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Author Topic: Nordic Crown 2 on deck - best way to hide electrical conduit?  (Read 4135 times)


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Nordic Crown 2 on deck - best way to hide electrical conduit?
« on: February 06, 2021, 08:46:52 am »
Hi all, I have a Nordic Crown 2 coming next month, which I plan to put on a freestanding low ground-level deck (I have neighbors within 20ft and only a 6 foot fence). I had been planning on having my contractor/electrician bring the conduit to the place indicated on the owner's manual diagram, but the dealer now says it is impossible for them to place the tub accurately on the stub of the conduit, and that though he highly recommends that it be located on the outside of the unit, if I want to have it come through the bottom I'll have to have the electrical done after they've brought the tub in.

Is this normal? I really want a clean design (it's a pretty Ipe deck) and don't want any wiring visible. It makes me nervous that they won't be able to deliver it and get it up and running and talk with me about chemicals, etc. I was hoping to fill it with them present.

Also, should I be asking my deck contractor to put the conduit in, or the electrician?

What do you all recommend?

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Nordic Crown 2 on deck - best way to hide electrical conduit?
« on: February 06, 2021, 08:46:52 am »


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Re: Nordic Crown 2 on deck - best way to hide electrical conduit?
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2021, 09:18:15 am »
Hi all, I have a Nordic Crown 2 coming next month, which I plan to put on a freestanding low ground-level deck (I have neighbors within 20ft and only a 6 foot fence). I had been planning on having my contractor/electrician bring the conduit to the place indicated on the owner's manual diagram, but the dealer now says it is impossible for them to place the tub accurately on the stub of the conduit, and that though he highly recommends that it be located on the outside of the unit, if I want to have it come through the bottom I'll have to have the electrical done after they've brought the tub in.

Is this normal? I really want a clean design (it's a pretty Ipe deck) and don't want any wiring visible. It makes me nervous that they won't be able to deliver it and get it up and running and talk with me about chemicals, etc. I was hoping to fill it with them present.

Also, should I be asking my deck contractor to put the conduit in, or the electrician?

What do you all recommend?

If they didn't want you to be able to have the wiring inside the cabinet they would not put it in the manual. If you are placing your spa in a spot where you can't get at a side to fix a leak and have to slide the spa out to get at that side the wire coming up through the floor will cause problems and the wiring will have to be disconnected and the spa will have to be lifted higher than the conduit to move it. Not a huge deal but a deal to consider.

You would have to be ready when the spa arrives and have a hole saw and tape measure handy.

I would not expect the delivery company to stick around waiting hours for it to fill and have the electrical completed (assuming the Electrician is on site when the spa arrives). If your dealer uses an outside company for deliveries they will likely drop and go.

I prefer Tech 90 cable over conduit from the outside spa box to the spa. It's a little bit more flexible and forgiving. Make sure to leave extra wire in the cabinet if you ever want to move the spa or reposition it.


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Re: Nordic Crown 2 on deck - best way to hide electrical conduit?
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2021, 09:35:30 am »
Thanks. All sides will be accessible (it will sit on its own on top of the deck, with portable stairs).

Isn't it common for people to have the conduit ready and sticking up for the tub to go on? How can I approach this with my dealer? I am already pretty unhappy with them and now this.


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Re: Nordic Crown 2 on deck - best way to hide electrical conduit?
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2021, 09:41:08 am »
Hi all, I have a Nordic Crown 2 coming next month, which I plan to put on a freestanding low ground-level deck (I have neighbors within 20ft and only a 6 foot fence). I had been planning on having my contractor/electrician bring the conduit to the place indicated on the owner's manual diagram, but the dealer now says it is impossible for them to place the tub accurately on the stub of the conduit, and that though he highly recommends that it be located on the outside of the unit, if I want to have it come through the bottom I'll have to have the electrical done after they've brought the tub in.

Is this normal? I really want a clean design (it's a pretty Ipe deck) and don't want any wiring visible. It makes me nervous that they won't be able to deliver it and get it up and running and talk with me about chemicals, etc. I was hoping to fill it with them present.

Also, should I be asking my deck contractor to put the conduit in, or the electrician?

What do you all recommend?

