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Author Topic: General question - amount of pymt requested at time of order?  (Read 5214 times)


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General question - amount of pymt requested at time of order?
« on: August 05, 2020, 04:07:55 pm »
Just wondering when placing an order for a hot tub, through a dealer, what amount of payment you've typically been asked to make. (informal poll!)

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General question - amount of pymt requested at time of order?
« on: August 05, 2020, 04:07:55 pm »

Red MC

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Re: General question - amount of pymt requested at time of order?
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2020, 05:15:31 pm »
I asked a bunch of different dealers the same question last month.  The answers I got ranged from $1500 to $5000.  Due to the pandemic related delays, I suspect the dealers on the high end of that range were trying to get a little more up front than they might usually ask for, but I'm not sure about that.  Quotes on the various hot tubs we were looking at ranged from $11k to $18k, but I'm not sure if that would make any difference.


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Re: General question - amount of pymt requested at time of order?
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2020, 06:17:58 pm »
Every dealer is different.  I request 50% down on special orders and 25% down if the hot tub was available inventory on an incoming truck,


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Re: General question - amount of pymt requested at time of order?
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2020, 07:30:43 pm »
Want my COVID answer or regular answer lol. Typically I’m same as Castletonia for most part. In stock 20% special order 50%. Right now in stock paid in full but special orders I am taking smaller deposits because of the uncertainty of when tubs will be received. I’m giving everybody outs on special orders until I get confirmation they are in production then I up the deposit to my normal amounts.

Red MC

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Re: General question - amount of pymt requested at time of order?
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2020, 08:53:59 pm »
Wow, I didn't think the amount I was being asked to pay up front was that low.  My last purchase was 17 years ago and that was a higher percentage (I forget how high) but there wasn't much uncertainty and the delivery date was only 6 weeks out, so I had no qualms about it.

I have to say that there's no way in a million years that I'd pay 50% in current times.  It's not just about the long wait time.  I'm not 100% confident that companies will still be in business long enough to fulfill my order, so I don't want to put any more money on the table than I'm willing to just write off.  I'm not as worried about the manufacturers as I am the dealers.


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Re: General question - amount of pymt requested at time of order?
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2020, 09:20:35 pm »
We are a bit different.

Right now, we are asking 20% down for special orders (6-7 month lead time,) 30% on swimmers.

$500 down on anything coming in stock on a truck.

I'm wondering if I am too low... but that is a significant competitive advantage for me ;)


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Re: General question - amount of pymt requested at time of order?
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2020, 10:17:47 pm »
Wow, I didn't think the amount I was being asked to pay up front was that low.  My last purchase was 17 years ago and that was a higher percentage (I forget how high) but there wasn't much uncertainty and the delivery date was only 6 weeks out, so I had no qualms about it.

I have to say that there's no way in a million years that I'd pay 50% in current times.  It's not just about the long wait time.  I'm not 100% confident that companies will still be in business long enough to fulfill my order, so I don't want to put any more money on the table than I'm willing to just write off.  I'm not as worried about the manufacturers as I am the dealers.

I get that. Part of the reason I’m doing small deposits on tubs not yet in stock is because if they cancel I don’t want to have to write a big check for them. That being said my company like I’m sure many others could not sell a thing the rest of the year and still have a better overall year then last year. I hit my total units sold for 2019 in late May of this year.  Luckily for me I leased a large warehouse in January to have my largest inventory of hot tubs in stock at any point since I’ve owned my business. So when all this began I was in pretty good shape inventory wise (not so much now 😂)  I think most dealers are having great years if not best years ever. I also do Inground pools and I’m currently booking as of today into September of 2021. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon! 


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Re: General question - amount of pymt requested at time of order?
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2020, 10:32:02 pm »
Wow, I didn't think the amount I was being asked to pay up front was that low.  My last purchase was 17 years ago and that was a higher percentage (I forget how high) but there wasn't much uncertainty and the delivery date was only 6 weeks out, so I had no qualms about it.

I have to say that there's no way in a million years that I'd pay 50% in current times.  It's not just about the long wait time.  I'm not 100% confident that companies will still be in business long enough to fulfill my order, so I don't want to put any more money on the table than I'm willing to just write off.  I'm not as worried about the manufacturers as I am the dealers.

