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Author Topic: Marquis Epic (new) v Jacuzzi J-465 (used)?  (Read 1723 times)


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Marquis Epic (new) v Jacuzzi J-465 (used)?
« on: September 02, 2020, 12:00:49 pm »
I'm writing this to help my parents. They are moving out of state and have to leave behind their tub and get a new one. They previously had a Marquis Epic and they say the love it.

On the other hand, I've found someone local that is selling their 3 year old Jacuzzi J-465. It seems to be in great condition and all working order. Single person used a few times a week, but now is moving out of country.

The local dealer has quoted me at $13.5k for a Marquis Epic.
The local craigslist is asking $10k for their J-465.

What do you think?

Hot Tub Forum

Marquis Epic (new) v Jacuzzi J-465 (used)?
« on: September 02, 2020, 12:00:49 pm »


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