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Author Topic: Which of these two tubs is less-bad...?  (Read 2888 times)


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Which of these two tubs is less-bad...?
« on: February 01, 2021, 11:36:56 am »
Buying in the UK, and we absolutely are not the types that can wait months for something.  Also, our budget is ~£6k, which does not find you a luxury brand.

So far we're between these two, as they're both available delivered/installed in the next two weeks, and they're in budget.  My main criteria was 32A and wanting two loungers.

Tub 1:


This is a rebranded Vortex Spas "Mercury" model:  https://www.vortexspas.com.au/vortex-spas/mercury

Rather disappointingly, while Vortex appear to offer a decent warranty in NZ/Aus, their UK importer only offers ONE year...

Tub 2/3:


(Grouped together as they're the same manufacturer).  The original manufacturer is Platinum Spas, and I think they correlate to these two models:


Here in the UK we can't wet test either of them.  We can't even visit a showroom to look at them.  All non-essential businesses are closed apart from online sales.  So it's a bit of a punt!

I'm happy with any of those based on how they look.  I am a typical first-time buyer in that more jets looks like it equals better to me... But the Barbados is quite a bit pricier than the other two.

The Platinum Spa tubs come with built in speakers, but I don't think that's a deal-breaker.  They might sound shit, or have a terrible Bluetooth reliability, for example.  We already own bluetooth speakers, so it's not a big deal.  But, nice not to have to carry the speakers out every time we go out!

I think what's MOST important, is longevity, and reliability.  I know £6/7k is the cheap end of the market, but its still a lot of money and if the shell cracks in 2-3 years and there's no warranty, or the company wangles out of it somehow...

Thank you!

Hot Tub Forum

Which of these two tubs is less-bad...?
« on: February 01, 2021, 11:36:56 am »


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Re: Which of these two tubs is less-bad...?
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2021, 02:04:25 pm »
My thinking ,and its probably not everyone's thinking, .... Don't base/buy a hot tub on the value of speakers/sound systems/Bluetooth or things like that, base it on the hot tub if it comes with that stuff that's good I suppose. Seems like that kind of stuff is good for selling but not for how long it might work. but thats my thinking on that.
Motors and such are more important than numbers of jets in my book, that 122 jet guy scares me... if you are spreading the pump power to 122 jets how strong are they going to be?? Think about it. But that first tub only has one jet pump.. and that scares me too. Thats why wet tests are good to do but in this day and age I understand about not being able to do one.
have you found and customer ratings on them.. again take them with a grain of salt.

Good luck and let us know what you got and how you like it.


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Re: Which of these two tubs is less-bad...?
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2021, 06:26:40 pm »
The 122 jet one does mention that it has 3 pumps for them, so maybe not as ridiculous as you thought?

I just can't find anything about longevity of either brand. I can find plenty of negative stuff about Vortex on here, but specifically about the customer service from the USA and Canadian distributors.


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Re: Which of these two tubs is less-bad...?
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2021, 07:03:19 am »
Ah.. It does say 3 pumps, so who knows..

I like that it has a blower pump, I've not seen that in a while..


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Re: Which of these two tubs is less-bad...?
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2021, 06:51:56 pm »
Unfortunately I don’t believe you will find much insight on this board for those brand hot tubs. My only time hearing about Vortex is these boards

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Which of these two tubs is less-bad...?
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2021, 06:51:56 pm »


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