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Author Topic: First time trying to balance/set up water (not getting good local help)  (Read 3228 times)


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After 5 months, we finally have our tub at our vacation house! It's a (400 gal) PDC Malibu complete with Ozone and UV. It was set up by the local dealer which is a rental management company that maintains about 200 tubs locally. I was told ahead of time that they use a floating bromine dispenser in their tubs. Virtually all the tubs under their care are checked weekly. Since ours is not a rental, he suggested bi-weekly (and half price... $450/yr).

The tub had been filled and heated just a few days prior to our arrival. Once I got the snow off the top, I used some 6-in-1 test strips I picked up on Amazon. Well, the results showed that my tub water out of whack.

Bromine, basically 0 (Oh, and did I mention that despite of their claimed use of bromine floaters, there was no flotation device in my tub)!

Alkalinity very high (hard to tell precisely with the colors, but in the 180-240 range)

pH high (~ 8?)

Hardness basically 0

I contacted them about this (and the fact that they didn't bring the steps I ordered with it.. glad that there was at least a cover on it! They sent someone out who popped the top did a quick test (I guess just for bromine?) and proceeded to throw a small amount of granules into the tub and kicked on the jets/bubbles to help mix it. He then took a floater cartridge and removed some old/used bromine tablets, popped 2-3 new ones in, and away he went.

Later that day I checked and the bromine looked perfect - of course, everything else was as it had been (pegged high or low).

They're supposedly coming out today after I contacted them about this and I suggested the water really needs some initial balancing - after which I assume it will just need the cursory sanitization care that they seem to provide.

We only make it up here for a week or two every 2 or 3 months. There are NO other options with regard to other companies in the area who provide this service. A couple hot tub stores in towns (45 minutes away) claim it's too far to be part of their regular care route, and the only other rental management company in the valley used the lame excuse of "we can't get up there in the winter". That's interesting, since they manage to be able to send cleaning crews to all their homes... geesh

If these guys can't get things balanced, what do you recommend I do to get things stabilized myself, and in what order? ANY suggestions at this time would be appreciated !


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Re: First time trying to balance/set up water (not getting good local help)
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2020, 12:26:37 pm »
No need to stress.  It's pretty simple once you get the hang of it.  Just add some ph decreaser per the directions on the bottle.  You may need multiple doses.  I wouldn't worry about calcium hardness.


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Re: First time trying to balance/set up water (not getting good local help)
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2020, 01:42:05 pm »
No need to stress.  It's pretty simple once you get the hang of it.  Just add some ph decreaser per the directions on the bottle.  You may need multiple doses.  I wouldn't worry about calcium hardness.

They sent their "pro" back a short while ago. He said "I understand you need your pH down"? I said yes, and the alkalinity down, and hardness up. I REALLY think they were shocked that someone would actually check their own water, or doubt their level of care! He used a product which sent both the pH and alkalinity down after a few minutes. When stores open up after Christmas, I'll pick some up (to keep it in check). Any particular ones that you could recommend?

I then asked him about the bromine reading 0. Not much of a reply, because it's difficult to read faces... I asked if he could test it, and he said he doesn't usually do that. I said, "so you just throw some in, and rely on faith"? He pretty much agreed. He said he put three bromine tabs in the floater the other day "which should be enough". I asked if he could leave me a couple in case mine needs any additional - he replied that they were out, and waiting to get some back in (yep, this is a place that manages a couple hundred tubs)...

I wish I was up here (1000 miles from home) more often to keep things in check. Looks like they'll come every two weeks and throw a tab or two in there "on faith". What I'll plan on doing is having on hand the ability to get things fine tuned as much as possible upon our return.

Thinking back to the days when we rented in this area, and didn't think much of it (the quality of the water in the managed tubs)... ignorance WAS bliss!


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Re: First time trying to balance/set up water (not getting good local help)
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2021, 03:04:18 pm »
Managed to get everything balanced on (the) Monday (after Christmas). It stayed that way for a good week, until we left.

The every other week service (annual plan) I purchased from the local dealer, well... as of tomorrow it will have been three weeks since they checked/added bromine. I'm glad I have plenty of cameras at my place... and they're going to get tired of me having to remind them (as will I) !!


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Re: First time trying to balance/set up water (not getting good local help)
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2021, 12:51:30 pm »
I would definitely be on their case. They signed a contract which you paid for and are obviously not full filling their end of the contract. Just my 2 cents :)


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Re: First time trying to balance/set up water (not getting good local help)
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2021, 02:41:42 pm »
I would definitely be on their case. They signed a contract which you paid for and are obviously not full filling their end of the contract. Just my 2 cents :)

Yep !

Mr. Paul

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Re: First time trying to balance/set up water (not getting good local help)
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2021, 03:46:12 pm »
I got my tub about three weeks ago and had the same issue. I couldn't get the PH or Alkalinity down. I ended up using 32 oz of Ph down and had so much that I had a weird taste in the my mouth after using the Hot tub. My Bromine levels were extremely low as well. I also had a bromine tablet/floater thing as well and kept loading more and more tablets to no effect. So i wen to Menards and bought some granular bromine to quickly get the levels up. After a few days my Alkalinity and PH started to normalize and everything started to align. Of course my bromine levels were way high, but that came down.

Hope this helps.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: First time trying to balance/set up water (not getting good local help)
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2021, 03:46:12 pm »


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