their purported ability to regularly take care of the water.

I might just end up seeing if one of our neighbors could come by every couple of weeks to pop bromine tabs in the floater during the 1-2-3 month periods when we're not here.

Where is the place? Any beer in the fridge? Mind if I cover up that camera up while I use the tub?


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Re: Hot Tub (chem/check frequency) at our vacation home?
« Reply #18 on: February 09, 2021, 08:27:24 am »

Where is the place? Any beer in the fridge? Mind if I cover up that camera up while I use the tub?


(West Virginia)


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Re: Hot Tub (chem/check frequency) at our vacation home?
« Reply #19 on: February 09, 2021, 02:53:20 pm »

Where is the place? Any beer in the fridge? Mind if I cover up that camera up while I use the tub?


Hot Tub Forum

Re: Hot Tub (chem/check frequency) at our vacation home?
« Reply #19 on: February 09, 2021, 02:53:20 pm »


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