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Author Topic: Sticker shock  (Read 4533 times)


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Sticker shock
« on: February 23, 2021, 11:10:10 pm »
Total newbie to the hot tub game, but Im getting older and need to relax more. For the first time I got the wife to agree to head to the store to look at spas. I never never knew there was a salt water system but was intrigued by the hot spring brand, after reading other posts it sounds like theres been problems with the salt system going through $100 sticks in just 10 days! Definitely not something my dealer mentioned. Any ways Im here to ask you experts is this tub really worth it? I was quoted $15,995 for the Sovereign which i liked because of the lounger but i feel like the tub is lacking in jets that you can get out of traditional tubs. The D1 Sarena Bay is $16995 with nearly triple the jets and the bullfrog A8L came in at $17500, with cover steps and sound system. All great tubs but holly crap not what I was expecting for a tub with 28 jets.... I looked into Master spa but havent gotten any prices back yet.

Are these prices pretty normal or should i shop out of state (montana). Any thoughts on the three options i listed or any other recommended options. Cash would work but everyone is offering 0% right now.
Thanks for any help!

Hot Tub Forum

Sticker shock
« on: February 23, 2021, 11:10:10 pm »


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Re: Sticker shock
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2021, 09:29:52 am »
In my opinion (and I know everyone will jump on me) those tubs are way overpriced!! I looked at pretty much every tub out there in September and October after my tub was killed.  Decided , after very much research, to get a Cal Spas Cancun , a 93x93 tub, no lounger (I dont like them) 2 good pumps, no 24 hr circulation pump, not a fan of those either, 67 jets, huge footwell and the things I like (no SWG) heard to many bad things about them. It was $11,500 delivered, had it about a month and a half and I love it. Great power and all works perfect!!



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Re: Sticker shock
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2021, 10:56:14 am »
Total newbie to the hot tub game, but Im getting older and need to relax more. For the first time I got the wife to agree to head to the store to look at spas. I never never knew there was a salt water system but was intrigued by the hot spring brand, after reading other posts it sounds like theres been problems with the salt system going through $100 sticks in just 10 days! Definitely not something my dealer mentioned. Any ways Im here to ask you experts is this tub really worth it? I was quoted $15,995 for the Sovereign which i liked because of the lounger but i feel like the tub is lacking in jets that you can get out of traditional tubs. The D1 Sarena Bay is $16995 with nearly triple the jets and the bullfrog A8L came in at $17500, with cover steps and sound system. All great tubs but holly crap not what I was expecting for a tub with 28 jets.... I looked into Master spa but havent gotten any prices back yet.

Are these prices pretty normal or should i shop out of state (montana). Any thoughts on the three options i listed or any other recommended options. Cash would work but everyone is offering 0% right now.
Thanks for any help!

I think you might want to reply back by asking what kind of discount you can get for cash/check. That 0% financing is to help people get into a new tub but there is a cost involved to the dealer and many will happily take that cost out if you don't need the financing.

Unfortunately the best way to know which tub fits/feels best has always been a wet test which you won't be able to get most places. The good news is Hot Spring, D1 & Bullfrog are 3 very good brands and much better reputations than Master IMO.
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Sticker shock
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2021, 12:42:01 pm »
Hot Spring dealer here.  The Sovereign isn't the value leader in the lineup.  I would be looking more into the Aria and Envoy since you get quite a bit more.  I am hesitant to say this without knowing exactly what is included in that price quote, but that price seems high for the Sovereign. 

I'm a fan of the saltwater system but I wouldn't make that my decision maker.  While I haven't seen a cartridge fail in 10 days, if it did, it was a defective cartridge and a reputable dealer would replace at no cost. 

All 3 brands you have been quoted are reputable.  Factor the brand reputation with the dealer reputation in your search.  Neither Master Spas or Cal Spas will have the same reputation and while I will not personally consider either as good as Hot Spring, D1 or Bullfrog, I do think Master makes a decent product.

I would never use jet count as reference for how good of bad of a massage can be provided.  The type of jet, position of jet and how the hot tub is plumbed will make a big difference.  Also remember the Moto-Massage (whether you like it or not) is one jet that covers the entire back and is likely replacing 5-10 jets from a competing hot tub. 


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Re: Sticker shock
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2021, 08:11:16 pm »
the prices i have been given include the cover, lift, steps, and delivery.

Castletonia, is hotspring tubs the only ones that are offering salt water. My wife is pretty sold on softer water and not smelling like chemicals. As far as pricing I'm sure its because of where I live, we have a booming housing market. To buy furniture we go 2 hours away because it typically 500++ cheaper to purchase so im getting the feeling the same is going on with the hot tubs....

I was also looking at the ARTESIAN ELITE tubs does anyone have any advice on those as well.


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Re: Sticker shock
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2021, 12:34:12 am »
the prices i have been given include the cover, lift, steps, and delivery.

Castletonia, is hotspring tubs the only ones that are offering salt water. My wife is pretty sold on softer water and not smelling like chemicals. As far as pricing I'm sure its because of where I live, we have a booming housing market. To buy furniture we go 2 hours away because it typically 500++ cheaper to purchase so im getting the feeling the same is going on with the hot tubs....

