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Author Topic: RE: Questions about the Nordic Retreat  (Read 2214 times)


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RE: Questions about the Nordic Retreat
« on: September 16, 2020, 01:33:04 pm »
Hi folks.

I've been lurking about here for a few weeks now. Finally decided to join.

A little about me: My wife and I have had an older Caldera Martinique hot tub which we really enjoyed as my wife works as a nurse and finds relaxing in the hot tub the perfect way to get her through the long Maine winters (me -- I enjoy snowmobiling, but hot tubbing is a nice way to end the day).

In any case, our Martinique had some repair issues and due to the age and my wife's desire to downsize a bit we gave the Martinique away and are now looking at purchasing a new model (although it seems as though this was most definitely NOT the best of time to do so with the higher demand in hot tub purchases.)

Thanks in no small part to this site I began a hard look at the Nordic line of hot tubs . . . mainly because they had a model that would fit on our deck where the old Martinique was located and because my wife and I are more about reliability and simplicity vs. having all the bells and whistles.

So a few questions . . .

-- Recognizing that we are more about the price point and simplicity . . . other than the lights, waterfall and higher hp pump are there any other differences between the Retreat SE and Retreat MS?

-- Will we notice a difference between the different sized pumps?

-- Is there any reason down the road if and when a pump dies that I could not replace it with the higher hp pump?

Hot Tub Forum

RE: Questions about the Nordic Retreat
« on: September 16, 2020, 01:33:04 pm »


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