As a business, we offer hot tubs (Hot Spring and Caldera), build in-ground pools and sell chemicals and supplies.  Currently we are taking pool deposits for 2022 (2021 already booked), our chemical sales are up about 300% and we will match last years sales totals this month.  We're not going anywhere. 

I don't say this to be disrespectful, just my opinion as if I was a customer.  If I didn't trust that the company I was about to make a large purchase from was going to be in business in 6 months, I probably wouldn't be doing business with them. 


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Re: General question - amount of pymt requested at time of order?
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2020, 07:59:09 am »

The place I ordered from required 100% (paid in full/in advance). Thought that was a bit odd! So, they're sitting on $10k - I'm guessing that PDC did not require that from them for the order.

Red MC

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Re: General question - amount of pymt requested at time of order?
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2020, 05:13:54 pm »
Thanks, I appreciate the sensible replies.

I was thinking from a different POV, like if you don't get any product, how long can you last on deposits.  I work in a completely different industry, and our ability to satisfy our commitments is falling apart due to supply chains tanking and also because of highly skilled employees who can't put in the hours in the workplace because of child care and/or fear of safety.  Perhaps I'm being a bit too doom and gloom.

I just checked and the deposit we put down two weeks ago was 33% (4500/13599).  But one of the most reputable dealers in my area (IMHO) sells Hot Springs and Bullfrog and only asked for $1500.  I would have liked to order from him; he's got a great reputation all around, but just like the last time we purchased a hot tub he didn't have quite what we were looking for.

One pleasant surprise was that only two out of the 6-8 dealers we were interested in and got pricing from were asking for inflated prices compared to normal times.


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Re: General question - amount of pymt requested at time of order?
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2020, 07:16:03 pm »
Thanks, I appreciate the sensible replies.

I was thinking from a different POV, like if you don't get any product, how long can you last on deposits.  I work in a completely different industry, and our ability to satisfy our commitments is falling apart due to supply chains tanking and also because of highly skilled employees who can't put in the hours in the workplace because of child care and/or fear of safety.  Perhaps I'm being a bit too doom and gloom.

I just checked and the deposit we put down two weeks ago was 33% (4500/13599).  But one of the most reputable dealers in my area (IMHO) sells Hot Springs and Bullfrog and only asked for $1500.  I would have liked to order from him; he's got a great reputation all around, but just like the last time we purchased a hot tub he didn't have quite what we were looking for.

One pleasant surprise was that only two out of the 6-8 dealers we were interested in and got pricing from were asking for inflated prices compared to normal times.

You in New Hampshire? 

Red MC

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Re: General question - amount of pymt requested at time of order?
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2020, 08:41:33 am »


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Re: General question - amount of pymt requested at time of order?
« Reply #12 on: August 07, 2020, 01:20:13 pm »
Too bad the BF/Hot Spring dealer didn’t have what you needed. Tommy is a good guy to deal with over there. Super friendly and knowledgeable

Red MC

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Re: General question - amount of pymt requested at time of order?
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2020, 02:57:33 pm »
That's my impression as well.  I've met Tom, Steve, Bob (co-owner) and Mary.  They're friendly, knowledgeable, low pressure, offer a fair price up front so you don't waste time playing haggling games, and they have one of the best reputations in the area among owners.  I did buy a Big Green Egg from them, and it was the first place we went to when looking for a new hot tub.  It's just that we wanted a spa that could fit 8, preferably with no lounger.  Hot Spring doesn't make anything that big.  Bullfrog offers the M9, which we were interested in, but we weren't sure about the Adirondack chair-style seating.  We didn't care for the Adirondack chair seats in the D1 Amore Bay that we tested, and we sometimes like to play cards while we're soaking and you need to sit upright for that.  There was no chance of testing the M9 since nobody has them, at least not around here, so that was out.  We like the A8 and the Grandee, but just decided to go bigger.

By the way, are you down in Lakeville?  If so, have you ever sold a V150P swim spa?  We were really curious about that one, but the length would have been awfully tight on our patio.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2020, 03:53:19 pm by Red MC »


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Re: General question - amount of pymt requested at time of order?
« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2020, 04:11:54 pm »
Yes I am. I have 3 on order but haven’t delivered any yet. It’s new for this year. Seems like a pretty cool unit.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: General question - amount of pymt requested at time of order?
« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2020, 04:11:54 pm »


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