The last three tubs I've had delivered , I had the conduit ready to go (sticking out of my concrete ) and they slid the tub over the top no problems. Some places will come out and set it all up filled ready to go, and some will just drop it off, either way its pretty easy to set it over the conduit. No way at all I'd have that electric coming up on the outside and then going it.. looks tacky. You need to be more insistent! Make sure that wire comes up about 6 inches to a foot inside the front (control side) of where you want the tub to sit. Might have to adjust position of the tub a couple inches but thats it..

As far as the conduit sticking up you only need an inch or so, and have a couple feet wire above that to hook to the tub.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2021, 09:45:05 am by A.O. »


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Re: Nordic Crown 2 on deck - best way to hide electrical conduit?
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2021, 01:18:00 pm »
Just spoke with the manager. They refuse to do it but said I can do it myself if I want to. So frustrating.


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Re: Nordic Crown 2 on deck - best way to hide electrical conduit?
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2021, 07:06:57 pm »
Just spoke with the manager. They refuse to do it but said I can do it myself if I want to. So frustrating.

Did they give you a reason why?  We do it all the time with nordics. They are the easiest out of all the tubs we sell to do it (tub weighs much less then other brands we sell). I don’t understand why they wouldn’t. My guys love delivering Nordics because they weigh 1/3 of the other brands we carry


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Re: Nordic Crown 2 on deck - best way to hide electrical conduit?
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2021, 09:24:01 am »
@HotTubGuy, they told me they have run into lots of problems and don't like to do it. That said, I ended up talking with their main service guy yesterday and I think he will come out and do it.

They also told me it's really rare to trench the conduit. I'm completely confused. From online forums and people I know, no one has conduit just running across their lawn or even at the bottom of their hot tub.

And this is the biggest dealer (I think) in Colorado!


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Re: Nordic Crown 2 on deck - best way to hide electrical conduit?
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2021, 09:57:22 am »
I've never seen the conduit NOT trenched!, mine is trenched ant then comes up through the concrete pad... I cant imagine it running above ground.

Is it too late to find a new dealer??


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Re: Nordic Crown 2 on deck - best way to hide electrical conduit?
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2021, 12:08:25 pm »
I had my tub delivered and set in the location I wanted on the deck. They installed the cover lifter and cover and placed the steps on my deck and left. I had my 240GFCI pre wired and from the GFCI to the tub I ran the wires thru sealtite conduit under the deck. After they left I chose a location inside the tubs equipment compartment where I wanted to drill and missing the decks joists and I drilled a hole just slightly larger than the sealtite size and went thru the floor of the compartment the ABS pan and the 5/4 decking. I crawled under the deck and shoved it thru the hole and ran the sealtite thru the side of the electrical compartment using a fitting.

From the time they left till I was hooked up was about an hour and a couple hours to fill the tub and test the pumps and 24 hours later I was soaking in it.

The look of having it all hidden under the deck is what I was going for.

I agree if you use ridged conduit and have it sticking up and then try and drill a hole and lift the tub over the conduit would be a real pain. 


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Re: Nordic Crown 2 on deck - best way to hide electrical conduit?
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2021, 12:23:47 pm »
@HotTubGuy, they told me they have run into lots of problems and don't like to do it. That said, I ended up talking with their main service guy yesterday and I think he will come out and do it.

They also told me it's really rare to trench the conduit. I'm completely confused. From online forums and people I know, no one has conduit just running across their lawn or even at the bottom of their hot tub.

And this is the biggest dealer (I think) in Colorado!

The only problems I have seen is if people don’t follow the directions and just put the conduit wherever. If you followed the owners manual directions it’s a fairly large spot you can put the conduit at it should be easy for them to do. It’s not rare where we are to trench conduit.


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Re: Nordic Crown 2 on deck - best way to hide electrical conduit?
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2021, 09:07:43 am »
Not trenching in the conduit? I can see it if it's running along a pad or deck but if it's running across a lawn, etc? No.

Install it to code, period.

If it was me, this wouldn't be my dealer. My comfort level with them isn't high.


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Re: Nordic Crown 2 on deck - best way to hide electrical conduit?
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2021, 09:58:41 am »
I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately, I trusted them despite my gut since they are the biggest dealer in Colorado, and at this point I put down a non-refundable 50% deposit six months ago and the tub is scheduled to arrive next week. It's really weird.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Nordic Crown 2 on deck - best way to hide electrical conduit?
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2021, 09:58:41 am »


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