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Author Topic: 2003 Sundance Optima with pipe banging noise  (Read 4823 times)


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2003 Sundance Optima with pipe banging noise
« on: October 12, 2020, 01:42:32 pm »
I have a 2003 sundance optima that is working great in all respects but one. This model has a 2 speed pump and a single speed pump. Both pumps push tons of water and works reasonably quietly. Unfortunately, the 2 speed pump, when running at high speed, causes one of the pipes between itself and the diverter valve for it to powerfully vibrate inconsistently. This results in a loud banging noise not unlike a water hammer except that it keeps happening (5-6 times a second).  I can calm it down by fully diverting the water flow away from the whirlpool nozzles and toward the Jets.  It does not seem to occur on the low speed setting.  I have replaced the 2 speed pump with a brand new unit, thinking it was perhaps an impeller problem etc, but the noise is still there.  Any thoughts?

Hot Tub Forum

2003 Sundance Optima with pipe banging noise
« on: October 12, 2020, 01:42:32 pm »


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