I was also looking at the ARTESIAN ELITE tubs does anyone have any advice on those as well.

Assuming you are in the Bozeman vicinity - be sure to do your research on insulation. While Bozeman is/was considerably warmer than where I live now it still gets cold. I went with a Hot Springs Highlife series tub for a multitude of reasons but one of those was the tub base and overall insulation. Some of the other brands I'm sure are perfectly great in warmer climates. I was in my tub at minus 18F two weeks ago and only lost 2 degrees water temp in a half hour. Could barely see my hand through the steam but the water felt great!


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Re: Sticker shock
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2021, 09:22:44 am »
the prices i have been given include the cover, lift, steps, and delivery.

Castletonia, is hotspring tubs the only ones that are offering salt water. My wife is pretty sold on softer water and not smelling like chemicals. As far as pricing I'm sure its because of where I live, we have a booming housing market. To buy furniture we go 2 hours away because it typically 500++ cheaper to purchase so im getting the feeling the same is going on with the hot tubs....

I was also looking at the ARTESIAN ELITE tubs does anyone have any advice on those as well.

I was impressed with the Artesian line. ABS base with full foam insulation and Balboa controls. I know that A.O. had enough issues with his to return it for a Cal Spa but i believe he was the exception than the rule. I bought an Artesian Island Nevis. It's not here yet but I'm expecting good things from it.

 I looked at many brands and for me, the Artesians fit the bill for size, quality, price and availability.


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Re: Sticker shock
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2021, 11:05:52 am »
the prices i have been given include the cover, lift, steps, and delivery.

Castletonia, is hotspring tubs the only ones that are offering salt water. My wife is pretty sold on softer water and not smelling like chemicals. As far as pricing I'm sure its because of where I live, we have a booming housing market. To buy furniture we go 2 hours away because it typically 500++ cheaper to purchase so im getting the feeling the same is going on with the hot tubs....

I was also looking at the ARTESIAN ELITE tubs does anyone have any advice on those as well.

Hot Spring offers 4 different cover lifts which can vary by $300 and also has 2 different steps that can vary by $200 which is why I asked.  Caldera offers the same saltwater system as Hot Spring.  I have no experience with Artesian other than knowing they are regarded as a quality brand and a reputable manufacturer.

Water Boy

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Re: Sticker shock
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2021, 11:18:29 am »
the prices i have been given include the cover, lift, steps, and delivery.

Castletonia, is hotspring tubs the only ones that are offering salt water. My wife is pretty sold on softer water and not smelling like chemicals. As far as pricing I'm sure its because of where I live, we have a booming housing market. To buy furniture we go 2 hours away because it typically 500++ cheaper to purchase so im getting the feeling the same is going on with the hot tubs....

I was also looking at the ARTESIAN ELITE tubs does anyone have any advice on those as well.
Arctic Spas also offers a salt water system. The Spa boy system is very nice, and makes the spa easy to maintain. You won't have to replace those salt cells every 10 days. They typically last around two years.
Assuming you are in the Bozeman vicinity - be sure to do your research on insulation. While Bozeman is/was considerably warmer than where I live now it still gets cold. I went with a Hot Springs Highlife series tub for a multitude of reasons but one of those was the tub base and overall insulation. Some of the other brands I'm sure are perfectly great in warmer climates. I was in my tub at minus 18F two weeks ago and only lost 2 degrees water temp in a half hour. Could barely see my hand through the steam but the water felt great!
Arctic Spas Dealer of the Year- 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009

Red MC

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Re: Sticker shock
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2021, 12:33:01 pm »
Hi Randy,

FWIW, the D1 Sarena Bay quote you got is $1000 less than we were quoted here in New Hampshire.  The others are WAY above.  I didn't get a price on the Sovereign because we were looking at the Grandee, but if I extrapolate I'm guessing it would have come in about $3000 under what you were quoted.  Likewise, the quote we got on the A8 was around $13,800 if I remember right, with stereo included at no upcharge because our dealer said Bullfrog were building them all with the stereo.  These were from July of last year.


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Re: Sticker shock
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2021, 07:50:36 pm »
Thanks for the input everyone.  I am in the bozeman area so insulation is important but everyone claims they are great,  I don't think we have an artic spas dealer but I'll look into them. I've watch many reviews on how people love the salt system, I may have to get a test soak, but i don't want to over pay by $3000 just because I live in the bozeman area.


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Re: Sticker shock
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2021, 09:47:50 pm »
Thanks for the input everyone.  I am in the bozeman area so insulation is important but everyone claims they are great,  I don't think we have an artic spas dealer but I'll look into them. I've watch many reviews on how people love the salt system, I may have to get a test soak, but i don't want to over pay by $3000 just because I live in the bozeman area.

Everything is overpriced in Bozeangeles. Did that young kid holding a sign on the street corner asking for someone to sell him their house find a taker yet?


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Re: Sticker shock
« Reply #12 on: February 28, 2021, 02:08:21 pm »
$16,000 for a (1) pump Sovereign? all I have to say about that price is LOL

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Sticker shock
« Reply #12 on: February 28, 2021, 02:08:21 pm »


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