What's the Best Hot Tub

Author Topic: Really didn’t want to be this guy but buying a hot tub and I’m just lost.  (Read 3105 times)


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So I am the type of person who likes to do some research and then buy something that is the best bang for the buck.  I have to say, trying to find the right hot tub has been my biggest challenge to date and since I would like to get to the point of actually buying one I could really use some help here.   

I started out wanting a pool, but they were way too expensive and not a good return if I sell my place.  Then I thought a swim spa might be the answer but being 49, and with a few lbs too many am I really going to become a power swimmer with this?  That led me to a hot tub.  had one 20 years ago which I loved until it became the monthly leaker and hadn’t thought about it since.  But being that I would use it as a cool tub in the summer and hot tub in the colder months and that it could be dropped in my deck made it the right choice for me. 

I thought I would be able to get down to a few solid choices in a matter of a day or two but damn, you need a PhD to get through what matters and what doesn’t, what’s real and what’s a gimmick, and who’s products really stand above the rest.   I looked at the hottub university videos and admit I was close to just paying him the personal shopper fee until I found this site.  It’s very informative and I really appreciate the honesty of your posters.  So many times people volunteer that they sold one brand or another and that’s awesome that people are so up front.  But even then, there are just sooo many options and opinions given different budgets, preferences, and locations that I feel lost.

All that being said, I would greatly appreciate it if some of you would be kind enough to give me your advice.

Here is my situation
Location, Nashville- to be used by a couple in there late 40’s (I’m 6.3, 255 so looking for a bigger tub) and perhaps some friends from time to time.  Definitely used to cool down in the hot summer months.  Need some good pressure and definitely good shoulder neck stress relief jets in at least one seat.  Plan on placing it in my deck.  While I don’t have an crazy budget I am willing to spend for quality, reliability, and features that make sense (don’t care about sound systems, crazy lighting, or waterfalls unless you tell me they will really enhance my experience.)

Currently I am looking at a HotSpring Vangaurd, PDC Biscyane or Fiji, or master spa TS8.2.   Ultimately I want 4 larger people to fit comfortably with the ability to fit 6.  Do you see advantages/disadvantages with these?   Would you recommend another brand to look at?

Some of the questions I have
Does saltwater really make a difference?
Are the MotoMassage jets of the HotSpring worth the extra money?
Being that the unit will be dropped in a cut out deck I want this thing as reliable as possible does one brand have a better reputation than the others?  ( I checked BBB.org and two have very good ratings, couldn’t find one on PDC.)
What else should I be concerned about?

I know this leaves a lot to be discussed so I apologize but it also shows how lost I am.

Appreciate any advice or recommendations.  If you are a dealer and do have a recommendation, would you mind throwing in what a good price would be.

Thanks guys.

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I have a Master Spa TS8.25 and I love it.

There's not a lot of people here who like Master for reasons I don't think matter so be ready for people to call them mediocre, middle of the road, etc.

Whatever you decide, a wet test is imperative to your due diligence.

Good luck!

The Wizard of Spas

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I think you should find what is in your area in terms of dealers, sit in the tubs, see what fits your body, and find what jets are comfortable to you.  Our thoughts are irrelevant if you don't have that brand in your area, or you do not feel good in the tub ergonomically - speaking.

Do you first - Don't worry about the thoughts of others.  If I was a champion of (say) Hot Springs and I talked about them until I was blue in the face in terms of X, Y, Z, but you didn't feel comfortable in them, then anything I said was irrelevant.

To go to the next step - If I was a champion of (say) Master Spas but there is no dealer in your area, that again makes whatever I say irrelevant.

The point is - if you do not know what you want, figure out what you DONT WANT / CANT HAVE, and see what is left over.  Let your body tell you what you like, not what randoms on the internet shill for (KIDDING!  That is me being cheeky- lots of smart people on here!).

I hope this helps.  Good luck moving forward.


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Thank you both for the information.  I haven’t done a wet test yet but will definitely make sure that happens before I buy.  Completely makes sense.  My other issue is that some of the manufacturers are not close at all.  I’ve read here that getting the right dealer is very important and I guess from a warranty standpoint it is.

Thanks again.


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I agree with the advice to wet test, and I'd recommend to do it sooner than later. It will help you narrow down the options. I was completely sold on a La-Z-Boy Spa after seeing it at a Home Show. I thought I was absolutely sure what I wanted, and then the wet test was total lunch-bag-letdown. We tried a couple of their spas and ended up ruling that brand out completely.

We tried our friends' Sundance spa, didn't like the configuration. Then we wet-tested a Jacuzzi J350 (I think), it was nice, then the Jacuzzi salesperson suggested we try the J480 since we were already there. We absolutely loved it and it was only a matter of deciding on lounger or no lounger from there (we opted for no lounger and went with the J470).

We have had it for almost 5 years and still love it. We have always appreciated the unique features which made it stand out and they were well worth the money. I am certain that we use it much more often because we got a spa that is comfortable and has exactly what we wanted.


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Makes sense, thank you.

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